I agree with that. I rarely have heard people complain.
ANyway, I ABSOLUTELY do not think WDW's SM should be replaced with a launched version ala DLP. I am a HUGE coaster entusiast, and that actually has a lot to do with why I think.
1. Those coasters dramatically decrease who can ride them
2. It destroys the "nostalgic" following which SM has.
3. State of the Art rides that focus on elements for thrills become dated VERY quickly. Name one coaster built as a state-of-the-art coaster designed around elements that has lasted over 20 years at any park. Coasters like the Arrow coaster of the 80's, the original inverteds, stand-ups, etc. ALL have lost popularity dramatically because new technology gets bigger, faster, smoother, more inverted, etc.
4. Darkness does not enhance major elements. It accents quick, sharp movements. The body realizes it is inverting because it is done smoothly and over time. A quick hair-pin is disorienting in the dark.
Having said that, I really like to concept of Rockit Moutain, but I would take it a step farther.
I would keep Space Mountain, Mission Alpha during the day. This is the FULL dark ride. The biggest problem IMHO is that the ride is too bright inside. So, enclose the queue's roof and add windows, and re-do the starfield effect to make it truly dark. The lift hill area could use some new themeing majorly, and tie in the TTA more. Also, as someone said, replace this with a "slow" LIM launch at the same speed. Then, in evening, making it Space Mountain, Mission Omega. Since the attraction has been darkened, no one sees all of the new screens and props installed during the day. Install new trains with the same basic layout but that have basic LIM capabilities. Also, increase their padding and make better wheels to withstand a faster ride. You enter the tunnel just as before and start going up the lift hill. Halfway up the hill, however, a "power failure" hits the station, and you are lowered back down the hill to return to base. However, just before the bottom, a "comet" comes up and forces your train up the lift (not extremely fast, but enough to make the entire attraction faster). You then fly on the comet through asteroid fields, etc. (done with the screen technology that is now used instead of just being dark during the day). The base is trying to reach you to get you off the comet, and, eventually, another asteroid knocks the comet off of you (last effect), and you are grabbed in hyperspace by the base just before being pummelled by additional asteroids. This is the final entry tunnel that is moved to the very last bit of the ride (wihtout the middle "dark portion"). I personally would suggest a more adventure-full-score style soundtrack rather than rock and roll (hence the reason for not alling it Rockit Mountain) that goes with the elements. The day version is more classic SM and is broadcast constantly instead of on-ride.