Weather in August


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My family recently booked our next trip for August 16-24. After reading on several sources I have commonly heard complaints about weather in August being very rainy. Does anybody here agree with this point? I would just like to know what I should expect when I go down there. That is the time when hurricane season begins to hit its peak.


We are also going Aug 18-23rd and have been once before in Aug. All I can say is it is hot and humid! It only rained on us a few times and really did not stop anything. In fact it cooled you off if only for a little while. I get really nervous going at this time because of hurricanes but it is the only time of year that works for us. I constantly check the weather before we go and just hope we get lucky and nothing happens. Have fun!:wave:


New Member
What does it look like in the realm of crowds for August 9-14? I notice that this week is right out of "peak season" just wondering just how crowded it will be... typically??


Well-Known Member
I have been in August several times. Not peak crowds, but pretty busy. You will need to use common sense about which attractions to see first, arrive early, etc. Splash and Space can hit 90 minute waits during the day. It's that kind of crowd. Also hot, humid, and rainy in the afternoon. The rain cools down the temp, and makes the evenings more pleasant. If it doesn't rain the heat can stay with you all the way to midnight! Carry water, cooling fans, and don't overplan. You can still have a great time!


Well-Known Member
We were there a few times in august. I cant handle the summer months. It is way too hot and humid, and very crowded. But no matter when you go, you'll have fun. But waiting over an hour for almost every ride in the summer is not so much fun.

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
Its it 2 degrees hotter than H*LL!!! I like warm weather and I am totally a beach person but I wanted to die when we were there in August. That also goes for mid July as well. Drink plenty of water and being a park commando is definately out. Dont try to do to much. Also try to duck into cool shops and eatting places for a quick cool down. Take it slow and you should have a good time.:wave:


New Member
I was wondering the same thing about the weather and the crowds. I am also going Aug 11-16th for my daughters sweet 16 birthday! I have been before over February and April vacation and also in Sept & Oct but are the crowds worse in August rather than Feb or April vacation? Just curious?? :shrug:
Its it 2 degrees hotter than H*LL!!! I like warm weather and I am totally a beach person but I wanted to die when we were there in August. That also goes for mid July as well. Drink plenty of water and being a park commando is definately out. Dont try to do to much. Also try to duck into cool shops and eatting places for a quick cool down. Take it slow and you should have a good time.:wave:

I'm glad you brought up the fact that it's also hot in July. It's summer, folks, and it's hot in most places. The difference in temperature between June or July vs. August is just a couple of degrees and those afternoon thunderstorms, which last all of 10 minutes, are refreshing.

We've been to WDW many times in August. I like heat. I like smaller crowds. Honestly, there have been times, during vacations in late August, when it was too chilly at night to go in the pool. Still, we get asked all the time how we stand the August heat.


Active Member
I believe you are starting to see a trend here with hot, humid, and a chance of rain everyday. Don't be concrned about a hurricane if you are at WDW, they handle it very well. If you have to be in a hurricane, that's the place to be. Besides WDW is not on the coast so the storm has a chance of reducing in intensity over land. The only thing to worry about is closing of the Orlando Airport, and road congestion if you are driving there.


Active Member
Hot... Sticky... Muggy... Sweltering...

with an afternoon rain shower that lasts about 15 mins. But don't fear. You will dry off quickly and it will very soon be hot, sticky and even more muggy.

But look at where you'll be!!! You won't even notice. :animwink: It's worth it.


Active Member
We went last year at the end of August. Yes, it is hot and extremely humid, but after going through the hot humid summer here in New England, the relative difference wasn't that great. Even today, the temperature here was 88 degrees with 90% humidity. The best strategy is to get to the parks at opening and do the commando touring in the first two hours. This should get you past most of the E-tickets before the crowds build and it gets really hot. Take a midday break and go for a swim, then return for evening EMH. Be prepared for a downpour at just about any time.

You should also take a lesson from the CM's. If you try to move at a New York pace you will wear yourself out very quickly. Being from the Northeast, I used to get frustrated when the CM's, particularly at the counter service eating spots, seemed to move so slowly. Then it finally dawned on me that they can't move at the pace I'm used to--they'd be an exhausted, sweaty mess within an hour.

Touring in August gave me a new respect for the CM's. While everyone else was sweaty and wilted, they always looked fresh and were good natured. (Perhaps you get used to it living in Florida).

Anyway, we found the crowds to be very manageable, especially following the plans from, and had a great time despite the heat/humidity.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
The family and I have been there 3 times in Aug. Yes it's hot and humid, and I sweat like there's no tomorrow. But believe it or not, in all the times we've been there in Aug., this past April it rained more and heavier than any other visit we've had at anytime. Which is to date 15 times since 1997.


New Member
Coming from the UK the heat and humidity of August beats the cold and unpredictable weather of February. We've done both and also the crowds seemed to be lighter when we went in August 2005 compared to May/June 2002 and the humidity was no worse. In fact with lighter crowds it was more tolerable. Never again will we try February - when we even saw people wearing padded jackets and fleeces, hats and gloves - we were totally unprepared for this. But with the kids school holidays August suits us best as we dont want to face the Easter or Christmas crowd levels. The August showers can be refreshing and as mentioned previously help for evening touring.


Active Member
Coming from the UK the heat and humidity of August beats the cold and unpredictable weather of February. We've done both and also the crowds seemed to be lighter when we went in August 2005 compared to May/June 2002>>>>>>

2005 everyone was still thinking about the hurricanes that hit in 2004 so the fall was slower. I wouldn't count on smaller crowds in August this year. Also add on Florida families going to the parks later this year because schools will no longer be starting in early August for most of the school districts here.

Also if a hurricane does come in and go over or near Orlando, they may close the parks for a day or 2 and confine you to your hotel. If staying off site, restaurants and most everything else will close until after the storm passes so hotels that have restaurants are a good idea.
When storms approach either coast, evacuated people tend to head to Orlando for its relative safety from the storms. That said, there were still some hotels/motels in the area that did get some pretty heavy damage during the 2004 hurricanes. All Disney hotels seemed to weather the storms well. Quests seemed to be happy with the way Disney handled it. CMs even volunteer to work through the storms in the hotels keeping guests entertained so I know they view it as a safe harbor from the storms too.

As for regular thunderstorms that occur every afternoon......usually just planning to eat lunch or supper at theat time is the way we handle them when we are in the park. Indoor rides and shows will continue during thunderstorms; but roller coaster and outdoor rides will close until it is safe to reopen.
The water parks will get you off the slides and out of the water when they see lightning within a certain distance of the park. They have weather watchers up on the mt. in Blizzard that make the call. They will close during the duration and will usually reopen the park unless the storm is close to closing anyway.

Should people avoid August at Disney......nah, go have fun, but drink plenty of water, apply sun screen after your shower in the morning, and continue to reapply as the day wears on. Remember heat stroke is a problem so be aware. If you feel a headache coming on,clammy, disoriented, thirsty standing in line get out of the sun for a while and drink water- not beer or soda -water.


New Member

I have been in August 2 or 3 times and it has been extremely muggy and rains every afternoon. Very similar to July!

Make sure you arrive early to do some great stuff while the heat is not beating down on you.

Enjoy your trip! And the Country Bear Jamboree!

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