Well-Known Member
I'm becoming a business major with an empasis in accounting. no more chem/science stress.What's wrong, Nicole?
But. I called the college of business about changing and there are requirements to get in. Like your gpa has to be a 3.0. Mine's a 2.8 and will most likely go down due to chem and calc grades (I just failed my calc test, btw). So I have to somehow get that up. I also have to take two classes and get a B- or better in them. Soooooo now everything is getting delayed another semester. I won't be able to start business classes till next fall. I despise the thought of staying in college longer than 4 years, so it looks like I'll have to take summer classes back at home for the next two summers. Which sucks because I wanted to work at the ranch this would've been an amazing time.
A new door opened to me last week when I decided to change majors. I was really happy. And now I find this out. Really now? I just want to get out of college! Stop throwing all these road blocks at me!