*Getting to help a guy propose to his girlfriend
*Making a Magical Moment for a family with the Power Rangers at DHS
*I received a card from a couple during MVMCP 2 years ago. I can't remember the exact words, but it said something like "Disney is just a place. It's the CMs who make the magic". They were so nice too.
*Receiving a "Get-a-free-hug" card from 2 little girls visiting Minnie during MNSSHP. Minnie got one too, and loved it!
I really don't have many "bad" experiences. I do have a few that stick out, unfortunately. And 2 happened on the same day.
*When I was in merchandise, a guy was short a few cents. When I asked him (nicely) if he had it, he got insensed, started cursing and threw the money down. A manager had to come out and talk to him (that was my first week, too).
*I don't really want to go into details, but a mom and dad tried to get free stuff when they clearly were in the wrong.
*This was the time when there was 2 incidents in 1 day- It was my last week of my CP last summer. I was working with Handy Manny, Jo Jo, and Goliath. Jo Jo and Goliath come out together, then Handy Manny comes out. Anyway. It was almost time for Jo Jo and Goliath to go get some popcorn. I had been announcing they were leaving for quite some time before they left. However, when Handy Manny came out, the family who would have been next pitched a complete and total fit (the way it works, the characters change right there, instead of walking off). They went to GR and complained too. It wouldn't have been so bad, if the same thing didn't happen a couple of hours later. I normally don't let that sort of thing get to me (people complain all the time when the line is closed, ect). But it was my last week, and they were both really nasty.