Trip Report We're on "Vay-Cay-Tion!" A Sept./Oct. TR

Hello everyone, and welcome to my very first trip report! We went to Disney 9/26-10/1, hopped on the Disney Dream 10/1-10/4, and hit up DTD and MNSSHP 10/4. We flew back home Monday morning. We had a whirlwind of a trip planned!

*A little note here. We accidentally left our camera bag (with the DSLR, 2 lenses, memory cards, and my digital camera charger) on a bus at MK. We did not notice until we got off the second bus we took to the Poly. We literally were back at MK not even 30 minutes after we left it (maybe around 8:15am, we had breakfast reservations at Kona). They sent out a radio call to all buses, and of course no one had it. Pretty sure either the bus driver or another person stole it. I was SUPER bummed and many tears were shed from me. I know Cody felt super terrible, we didn’t even have that camera a year I believe. We lost a lot of pictures, including a video of Aubs’ first time seeing the castle. We called the lost and found at TTC more times than I can remember. Unfortunately, after a week they close out the ticket, so i’m pretty sure the camera is long gone. I hope whoever has it turns it in, or drops it so they can’t use it. Luckily, I have my phone pics and the ones off my digital camera before it died. My parents also have pictures on their phones they took. And of course, I took my laptop on vacation JUST to be able to load the pics off the camera everyday. Did that happen? Of course not. But what can you do? There are many worse things that could have happened on our trip, and I am extremely thankful for the pictures that I do have. I also need to purchase the Photopass photos still, so i’ll add those in later *

So, with that sadness out of the way, its time to get on with the report!

When-Sept. 26-Oct. 5
Where- Caribbean Beach Resort, Disney Dream, Pop Century
Who- Me (Morgan), Husband (Cody), Daughter (Aubreigh, we call her Aubs for short). My parents, and Cody’s mom.
What- Family Vacay! We also celebrated Cody’s college graduation! It was Aubs’ first trip to Disney, and my mother in laws first trip since the 70’s. Last time she went she stayed in the Contemporary and the only park was the MK. She was way overdue for a trip! And my parents hadn’t been since 2004.

Day 1: Travel/Check In/DTD/MK

My day started super super early. Like stupid early. Why? Well, the night before I take a vacation I can never sleep. I tossed and turned for maybe 2 hours before finally drifting off around, oh 11pm? At 12:45ish, Aubs comes into my room. I hear “mommy, mommy, hey mommy, there’s a fly in the bathroom.” Oh dear goodness child, it is a FLY. So, guess what? Now i’m wide awake. I try to get her to go back to bed, but she doesn’t want to go. Honestly, I don’t feel like fighting with her about it tonight, so I put her on the couch and she was out in about 1 minute. Hmm. I go in her bathroom and low and behold, there is a dead fly in the toilet lol. Sorry, no pic of that!

Anyway, I take a shower and get ready. The alarms are set to go off at 4am. I blow dry and straighten my hair, do my makeup, get dressed then hang around till about 4. Get Cody up and make sure he gets in the shower, get Aubs up and dressed. In laws get here at 5:00 to get us to the airport by 5:30am. Cool! (FIL took us to the airport)

I don’t know why, but MIL (she drove there) took some weird back way to get to the airport. This stressed me out big time! We made it a little after 5:30am.

Check out this blurry pic of Memphis International Airport. Woo.

We said our goodbyes to FIL (aka Papaw) and headed in to check our bags! That was quick and painless (Memphis Airport is rarely ever busy), and went to wait by our gate. We grabbed some breakfast and didn’t have to wait long until boarding began at 6:30

We’re ready!

My parents and MIL!

The flight was great, and we landed at MCO a little early!

Heading to DME! We had a little wait in line for DME, but it wasn’t bad

They say its a 45 minute ride to Disney property, but it totally isn’t. Maybe 25-30. At least to me it seemed that way! The time flew by!

Yay! We’re on our way! Except MIL isn’t looking at the camera!

We’re here! This was the best I could get! We were near the back of the bus.

Hello Caribbean Beach sign that you can barely see! On the way to CBR, we got a text that rooms weren’t ready yet, darn.

We arrived at the Custom House, and went to the check in line, which took forever because they had like 2 people working the online check in counter. The family in front of us was NOT happy about that either! Geez! Anyways, we got checked in and given what location our room was in. We were in Aruba, building 56. Only bummer was that the bridge was out that connects Aruba and Jamaica to Old Port Royale. They did have a van shuttle and pontoon boat that helped people across. It ended up being not a big deal.

We headed to Old Port Royale after for lunch. Sorry, no pics. We were all starving! I had a burger and it was good.

After, we headed to DTD for Aubs’ BBB appointment at 3pm! We headed out around 1:15pm


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Our next FP+ was for Soarin! Me, mom in law, and Cody went first!

The screen looked bleh as always, but all the smells were working! Loved it! This was mom in laws fav ride!

After, my parents went while I sat with Aubs. She enjoyed some popcorn! And watching the ducks!

While walking to our next stop, it began to rain rain rain and it was cold cold cold rain!

We found ourselves at the Epcot Character Spot with a 5 minute wait! (Too good to be true, ended up waiting about 15-20 which still isn't bad)
Waiting somewhat patiently..

First up, Mickeyyyy Mouuuuse!!!!!



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So glad she got to meet all of them! I bet that was really special! That's really frustrating about the camera, I am sorry! At least you have a few great family photopass pictures!

It was wonderful! Yeah, the camera being stolen is still upsetting, but its ok! I'm super thankful for the pics I do have! :D


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After our character extravaganza, our last FP+ of the day was for Spaceship Earth! It was raining, so I don't have many pictures between characters and SE.

...and the ones I have of the ride are pretty terrible.

Hello, from future us! :p

I WISH I had my mom and mom in laws picture. O.M.G. it is hilarious!

After SE, we started making our way towards World Showcase.

...this is also where our afternoon hit a wall :rolleyes:

Why you ask? Well, my child spotted these.

...which turned into this..

We let her play for a while. When we told her we had to go, epic meltdown happened. :oops:

Me, mom in law and Cody took Aubs back to the resort. My parents stayed at Epcot to explore World Showcase.

I ran into Mouse Gear to buy Aubs a towel since she was soaked! I bought the first towel I saw, and it is so so so cute!

When we got to the bus stop, Aubs was OUT.


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Of course, by the time we got back to CBR, she was rested and fine :rolleyes:

I dried her off, changed her clothes, and got her a snack. She enjoyed her snack while watching those Mickey Shorts cartoons (omg. we LOVE these!)

Mom in law and Cody went to Old Port Royale for a quick lunch. We ate in the room and relaxed for a few hours before my parents came back.

Parents came back and got Aubs ready to go to the pool to play! We ventured back out to the bus stop to go enjoy some Food & Wine Festival!

It turned into a really nice night! The rain was finally gone!

First stop was Starbucks! Time to get mug 3 of 4!

Back out!

We decided to make a quick stop in Club Cool

Cody's Beverly face. He really hammed it up for this when I pulled my phone out :hilarious:

We also witnessed someone tasting Beverly for the first time. It was so funny :D

Got this nice photo of Cody and his momma!

Stopped at a F&W Festival booth for giftcards! Got it! We ready!


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I thought this was so cool

Once we hit WS, Cody took off to Japan. K. See ya later! Me and mom in law had plans for fooooooood! We had planned out beforehand when DFB released the menus what we wanted to try.

WS was pretty busy! Our first stop was Hawaii to try the pulled pork slider!

I thought the slider was pretty tasty!

Canada was next! We wanted to try the famous filet!

Sooo, we dug into this and forgot to take a pic! I rearranged what was left to get a picture haha! Sorry!

We thought the filet was good. I'm sure its much better at the actual restaurant cooked how you like it. But i've had better filets than this. Still yummy though!

There was also a gorgeous sunset going on! Oh, Canada!

Next we explored Canada a bit!

Because who wouldn't want Sasquatch Sweat Soap?? I really love the yellow rose in his mouth!


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We stopped by Ireland but we didn't see anything we really wanted to try.

We explored the U.K. some!

We are Doctor Who fans! So this merchandise was really exciting!

Who's my favorite doctor? David Tennant, duh! :inlove::inlove:

And back outside. My photography really is terrible.

France was next! We had an ADR here for that day, but i'm so glad I cancelled it.

We hit up the Belgium booth next for a waffle! Cody met us here after he explored Japan (its his fav)

We got the Belgian waffle with warm chocolate ganache and whipped cream :hungry:

We shared it, and it was really good! Could've been a little sweeter, but still sooo nom!


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Japan was next!

Got Aubs this adorable bathing suit! She LOVES Hello Kitty!

I took this because I think my Namaw would love it (but she's so dang picky! BTW, my Namaw is from Japan! She is from Okinawa, and my mom was also born there. Just a little fun fact!)

I got the LAST bag of the milky candy! There's lots of different kinds but these are the best!

He was happy with what he picked out

After shopping we continued on our way!

Hi, America! Bye, America!

Italy! Our first stop for drinks!

Peach bellini's! Which didn't taste like peach until the very end haha

One thing about buying drinks. I was never carded! And I look like i'm 18! I work in a high school, and I get mistaken for being a student alllll the time. Hmm..


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We found a bench to relax on for a bit right by Italy. Illuminations was set to start in about 20 minutes so it was a nice and relaxing break.

After a few minutes, I got up and went to Germany! I had a sudden pretzel craving.

I went to one stand, and the guy in front of me bought the last pretzels! :arghh:

Sooo I went to the beer stand. They had pretzels left!

And I also got this!

The grapefruit beer! So refreshing, sooooo gooooood!! Even Cody liked it! (and he's not a drinker!) I was a little skeptical about it since beer can sometimes be too much for me. But man! This was delicious! :hungry: (btw, didn't get carded here either!)

Illuminations started next, and I didn't take any pictures. Just lots of video! It was great as always. It always makes me cry! It is my absolute favorite!

We ventured back into Germany after Illuminations to walk around the shops (I actually think the Christmas shop caught me and my mom in laws eye. Sparkles + alcohol = MUST GO LOOK AT ALLLL THE PRETTY THINGS!) :hilarious:

I so wanted to get a Christmas Pickle ornament but never did. Next time!

Ooooooooo sparklyyyyy

I mean, come on. If you're a girl and you see tiara's, you can't NOT try them on.

Complete with princess wave! :hilarious:

I NEED one. I just don't want to pay the $$$ for it

Bridge is up! Illuminations barges were heading back to their home!


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One thing about buying drinks. I was never carded!
I had the same experience! I definitely don't look under 21, but around here they card no matter what. It was just weird not getting carded! I kind of wish they would, to be honest :/ I bet a lot of underage drinking goes on if they're not carding.

Also, I think we were in MK on this day that y'all were in Epcot...the really rainy day. I learned the value of a poncho. ha!


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I had the same experience! I definitely don't look under 21, but around here they card no matter what. It was just weird not getting carded! I kind of wish they would, to be honest :/ I bet a lot of underage drinking goes on if they're not carding.

Also, I think we were in MK on this day that y'all were in Epcot...the really rainy day. I learned the value of a poncho. ha!

I wish they carded also! Who knows how many underage kids got away with drinks!

Ah. I may have misread and thought y'all were at Epcot the same day we were lol!


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Great report!

I had the same experience! I definitely don't look under 21, but around here they card no matter what. It was just weird not getting carded! I kind of wish they would, to be honest :/ I bet a lot of underage drinking goes on if they're not carding.

Also, I think we were in MK on this day that y'all were in Epcot...the really rainy day. I learned the value of a poncho. ha!

I wish they carded also! Who knows how many underage kids got away with drinks!

Ah. I may have misread and thought y'all were at Epcot the same day we were lol!
I ALWAYS get carded at WDW (except in France, consistently). I'm almost 27. Meanwhile, in New York and New Jersey I get carded maybe 1 out of every 10 alcohol purchases. Maybe I just ACT like a kid at WDW? I also hardly ever wear makeup in the parks. Hmmmm.


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Great report!

I ALWAYS get carded at WDW (except in France, consistently). I'm almost 27. Meanwhile, in New York and New Jersey I get carded maybe 1 out of every 10 alcohol purchases. Maybe I just ACT like a kid at WDW? I also hardly ever wear makeup in the parks. Hmmmm.

Thanks! I usually always get carded also. And i'm almost 27 too! When we were at F&W in 2012 I did get carded while buying a beer. However I don't think they carded me when I got a drink at Teppan Edo.


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Our next destination, Norway!

BOOO to no Maelstrom :(

Had to visit our troll friend

Snack time!

Cody got this. I believe its called a Troll Horn? I didn't try it but he said it was really good!

Me and mom in law shared the School Bread! It was soooo yummy!

It was difficult trying to get this container open. But when we did, it opened up so fast that some of the custard on top that got on the container flew off and I don't know where it landed. But it was funny at the time! :D

Hello Mexico! (I can't believe some idiot climbed this :rolleyes:)

Inside! So pretty!

We hopped on the Three Caballeros ride!

Three Caballeros is cute. Not really exciting but the ride did look great!


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After Three Caballeros, it was almost time for the park to close so we began making our way our of the park.

Goodbye cute little F&W characters!

I'm ready to go back now

One last look..

Bye bye, Epcot! I'll miss you!

If we had had the time, today should have been a rest day. But since we only had limited park days we went for it. We did get a lot done, but it wasn't my favorite day of the trip (which is a bummer because Epcot is my favorite park). But there's always next trip!! :D

We got back to the resort I believe around 11:30? We quickly got ready for bed since we had another early morning!


We were up early today and at the bus stop by 7:15. We had an 8:15am ADR for Chef Mickey's!

We hopped on a bus to MK then walked over to the Contemporary.

Ready for Breakfast!

We got our picture taken then waited just a couple minutes until we were seated.

She was so excited for some Mickey waffles

My breakfast!


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*Now, here's the backstory to the "Minnie" dress*
My parents thought they had saved my old Minnie dress. We couldn't find it anywhere before the trip, so we hoped that Disney still made them. Luckily, they do!

Here's me and my cousin in maybe 1996?

Super cute, right? :hilarious: Thankfully they don't make that awful Minnie hat anymore ha!

Here's me and Minnie during a Character Breakfast! I believe this was at the Polynesian because the kids menu says "Minnie's Menehune". I remember some bits of the believe it or not!

And now, here's Aubs meeting Minnie in her Minnie dress! :inlove:

Donald was next!

Then Goofy!

Plutoooooo! (he's a current favorite in our house at the moment)

Then the big cheese himself, Mickey!

Our waitress brought Aubs a birthday cupcake, even though it wasn't close to her birthday..

Ok. So our waitress. She kind of left a bad taste in our mouth towards the end of breakfast. She brought Aubs the cupcake, which was nice. Then she came back by our table telling us how the other table she had gave her an extra $5 for her daughter because she loved to play the lottery (her daughter is special needs) and she kept going on and on about it. I mean, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Its just the fact that she came and showed us the money and told us all about it was a little odd. Maybe she was just excited about it, or maybe she was trying to get a higher tip, I have no idea. But it did bother us some.

After breakfast, we hopped on the monorail and made our way to the Magic Kingdom!

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