
New Member
CounterPoint said:
THEBRERRABBIT, are you sure you went to see CBR? I highly doubt it, but, giving you the benifit of the doubt, please allow me to fix a few glaring errors in your obviously well researched and thourough explination of why TDL CBR is so much better than WDW CBR.

"* NO Mickey, Minnie, alice, white rabbit, beast and rest of the cast in TDL
* The Dress cinderella wore in TDL(the dress that is a replca of Princess Diana') Not here
* the other costumes, that were just dynamite, not here
*Less than half of the length of TDL
* No lights, no fireworks, no Nightime.
*No Crystal carrige"

First off you completely discredited yourself by complimenting TDL CBR on its amazing 45 MINUTE production spectacular! WOW, you must have started watching the show, and then at the end, you must have been distracted by something shiny and accidentally ended up watching two five year old girls in princess dresses twirl around themselves singing "Ashes Ashes" for around 20 minutes thinking it was still CBR, because their show is most definately not 45 minutes. But I can see how that mistake could be made. BTW, your amazing 45 minute show in Tokyo, is actually 21, thanks.

From here on, I'll address your other points in order...

"* NO Mickey, Minnie, alice, white rabbit, beast and rest of the cast in TDL"

Here you are half right, you did notice the lack of fur characters, and I will give you that. But, you forgot that the guy walking next to Belle wasn't just a random guest looking for the bathroom...but Belles prince...which would in turn make him...the Beast. So there ya go, he's still in it...whew. And again, this is me...astonished...*if you could see it I am making an astonished face right now...trust me it's priceless*...and that face is being made because Alice was never in TDL CBR, again as mentioned above, one of the girls twirling around themselves may have been dressed as Alice, if so, I understand your confusioin.

* The Dress cinderella wore in TDL(the dress that is a replca of Princess Diana') Not here*

Not sure where you got that gold nugget of information about Diana's dress, but it WAS the amazing Lynne Ford that designed the TDL dress, and...no way...no freakin way...some how, a woman born the exact same day, and time, and place, with the same name created the dress for Cinderella here in WDW! CRAZY! She just happened to change a couple of the materials and a few cuts to deal with Florida humidity and weather. Someone better contact the original Lynne Ford and tell her to look up the word "doppelganger", cause man does she have one.

* the other costumes, that were just dynamite, not here*

Again, clone girl, just happened to design the exact same costumes for virtually EVERYONE else in the show just like Cinderella. So unless you can notice the MAJOR difference between the Acrylic Lamee materials used in TDL and the Self Colour Metallic Micro Lamee used in the WDW version from 100 yards away...the costumes are basically the same to you. MINUTE CHANGES.

*Less than half of the length of TDL*

We already discussed that, see "dancing little girls" section.

* No lights*

Lights A source of light, especially a lamp, a lantern, or an electric lighting fixture: Turn out the lights when you leave.

If that's not what lights are, then WDW got hosed, cause WDW hired a great team of broadway technicians to install around 500 flashing, glowing, and beautifully twinkling hot dogs around the stage that serve no purpose.

*no fireworks*

Fireworks A device consisting of a combination of explosives and combustibles, set off to generate colored lights, smoke, and noise for amusement: Wow, those were pretty fireworks.

I have no way of making this funny, it's just obvious...there were loud explosions of color and light in the air that made people ooooohhh and aaaaaahhhh...so unless my beautiful girlfriend walked onto that stage and the same intangeable fireworks that go off in my mind everytime I see her went off in yours...then those explosions were in fact, real fireworks.

*no Nightime*

Not even going to bother defining this one...usually this event occurs between 5:30 and 7:30 pm...depending on the equinox and all that jazz, but no matter what...there are shows that occur at night, as listed on that big board that usually states SHOWTIMES: 9:40 10:40 11:40 4:35 5:35 6:35. Seems at least two of those fall under this so called and ever so elusive "Nighttime".

*No Crystal carrige*

YA GOT ME! There is no crystal carridge. Worst show ever...

What was the point of this small rant, to prove a point. If you have a problem with a show or parade or ride, or anything in life...that's fine. But please people, get your facts straight before you lay it to the table. I'm fine with you not liking the show for a multitude of reasons, we are all allowed our opinions but you have to come with something stronger than 1 true fact and 8 false statements.

Dude I think I'm in love with you...

AWESOME post. :D :wave: I'm sick of all this complaining - you rock!


New Member
I saw the video of the show and yes I was underwhelmed like most people on this board. But I have one important question for all the folks who posted their negative rants about the show: How old are you? Do you honestly think this show was aimed at you? Better yet...when has an castle forecourt show been aimed at teens or folks in their 20s and 30s? To my recollection, um, never. Last time I actually stayed and watched an entire castle show i was 16 and that was only because it was an x-mas show. Before that i was 10 years old watching the Kids of the Kingdom in 1982. Frankly the show is fine for the age and group it is aimed at. It's not like Disney has amazingly hyped this show for all audiences. It's a pleasant enough diversion for families with small kids, in particular little girls.


New Member
As for the bugdet you people have to remeber that they just got through building 2 new attractions and are still in the process of building expedition Everest....which probably cost as much as cinderellabration, the new stunt show and soarin' combined...so they have spent money and i highly doubt that they're going to give a show that much of a budget:cool:


Active Member
I was a little underwhelmed by this attraction as well and I think some of the ranting is justified. Disney is marketing this as almost as if it were a showstopping new attraction that mimic's the original; both of which are not the case. Somebody in Disney's marketing department needs to learn the art of when to "hype" something up, and when not to. (Additionally, as a side note on their rather deceptive marketing, is anybody else a little frustrated that there are "expedition everest" posters on the Busses/monorails for the upcoming celebration, which makes the misleading assumption that it's open at the Animal Kingdom, when in fact it won't be open for most of the celebration)


New Member
Just thought that I'd voice my opinion on this one!
I have yet to see the show (my next trip is in June) but I have to ask all of you negative posters.... Are you ever happy with ANYTHING?

Time after time I read different posts (Stitch, Cinderellabration, various restaurants) and I can't help but wonder what you perfectionists expect from Disney!

When ever I go to Disney my children and I still feel all of the magic and that even includes the Stitch ride.
Yes, some attractions are better than others but the same goes for Universal and other "big" amusement parks!
Lighten up people... or vacation some place else! :mad:


Well-Known Member
Just thought that I'd voice my opinion on this one!
I have yet to see the show (my next trip is in June) but I have to ask all of you negative posters.... Are you ever happy with ANYTHING?

I like to think of these forums as a sort of rotten tomatoes system for Disney. There are people who will be negative about a ride or show, and people who will be positive. Then you take the sum of all of them to figure out what the real deal might be. Stitch has gotten overwhelmingly negative reviews. Wishes and Philharmagic OTOH have been mostly positive. I don't understand why there is so much concern over negativity lately. Sure it's there, and alot of it is warranted. But there are positive remarks here and there as well. Lately stitch has given these boards an overall negative feel, but look at feedback on Soarin and LMAX. Its turning positive again in spite of this negative thread. People just seem to notice negativity more.


Account Suspended
The reason that negativity is so easily noticed is because that's mostly what we as Americans are subjected to. All you have to do is turn on the nightly news, cable news, etc., etc, and it's negative, negative, negative. That's one reason that I quit watching news a long time ago. Same thing here. People are so conditioned to complain, that's all they know how to do. So, they'll nitpick a subject to death, until you're ready to say, "blow it up and start over." Problem is, most of these people don't realize that the MAJORITY of Disney-related items that they complain about, isn't marketed toward THEM, but marketed towards children, and families. These people are looking for individual satisfaction in a ride, restaurant, resort, or experience. And sometimes, you won't find that, simply because you aren't the demographic that the subject is aimed at. So, you just move along, and do and see those things that DO capture your attention. I, for one, love all things Disney. I really enjoyed being able to see the expressions on my daughters' face during her first visit. What I noticed was that the fun was no longer about ME but HER. And therefore, it changed my entire outlook on my trip.

In the end, people will always find negative in things, as it's either in their nature, or because it's simply easier than finding the positive.

Either way, I just enjoy Disney for what it is, and don't put much stock in all the complaining.


New Member
now consider americans, we can't stand still for 5 min, let alone 45 - there's no way they could have had an exact replica and it stood the test of time - people would have gotten way to bored...

AMEN to that as a member of Disney entertainment I could say many things about our shows, I know the reason why hunchback and galaxy place theatres are usually empty and I also know that almost all of our shows recieve an enormous amount of complaints for being "too long"... for example the single largest complaint guest services hears at Animal kingdom is that festival of the lion king, though a great show is simply far too long... have none of our guest ever had to sit through a showing of camelot, especially dont by a high school, I mean now that is long... FOLK on the other hand is not at all long

but our marketing and guest service departments do dictate alot of things, and in this care you really should not blame disney for it was a decision based at least in part on what guests have said about previous shows... so if you guys want to see a longer show make sure you complain to guest services that the shows are just rediculously too short... thats the best way to change things there in reality, if enough people complain things change, not for the better usually, but Im sorry all of us disney fans (well not me since Im a CM) but those who arent and frequent the parks, please please please go and visit cast services and just tell them what you want its the only way its going to happen guys Im sorry thats just the way things are at disney

and I really beg you to go and express your concerns and opinions to disney, thats what those people in guest services are for and I promise that if enough people complain... things will change


Well-Known Member
Well I saw the show on thursday the 24th I wanna say and I thought it had catch music to it. Ask anyone who saw me the next few days after it, I was humming the music. While it could have more to I thought it was good, I liked it didnt love it but at least its better than hearing CSC all the time.


New Member
Interestingly enough, Miceage.com has an article about the recent refurbishments in MK, including Cinderellabration. He points out how the Japanese and American tastes in their stage shows and attractions are very different. I think his take from what I've read on this site and others is very accurate.

As to markc's comments about it being overhyped. I have no idea where you got this idea. Because other than hearing about the show on this site I haven't heard much about it, as opposed to the motor stunt show, Stitch, and Soarin. Just b.c. we build things up in these posts and websites, that doesn't mean the public at large is focusing in on these attractions or being focused upon actually, as much as we might think. I will say that as opposed to the majority of the stage shows in the castle forecourt area that have been held over the years, this show has gotten more attention. But I can't imagine anyone other than a young girl being interested in this show to begin with, even if we had the full Japanese version.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to all aganist negative posts! I HATE THEM TOO!!

In the case of Cinderellabration (hereafter known as CRB, (Not to be confused with CBR which is a resort, not a show:lol:)). Ok, when Cinderella's Surprise Celebration (hereafter known as CSC, again not to be confused with anything else) premiered, there was some bad rep. going around about it, however it was a first, never before seen so there was nothing to compare it to. so the message is:

To those of you going to see CRB, DO NOT judge it in comparsion to another show, or even it's sister show. After all if you were to compare Fantasmic, Pirates of the Carribean, or the Haunted Mansion to any of thier sister attractions, then you would probally be dissappointed due to the fact that they are better in the eyes of some. (not taking sides here). You love those attractions for what they are HERE, where YOU are going to see them. Judging something like a video of TDL's CRB to WDW's LIVE version will not compare, remember you go to the park to feel the "Magic". So, don't compare CRB, just let it be what it is. ALSO, CRB is still in Soft Opening stage, so the whole show is not entirely up and running yet (take LMAX stunt show for example, the jet ski part is not in yet BECAUSE it is a Soft Opeining). I mean, stop giving Disney a hard time just because a small element is down. Are you gonnna complain that a lightbulb on main street is out too!!

Just give the show and time a chance. Who knows, if you see it with an open attitude, you might even enjoy it.

AND btw: I don't care how good CRB is, I still love CSC!!!!

"It's like a little bit of me that will always be with you!"

p.s. is the singing in CRB done live, or is it pre-recorded?


Well-Known Member
Chape19714 said:
p.s. is the singing in CRB done live, or is it pre-recorded?

From what I could tell from the like 5 shows I saw this totall weekend I think the Duke, Cinderella, and the Fairy Godmother are all live. As for the other singers with the music it sounds pre recorded.


Account Suspended
I heard the Fab 4 (Walt, Elvis, Hoffa, and Hughes) loved it, as they watched from Cindy's Castle behind the mirror, (aka: the super secret bunker), fortified by the surface to air missle defense program, which is supported by the steel beam under the mirror.

Bet you guys didn't know that one did ya?

Know how I got that? It came over my Super Secret Agent watch I was issued on my last visit to The Magic (Super Secret Agent Meetin Place) Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Atta83 said:
From what I could tell from the like 5 shows I saw this totall weekend I think the Duke, Cinderella, and the Fairy Godmother are all live. As for the other singers with the music it sounds pre recorded.
YES! Live Singing is AWSOME!

btw: are some of the actors the same as CSC? like the fairy godmother etc.

and I heard (kinda a thread drift here, sorry) that Peter Pan in the Magic Kingdom was played by 2 identical twins. can anyone confirm/deny this? They both do a very good job with the role.


New Member
I haven't seen the show, so I don't have an opinion.

But, what do you think they'll get for that gazebo on Ebay?:rolleyes: It would look great in my back yard.:D


Well-Known Member
wickedqueen said:
As a performer who has also spent the last two months or so involved in the process of opening this show, I would like to say that it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks of it at this point. Negative reviews or no, a whole lot of money and time has been invested in this show and it WILL be running on the castle stage for the time being. Rather than arguing about what could have been or what it does or does not measure up to, try to appreciate it for what it is....or you can always avoid the castle hub near showtime. "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to know the difference..." and all that.

Far too much bandwidth has been wasted arguing whether or not the show is "good," but for what it is worth, I had a wonderful time in rehearsals and am proud of all we accomplished in what looking back seems such a short time (and on little to no sleep, ain't that right wbboy and spectropluto?). I am proud to be a part of another wonderful Disney experience, and although every guest may not walk away completely satisfied by the show itself, there will be no denying that every person out there on that stage is doing their best to bring the magic to life for EVERYONE watching.

As a performer it is hard not to take all the negativity personally, but isn't it lovely that as a human being we are all entitled to our own opinions? We have all taken ownership of this show, from Cinderella herself to the princesses, dancers, techs, costumers and cosmetologists, and certainly the management and directors. We all want this show to succeed and be well liked. I think I speak for us all when I say we realize not everyone will be blown away, but we sure are going to try, and keep trying.

I have to say that perfoming here at WDW has exposed me to some of the most appreciative audiences I have ever encountered, and I have confidence that when I next perform in "Cinderellabration" I will feel that same appreciation again. We love bringing you joy and we will continue to perform to our fullest for you.....so make your own opinions after you come see us!

I know!! All you guys do such a wonderful job too!

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