As a nurse you are far more exposed then the average person, unless they attend a rally or something. So it is not surprising that at some point you touched your mask and latter touched your face because you are in an environment that is packed with it. Most of us are not and having a mask helps a lot. You may find a few people that wore a mask and got the virus but unless you followed those people around every second for the last 5 months or so you have no idea what or who they might have had contact with. On top of that you have no idea how many didn't get it because they were wearing a mask. Perhaps the mask is what prevented them from getting it and you would have had no reason to hear about it.
None of us know for sure, but is it worth taking that chance. I personally don't think so. I'd rather be around this time next year to discuss the hardship memories then to be having flowers put on my grave on Memorial Day. As far as the "mask on" butt covering statement, they are smart enough to know that people just by habit will touch their face, take the mask of to eat or drink and what it is saying is everyone is personally responsible for their own health. However, how much one chooses to minimize their exposure seems to be a personal decision and shouldn't have people that don't really know, because the most intelligent medical mind is not sure what exactly to do other then minimize. 99% of all people from 0 to 64 will probably survive. My guess is that those over 65 that do not make it amount to in the 60% category. Is it fair to keep telling them that as if you know for sure? That's a big responsibility to burden yourself with. I know I wouldn't want to do it. What it boils down to is unless it is absolutely required by the government or by the people whose private property you want to put yourself in, I guess no one can make you, but that is your show of strength and I don't see why it is justified to advise others to do the same.