What Are Your Top 10 Things To Do At WDW? #2

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In light of the success of mr toad's thread on your favorite things to do OUTSIDE the parks at WDW, I've decided to start another. This one asks for your top 10 things to do INSIDE the parks. However, there's a catch to make it a little tougher and more interesting:

Your top 10 can't include attractions!

I can't wait to see some of the creative things you all do inside the 4 gates besides the attractions! Here's my top 10 things:

1. Grab an early morning bite at the Main Street Bakery (mmmmm, danish)
2. Take pictures
3. Sit on a bench and "people watch"
4. Find our Leave a Legacy tile
5. Shop at Mouse Gears for new souveniurs
6. Ride segways at Epcot
7. Eat at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe (nacho cheese dispensed like ketchup!)
8. Get character autographs
9. Eat at the Sci Fi Drive-In
10. Shop for Disney Patches

There's your start! What are YOUR favorites? :)


Well-Known Member
1. People watch
2. Have a hot dog at Casey's
3. take pics
4. see the fireworks (they aren't attractions are they? :confused: )
5. SHOP!
6. pin trade
7. collect autographs
8. watch my kids enjoy themselves
9. listen to Sonney Eclipse
10.Get some chocolate chip cookies from the Main Street Bakery. :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Good thread! Ok, let's see...

In no particular order:

1)Turkey Legs!!
2)Eat lunch at Cosmic Ray's right around parade time.
3)Stop by the Emporium, Mouse Gear, and Villains En Vogue at least once.
4)Meet Mickey in the Judge's Tent.
5)Take lots of pictures of just about anything.
6)Eat at 50s' Prime Time Cafe.
7)Mickey Ice Cream Bars!
8)I always try to get some crepes from France or some pastry from the Boulangerie.
9)Stop by Ice Station Cool (this doesn't count as an attraction does it? :lol: )
10)Eat at Cantina San Angel.


Well-Known Member
In no particular order:

1. stop by splash photo and briar patch to say hi to my former coworkers
2. shop in every possible gift shop (esp. pooh corner, emporium, mouse gear briar patch, splash photo, ye olde christmas shoppe, etc... I could go on forever :lol: )
3. watch parades
4. watch night shows (wishes, illuminations, fantasmic)
5. people watch
6. enjoy the atmosphere (like the smells esp. the main street bakery)
7. take lots of pictures
8. get character autographs (yup 21 and still have to get my book signed - I'm never growing up! :) )
9. eat a micky premium bar (no trip is complete without it)
10. eat at the wonderful restaurants (esp. crystal palace and 50's prime time cafe :slurp: )


Naturally Grumpy
Make me think...

10. Visit with characters
9. Pins (how did I get started on that...)
8. Prime Time Cafe
7. Off kilter
6. MK Parade
5. Talking with fun cast members
4. Victoria and Alberts
3. Dole Whips
2. Illuminations
1. Wishes


Again in no particular order

1.) Grab a couple of cookies and some milk while waiting on Main Street for the Electrical Light Parade, er, Spectromaggot.
2.) People watch (Especially at what footwear people choose to don for a theme park)
3.) Find the unbeaten paths. A couple at AK that wind up and around the normal path, a few in the countries at EPCOT.
4.) Go into the Art Stores and look at all the stuff that costs way too much that I want (Especially at the MK and MGM)
5.) Breakfast in France
6.) Stop and watch the street performers (Especially in MGM)
7.) Play tag with Peter Pan and Wendy (Sadly, only my brother and mom did that, I was not with them, I hope to one day though)
8.) Race my brother from American Adventure to the monorail right after Illuminations finishes (No running, but you have to be good at getting through crowds)
9.) Visit the Tiki Drums in front of The Tiki Room (Sort of a joke with my brother)
10.) Anytime any of my family is at a Disney park, or doing something related to Disney when we are not there, we have to called each other and start off with the line, "So guess where I am right now." just so we can rub it in each other faces:D


Here's my list in no particular order.

1) Not worrying about eating healthy and having a Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bar!
2) Shopping! I especially love the Emporium and Mouse Gear.
3) Drooling over the monorail toys and accessories
4) Watching "Wishes". Can't have a more Disney moment than watching fireworks over Cinderella Castle timed to music.
5) Monorail! Especially getting to ride in the front!
6) Meeting Mickey. Yeah, I don't care that I'm 24...I still like meeting my favorite corporate symbol. :)
7) Watching Cinderella Castle change colors at night...very relaxing.
8) Observe other sapiens doing their vacation ritual
9) Seeing the shows that open the Magic Kingdom or Animal Kingdom
10) Just enjoying spending time with the person I love.


Well-Known Member
In no specific order....

1.) enjoy the crap out of a Dole Whip or two

2.) eat a burger at Pinocchio Haus and laugh as my Love drools over their free cheese sauce

3.) watch people get startled by the moving HM gravestone

4.) meander around, in-and-out of shops, gazing at CM pin lanyards for something that catches my eye

5.) take pics with Mickey and Pooh characters

6.) photograph everything even though I have a couple thousand shots already. (is it possible to go to MK and not take a shot of the castle? I think not!)

7.) snoop around "closed" or "under construction" or "backstage" places when the opprotunity presents itself. (my motto: always try to look over a wall or past a curtain!)

8.) look for hidden mickeys, secrets and small details on buildings, scenery and in general theming.

9.) drool over the amazing things in the Art/Gallery stores

10.) Ending the night with fireworks

*wistful sigh* Now I want to go back!


Well-Known Member

Here we go (in no particular order). Most pertain to the MK as it is my favorite.

1) Ride Spash Mountain at least 3 times!
2) Ride PoTC at least 3 times!
3) Ride the Haunted Mansion at least 3 times!
4) Ride the WEDway People Mover over and over
5) Yes I am kidding.... :lol:

1) My eyes well up when I walk up Main Street, USA on the first day
2) Eat lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern
3) Look at the attraction posters under the Train Station
4) Take a ton of photos
5) Replenish (spelling?) my WDW shirt supply
6) Eat a Citrus Swirl at least once
7) Have a hard cider outside of The Rose and Crown Pub
8) Watch the enjoyment of little kids
9) Watch shopping on Main Street, USA
10) My eyes well up as I exit Main Street, USA on the last day


Well-Known Member
MissM said:
In no specific order....

6.) photograph everything even though I have a couple thousand shots already. (is it possible to go to MK and not take a shot of the castle? I think not!)

I am the exact same way! I always seem to take like a million pics on every trip! Then I look at them and it always seems like I take more pics of the castle than I realize.

I was heartbroken when I dropped my digital camera on my last trip in July on day 2 of my vacation and broke the camera. I ended up with a couple hundred pics from before my camera broke and one disposable camera full of pics afterwards. Smallest number of pics I've ever taken on a disney trip.

Sorry for the thread drift.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
mrtoad said:

Here we go (in no particular order). Most pertain to the MK as it is my favorite.

1) Ride Spash Mountain at least 3 times!
2) Ride PoTC at least 3 times!
3) Ride the Haunted Mansion at least 3 times!
4) Ride the WEDway People Mover over and over
5) Yes I am kidding.... :lol:

You got me! I was like.."what the #$!!?" :rolleyes: :lol:
Wow...another tough one...ok here goes....mine mostly centers around food and alcohol. :slurp: :slurp:

1) Eat pot roast at Prime Time.
2) Eat a Cobb Salad at Brown Derby
3) Eat a Roasted Veggie Sandwich at Tusker House.
4) Eat a Major Domo's Favorite Pie at CRT
5) Have a pint of Bass at the Rose and Crown
6) Have a cup of beer at Canada and/or Mexico and/or America and/or Germany.......
7) Have dinner at either Chefs de France or Le Cellier
8) Have a dessert/pastry either in France or Norway
9) Shop in the motherland...I mean the Japan Pavilion
10) Spend some time in each park on a bench soaking in the wonder that is WDW.


New Member
Wow...I have to narrow it down to 10? Here goes...

1) Shop...shop a lot...and hopefully not spend TOO much money
2) Eat at Marrakesh
3) People watch
4) Watch Reflections of Earth (haven't seen Wishes yet!)
5) Go to Ice Station Cool and see how many people I can get to try Beverly...
6) Try and find new interesting things to take pictures of...my favorite picture is of some waterlillies blooming in the China pavillion :)
7) Try and find time (and stomach room!) to eat all the snacky desserts I love so much, Kaki Gori's, Sweet Almond Pretzels, Dole Whips, Rice Kripsies, Frozen Banana, Baklava...oh that goes on for way too long :lookaroun :
8) Sit in rocking chairs (there used to be some around at least!) and rest
9) Watching the movie montage in GMR (not the whole attraction :-D)
10) Art of Disney store and dream


Well-Known Member
1. Stop on Main Street and soak the view in.
2. Family picture in front of Cinderella's Castle.
3. Lunch at Pecos Bill's.
4. Walk all the way around the World Showcase after Illuminations has finished.
5. Pin trade.
6. People watch--try it, it's fascinating.
7. Lunch at Flame Tree BBQ.
8. Look for hidden Mickeys.
9. Shop at the ESPN store and for a watch.
10. Take pictures. looking for unusual angles.


New Member
Ok here is my list in no particular order....

1. Eating Mickey Ice Cream Bars
2. Soaking up the magical atmosphere
3. Taking a lot of photos
4. Watching the parades
5. Shopping! esp. at the Emporium
6. Getting Chocolate Chip Cookies from the Main Street Bakery to take back to the hotel.
7. Riding the Monorail
8. Watching children taking in the magic for the first time.
9. Looking for Hidden Mickeys
10. Watching the night shows (Fantasmic/Wishes/Illuminations)

*** Only 1 day, 17 hours and 25 minutes until all my dreams come true (again!) ***


Dj Corona

Active Member
Hmmm..let's see in no paticular order...
1.Try to avoid be taken out at the shins by crazed stroller pushers.
2.Walk by Pooh...curse and yell that Mr. Toads still gone...walk away pouting.
3.Eat tacos at Pirates de Perico.....granted if it's open.
4.Stuff myself with pizza & beer at Rainforest Cafe bar at AK....try to make it to resort bus before passing out.
5.Same with Pleasure Island...only substitute nachos for pizza!
6.Shop like money is going outta style!!
7.Hold 1 person support group outside Jouney Into Imagination that Figment just ain't the same...secretly wonder if they'll demolish the building when nobody's paying attention & hope we don't notice.
8.Nap like the dead by mid-afternoon.
9.After riding Tower of Terror, keep telling myself there has to be some other reason I came to MGM Studios....realize nope, that was pretty much it.
10.Play lottery & pray I win before vacation's up!!

rosebud's mom

Active Member
1. Lift a beer in my Dad's memory in Germany
2. Let the little one play in the fountains
3. jump on the barrel bridge ( if Tom Sawyer's Island doesn't count )
4. take pictures of family in the stocks
5. visit the draft horses on Main Street
6. mourn the changes on Main Street
7. sit and enjoy the Dapper Dans - ( they are still there, aren't they ?)
8. search for street performers in MGM and sing along ! ( used to mortify my boys when they were younger !)
9. eat a Dole whip, but complain about the fact that they used to have virgin Pina Coladas in Adventureland
10. take pictures EVERYWHERE - esp the topiaries

In case Tom Sawyer's Island is disqualified :
Make flattened pennies everywhere I can !

Officer Tigger

New Member
This has become our routine when we arrive

1. At check in have the person say "Welcome Home" Then I know the vacation has started.
2. Turn on the tv in the room and watch the WDWtv channel. (not the same since they no longer have the "zip a dee doo dah, tip of the day")
3. Walk over to Epcot and eat dinner at Morocco.
4. Grab a pastry at France and watch illuminations.
5. Get a BIG brownie sundae from Beaches and Cream
6. Go over to the ticket and transportation center and find our brick ( and make sure nobody steps on it, at least while we've there)
7. Get a Mickey ears ice cream bar.
8. Ride its a small world with the kids
9. Stand on Main St and listen to the music.
10. Watch wishes

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