Weirdest thing to happen to you in the parks.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
My friend and I, both 18 at the time, were walking into Epcot via international gateway at night. This guy, younger than us, clearly foreign, runs up to us, says,. "Oh nevermind" and then runs away. He runs back and says, "I want to kiss you," to my friend. To which she replied, "Uh, no." "Please, it's my last night." "No." "Just a little one?"

I'm still pretty upset he didn't ask me. 😂


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
If you want to be offered the opportunity to "go again", go to an unpopular attraction in an unpopular area of a park during morning EMH. My wife were in DinoLand at AK one morning trying to get on Dinosaur first thing since we didn't have a FP for it. It was down so we decided to get Chester and Hester out of the way. We probably could've sat there and rode Primeval Whir for at least an hour had we wanted to. I've heard this can work late at night too.
I am old enough that Space Mt is once a day. It is rough on my aging body. Often Space when MK is open late hours is quick stand by. Me I send them on their way to ride several times. I ride the People Mover over and over without getting off until they text me they are coming out. It is pretty at night and a fun time to people watch below when it isn’t crowded.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My friend and I, both 18 at the time, were walking into Epcot via international gateway at night. This guy, younger than us, clearly foreign, runs up to us, says,. "Oh nevermind" and then runs away. He runs back and says, "I want to kiss you," to my friend. To which she replied, "Uh, no." "Please, it's my last night." "No." "Just a little one?"

I'm still pretty upset he didn't ask me. 😂

Lol 😂

Walt d

Well-Known Member
What's the weirdest thing to happen to you in the parks? Mine isn't super weird but it was strange when it happened.

So back in September of 2015, we were at MNSSHP and we got into the candy line next to Space Mountain. Well, as most of you know, I dress up as Troy Palomalu, complete with hair fully frizzed out. Well, these two ladies got behind us and within about 3 seconds, I felt the lady behind me actually touch my hair. I'm guessing that she didn't think it was real but I looked at my wife and whispered, "that lady just touched my hair, lol". Not exactly X-Files strange, but it's the only time in my life I've had someone touch my hair without asking first. I wasn't offended, it was just funny.
Yas at mk, waiting for the gondolas long line,this older man and wife. In front of me with gand daughter about 7. We start talking, were are you from. They tell me. What is your town called? They say you probably never heard of it . Im what is it, they tell me.. there nere the little town that i live in” what are the odds...


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
WDW can be a small place at times.
(I’ve posted this story before) Several years ago we got chatting to the couple In front of us on the virgin plane from London they were first timers and we passed on a few tips.
We went our separate ways, when we touched down, each staying at different resorts.
A week later, we were visiting Typhoon Lagoon and having set our chairs close to the water we went for a paddle.
On our return to the seats, you guessed it, the couple from the plane had unknowingly set their seats up right next to ours!

On another occasion we had been chatting to a family on the bus from Caribbean Beach to magic Kingdom.
Later that day we were sat in Liberty Square, waiting for the parade, when I mentioned our conversations and what a nice family they had been.
At the precise time I was talking about them, they crossed the road right in front of us! I genuinely had not seen them before they appeared.
On our evening return trip to the resort ... yep, ....they were on the same bus back!

What are the chances eh?
Also, once saw someone that worked in the same school as me in the parks as we crossed path on the bridge connecting the hub and adventureland at MK and neither of us knew the other was going to be there.
Google "karmic magnetism."


Well-Known Member
1) I love this thread. 2) The weirdest thing that happened to me in Disney World was at the end of the queue for Space Mountain. My husband and I were about to load the vehicle and I hear someone say both of our names. We turn around and my husband's cousins were in the line for the other vehicle! We had no idea they'd be in WDW at the same time as us. So we met up after our rides and chatted for a while. It's always a jarring experience to see someone you know in a big place like that.

Oh! And another time I was in line at Forbidden Journey in Univeral Studios. The family in front of us was telling us about how this trip was a reward to their daughter because she finished reading all of the HP books. I thought they were the sweetest, most lovely family. The next day, we were entering Magic Kingdom and my husband had to use the restroom. I sat on the bench in front of Town Hall and the family was standing right in front of me!

Maybe not "weird" but an It's a Small World situation. I was in AK last December when someone called out my name. It turns out it was a former priest of my church in Tallahassee who now lives near Panama City. He and his family were visiting at the same time as me. He showed a photo of me walking away from him at Everest. He then ran after me and called me. I remarked that the photo looked like he was stalking me. LOL!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't qualify this as all that weird, but my family and I were at Animal Kingdom the first summer it opened. We were walking around, taking everything in, and notice an over 6 foot long black snake on the side of the path next to a CM. We said to each other something along the lines of 'wow, the immersive animal AAs are pretty impressive'. Then watch as several other CMs rush in and move everyone away. Turns out it was a real snake.

Welcome to Florida.


Well-Known Member
Tokyo Disney Sea

While waiting in line for Aquatopia a sizable earthquake struck-- extremely unnerving. It rattled us the rest of our trip.
All rides for about 2 hours shut down while maintenance crews ran checks......back at hotel at night time news footage showed derailed trains, broken buildings, ripped up roads and isolated deaths around the Tokyo area.


New Member
We've been so much. I'm not really sure which trip this was. I'm going to guess 2011. We took a last minute trip to Disneyworld, really unplanned. We pull into parking lot at EPCOT. Van pulls in next to us, a coworker got out with this family. Just goes to prove it's a small world after all... :D

Frontierland's Finest

Active Member
During my CP days, I had to get to work early enough to beat the traffic caused by the WDW Marathon. Well when I finally made it to MK, the marathon was still going on. I expected the runners of course, but what I didn't expect was a guy in his 50's PEEING in the bushes right by TSI in Frontierland. To say I was shocked and caught of guard was definitely an understatement.


Well-Known Member
If it was awhile back you were probably selected by Dean. My family and I were fortunate enough to be selected by Dean twice to be the Grand Marshals of the parade. He wrote a book about his time at Disney and selecting Grand Marshals:

On a related note, I got my first haircut at the Main Street Barber Shop and my parents took a picture of me with the barber to mark the occasion. Who was that barber? Dean! It made us being selected by Dean to lead the parade all the more memorable :)
Yes, it was indeed Dean, and he was the nicest, kindest CM. We got a chance to chat before the parade and he told us some stories about picking the guests, and what guests have done to try to get picked. He even mentioned that he had thought about writing a book about it when he retired, so I am glad to see that he did!


Well-Known Member
Back in the day of 'Frozen mania' when Elsa and Anna first started to greet at MK(and lines were like 6 hours long, and everything was sold out in every store), I had a random lady on a bus to MK offer me $200 bucks to literally buy the Elsa dress off of my 4 year old daughter's body. When I pointed out that the dress was, in fact, her clothing for the day, she also offered to follow us to a store and buy an outfit for my kid.
I did not take her up on the offer, since we had FP to the meet and greet, and it was a Big Deal to my kiddo. However, looking back I'm thinking what in the heck was wrong with me - I paid like 20 bucks for that dress at Walmart... easy money!

Something similar happened to me but with the Rose Gold trend. Over a year ago when Rose Gold Ears had just come out for the first time and were out of stock I was wearing mine to Flower and Garden. Now, I was used to people asking me where I got my ears and me having to say that I had gotten them a while ago so I didn't know if any store had them at the moment. This guy stops me and asks the same thing and I apologize and say that it was an older purchase, he then asks me to sell it to him. I was obviously taken by surprise and it was so weird and random that I told him sorry but I was not interested. He then berates me for not selling it to him as I will have "other chances to get a new one" After that I sure was glad I did not agree with his offer, what entitlement.


Well-Known Member
Something similar happened to me but with the Rose Gold trend. Over a year ago when Rose Gold Ears had just come out for the first time and were out of stock I was wearing mine to Flower and Garden. Now, I was used to people asking me where I got my ears and me having to say that I had gotten them a while ago so I didn't know if any store had them at the moment. This guy stops me and asks the same thing and I apologize and say that it was an older purchase, he then asks me to sell it to him. I was obviously taken by surprise and it was so weird and random that I told him sorry but I was not interested. He then berates me for not selling it to him as I will have "other chances to get a new one" After that I sure was glad I did not agree with his offer, what entitlement.
I had a similar situation without the belittling. Three years back on my trans-Atlantic cruise, we stopped in the Canary Islands. I bought a T-shirt and later in the cruise I had it on. I had a woman come up to me and offer me 3 times what I paid for it because she forgot to buy one when we were there and she had told her son that she would bring a Canary Island Shirt back for him. I refused and she left depressed. By the time I got though the food filled cruise and got it home it no longer fit me and it hasn't since. So it sits hung in my closet, mocking me and calling me names because I could have made a nifty profit on it and now it just hangs there.


Well-Known Member
While sitting at Flame Tree down by the little lily pool, one of those big, white egret jerks take the food off my plate while my wife was sitting at the table (she actually took a picture of it right before it committed the heinous deed). I had stepped away to get some napkins and he just helped himself. Fortunately, a CM saw it happen and was kind enough to get me another plate. We moved tables because the bird would not leave and even warned some others. Of course some country bumpkin family sits down and the idiot dad immediately starts feeding the bird. My faith in humanity was redeemed slightly when the mom noticed, berated the dad, and then tried to chase off the bird.

They honestly need to enclose some of the dining pavilions even if its just screen to keep the Ibis duck, other birds and bugs out.

edit While they are at it they need to do this to Aunt Polly's and other areas known for these little beggars!
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New Member
The last time I went to WDW in Sept. 2018, I ran into 3 of my former students. I haven't taught school in 4 years so I hadn't taught these students in 7 or 8 years. They all came up to say hello. It made me feel really good that they didn't ignore me completely. We live in north Alabama so we're not super close to the parks either.


So mine was from a college Spring Break trip, probably '99, with friends and my longtime gf at the time. Not in the parks but we were eating on a Monday night at the ESPN WWOS Grill or whatever it was at the time. It's just us and one guy at the bar, who turns out to be a (now former) ESPN on-air personality (I'm leaving him unnamed so don't ask). We recognize him and say hello and he is suddenly our best friend. He invites us over to watch him do a segment at the empty baseball stadium. When that was over he practically begs us to go with him back to another location to do another segment. We politely decline several times, and its getting weird. Turns out he was basically after my gf.

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