What about Big Hero Six?


Think for yourselfer
I want Peter Pan to receive a Wright Brothers overlay. After all, they both involve flying so it fits thematically, and Fantasyland could use some adult themes to attract older kids.
Teens love the Wright brothers.
Yes, I spend ninety minutes meticulously crafting a fake screenshot for the six readers of page nine to make an obscure point

As you typically do.


Well-Known Member
Comparing the earnings of Intersteller and BH6 is pointless. The two movies have a very different foreign rollout, with some countries not seeing BH6 for some time yet, they appeal to different markets, they are judged on different merits becuase of that etc. Beyond being released on the same day, they have little to no similarities.

Comparing the earnings of recent WDAFs? That makes sense, because they share more common ground.

This discussion? Not so much.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
... Who's side on you on, anyway?!?
LOL. Where are you then?

I am a Disney theme park guy who generally dislikes animated films and characters.

Not true, as I have spent the last couple days explaining.
A summary:
Original characters created to enhance the experience and effectiveness of an attraction....good.
(Figment, Bonnie Appetite, etc. Even the Habit Heros ones are a good example.)

Putting characters into Epcot when they aren't needed for the sole reason of capitalizing on their popularity....bad.
(Frozen in Maelstrom, Nemo in Seas, a random Big Hero 6 ride etc.)
Well, this is a first, lol. I have never met a "Disney" guy with such a disdain for animation -- Disney is not all about animation so that's cool, I guess. I suppose we will have to agree to disagree because I have looked at this from all angles and I can't find anything I consider to be bad about using an IP, so long as it is executed well. That's not to say that I think Nemo is executed well. The Nemo ride is cute, so I like it enough and it's better than nothing.

I really don't understand what is behind this concept of all or nothing when it comes to Epcot. I would rather see unoccupied or underutilized space transformed into something amazing that everyone can enjoy -- it doesn't matter to me if there is an IP or not, as I am open to both options.

This movie was really good! I know I have said it now a couple of times but it really exceed all expectations and may not be a classic but it again shows the good work Disney Animation is currently doing.
Very well said. BH6 exceeded my expectations, too!

There is nothing hair splitting about it. Yes or no, was [character] created for [attraction]? If the answer is Yes, then that character grew out of the attraction's development. If No, then that character was grafted onto something else.

Habit Heroes was decried by organized fat adults.
Well, I am organized but not fat. While, I didn't 'decry' Habit Heroes -- I don't like how the exhibit blamed fat solely because of this or that -- there are so many different possibilities and variables as to why an individual may be overweight. And, many times it's not the directly the child's fault -- not to mention, the negative body image issues. Sometimes, it's not as simple as do this and you will look like this -- just focus on exercise and eating healthy and stay away from assigning "labels."

BH6 has outgrossed Interstellar by only $12.5m in the USA, while Interstellar has outgrossed BH6 by $190m internationally. This information is readily and easily available to look up online.

Don't shoot the messenger is not valid when the messenger didn't double check his sources before posting.
First of all, it's "her" not "his" and why would I have to "double check" a source? That's so bizarre to me I don't think I have ever heard anything like that before on a message board. And, at least I actually posted my sources, lol.

And, I don't need to look up anything "online" as I've already demonstrated my point. Domestically, Big Hero 6 beat Interstellar two solid weeks in a row -- those are the facts. Hunger Games comes out this week, so it's a given for the number one spot.

Comparing the earnings of Intersteller and BH6 is pointless. The two movies have a very different foreign rollout, with some countries not seeing BH6 for some time yet, they appeal to different markets, they are judged on different merits becuase of that etc. Beyond being released on the same day, they have little to no similarities.

Comparing the earnings of recent WDAFs? That makes sense, because they share more common ground.

This discussion? Not so much.
I totally agree with this!

Tony Perkis

Well-Known Member
LOL. Where are you then?

Well, this is a first, lol. I have never met a "Disney" guy with such a disdain for animation -- Disney is not all about animation so that's cool, I guess. I suppose we will have to agree to disagree because I have looked at this from all angles and I can't find anything I consider to be bad about using an IP, so long as it is executed well. That's not to say that I think Nemo is executed well. The Nemo ride is cute, so I like it enough and it's better than nothing.

I really don't understand what is behind this concept of all or nothing when it comes to Epcot. I would rather see unoccupied or underutilized space transformed into something amazing that everyone can enjoy -- it doesn't matter to me if there is an IP or not, as I am open to both options.

Very well said. BH6 exceeded my expectations, too!

Well, I am organized but not fat. While, I didn't 'decry' Habit Heroes -- I don't like how the exhibit blamed fat solely because of this or that -- there are so many different possibilities and variables as to why an individual may be overweight. And, many times it's not the directly the child's fault -- not to mention, the negative body image issues. Sometimes, it's not as simple as do this and you will look like this -- just focus on exercise and eating healthy and stay away from assigning "labels."

First of all, it's "her" not "his" and why would I have to "double check" a source? That's so bizarre to me I don't think I have ever heard anything like that before on a message board. And, at least I actually posted my sources, lol.

And, I don't need to look up anything "online" as I've already demonstrated my point. Domestically, Big Hero 6 beat Interstellar two solid weeks in a row -- those are the facts. Hunger Games comes out this week, so it's a given for the number one spot.

I totally agree with this!

You've never heard of making sure your post stands up to scrutiny before posting it?


So you're basically the Universal Studios theme park fanboy... But.. Disney version... Well. That's.. Weird.

EDIT: JUSSSTTTT as long as the non cartoon-themed attraction fits the park. ;)

Yea.. Strange opinions going on here.. I am forced to respect them. o-o
Look at it this way:
I'm a fan of Jungle Cruise. Haunted Mansion. Pirates of the Caribbean. Big Thunder Mountain. Space Mountain. Tower of a Terror. Indiana Jones Adventure. Expedition Everest. Kilimanjaro Safaris. Star Tours. Spaceship Earth. Test Track. Mission: Space. Horizons. 20k Leagues. Alien Encounter. And many more.

Disney parks have a wonderful history filled with attractions that have no connection to animated films. Those are my favorites.
Personally, I don't see it as weird at all...


Well-Known Member
Yes, I spend ninety minutes meticulously crafting a fake screenshot for the six readers of page nine to make an obscure point.

Hey, every interested reader can open bing.com and try typing 'EPCOT is' herself!
I've never even used Bing.


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The Mom

Premium Member
I've deleted a bunch of off topic posts, and quite frankly don't have time to go through and delete them all right now - so please, don't send me any "Why was my post deleted and his got to stay?" messages.

Please stay on topic - thank you.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
speaking of big hero 6.. What surprised me more is how detailed the environments and cities were.
If you seen past movies.. they usually simplified most city shots.
in BH6 it was ridiculous detailed.. specially the area around Hiro's house and the "flying" phase with baymax.
the generated crowds were also superb!

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