what attractions bored you as a kid?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just what the title suggests. When growing up, what attractions didn't excite you and just right out bored you? For me in 1990 when I was six, it was;
Enchanted Tiki Room
Most of EPCOT (sorry old schoolers ^^; )
I know there were more. Once I think of them, I'll mention them


Well-Known Member
Actually I had incredibly different tastes as a kid, and there is a lot of stuff that just wasn't interested to ride at the time, though as I have grown older I enjoy and appreciate just about every ride there. In Magic Kingdom at least, as a kid you could leave me in Tomorrowland all day and I would just be the happiest ever.

As years past, and in my mid 20's now and finally going back to the parks, it boggles my mind how many rides I didn't ride as a kid, either out of disinterest or simply not knowing they were there. As luck would have it though I did have the foresight to ride on just about every big ride that was eventually removed or replaced. I only rode 20K once, but that makes it more special.

But, to answer the question....probably Big Thunder Mountain Road. While both it and SM are on a similar level of "thrill" it was just lacking the same theming and atmosphere that makes me drool over SM so much, even to this day.

E-Ride Night

New Member
Carousel of Progress bored me as a kid. I'm only 23, but I enjoy it every single time I go to it now. I know it's an old old old attraction but it always puts a smile on my face and it's a great thing to watch while you're taking a rest midday.


THere were some from my trips as a child but its funny...

Hall of Presidents : Now I love it and am proud to be an American and I make my wife go to it with me every time. I said it was out duty.

American Adventure: Now pretty much same as Hall of Presidents.

Mission to Mars: It still never grew on me ever. But I do have a appreciation for it.

Small World: Now, just have to. Just because.

Carousel of Progress: Now I am the biggest fan of it. Ride it everytime and always makes me just feel that Disney touch.


I dreaded the Hall of Presidents as a little kid. My parents dragged me in there a couple times and I was practically kicking and screaming. Later on I became a history buff, and now it's one of my favorites.

The original Universe of Energy bored me to tears and probably still would if it still existed in that form.

I HATED all of the World Showcase films, especially the one in Norway (thank goodness they let you skip it).

Oddly enough, I always liked Carousel of progress, even at age 5.

I also loved most every EPCOT Center attraction as a young kid in the early 90's (except the aforementioned UOE). I was especially fond of Horizons, World of Motion, and the Original JII. Most of my friends as a kid hated everything in Epcot, so I guess I was just more enlightened.


Well-Known Member
Hall of presidents definatly!!! I guess now I would'nt mind seeing it for the animontronics(or however its spelt)...Then the People mover(TOT) ...now its one of our favorite rides ..yes I know very sad but I love it....I remember going to EPCOT with my grandparents and thinking how boring the whole park was....OH How stupid was I !!!!!! God I miss World of motion, Horizons, (now the song will be stuck in my head)....All the old School stuff...I wish I could have appreciated it then..But as a 10 yr old I could have cared......Now going to Epcot..Its one of my favorite parks!!! I love the fact that my 5 and 8 yr old love it as well......Oh I miss it!!!!!


New Member
i never really had one to really bore me to sleep, however when you are young and full of energy all day some of the rides and attractions are nice to sleep through LOL!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Dumbo, Cinderella's Carousel, Mad Tea Party.

They were all attractions that I'd seen before at the local fair. I wanted adventure!


Well-Known Member
20,000 leagues under the sea

Just very boring ride that had long lines, not a whole lot to see under the water there.


Hall of Presidents, no doubt. I would probably like it now that I'm older, but I just can't shake those boring memories, so I haven't been back. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Isn't it funny how our tastes change?

Hall of Presidents
Small World
Universe of Energy
World of Motion
Spaceship Earth (Sorry)

I always, however, loved the COP. Even when I saw it originally at 7 at DL.

Today I love em all.

My kids all dislike Spaceship Earth, even today. So does my wife. I can't get them to do it without shameless begging.


Well-Known Member
I think most attractions I viewed as "boring" were generally avoided, but I remember begin really bored by AK when it first opened...to a kid when it first opened, it seemed like there was nothing to do, but now I can appreciate it and do more...plus, Everest helped it out.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
For me it was small world and all of world showcase (except Mexico and Norway). The funny thing is, they still bore me to this day. I loved Epcot but dreaded world showcase once we got past Norway.


Well-Known Member
The CircleVision movies and Universe of Energy bored me then. The former, not so much anymore, and Ellen's Energy Adventure is slightly less boring.

But a lot of attractions which one would not think to be tops on one's list of things to do *did* excite me: Horizons, World of Motion, WEDWay People Mover (TTA), Spaceship Earth, touring the ride-less World Showcase pavilions (especially at night).

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