WDWishes first trip report. 8/12/06 to 8/21/06

This is my first trip report, but around my 23rd trip to WDW. We leave tommorrow at 8AM, and we sill stay at PoR Riverside. Right now my head throbs and I feel horrible... I felt this way all day. I am going tommorrow no matter how I feel in the morning, but I hope it goes away overnight. Expect lots of pictures and updates.


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I woke up around the same time on day two, and I headed on out to MK. I hopped on the monorail and got there in no more than 15 minutes.

Little did I know that MK would be PACKED that day. I got in ( after a lengthy wait for all those people who don't know who to stick a finger on the blue light. My record for a turnstile is 3.5 seconds....) and headed to the most thrilling ride in the park- the TTA.


I was happily sailing along through TL, when this monstrosity came out of the blue. It was an attaction that's theming six flags puts to shame.....

oh well....

PUSH cheered me up after my encounter with two horribly themed attractions.

I then walked over to eat my heart attack special- figaro fries minus the lettuce and tomato, with extra ranch. along with a dasani bought because I almost passed out from the heat.....

After that I meandered over to PoTC, and I may have stopped to ride HM.
The line for PoTC was longer than normal but it took no more than 15 minutes.


With this next picture, keep in mind it is above 100 degrees with a ton of humidity. This outfit was made out of what appeared to be rubber......



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Day 2 part 2.
I decided to run on over to EPCOT and see how busy it was, since MK was packed.I still can't believe nothing is being done to WoL.

Here is one of my better SSE shots.


Merf's beloved mural was coming along well.

After a trip on SSE I headed on over to club cool, but the only flavor in stock was kinley. that was alright though, because kinley is one of my favorite imported soft drinks.

After club cool, I realized it was time for dinner at the coral reef.
For my appetizer I had the breaded calimari and lobster soup

I think I had the salmon for my entree, but I forget.

And I had this chocolate cake like thing for dessert, I don't know what it's called.

After my delicious and free dinner, I headed toward MGM.

I love walking this path to mgm.

Mgm was busy too, but that didn't stop me from my daily tower fix.

Actually, let me rephrase that. MGM was incredibly crowded. The EMH wristband distrobution line was this long for 3 to 3 1/2 hours...

Another good shot of tower.

Oh and by the way, these pictures are the copywright of me, wdwishes2005, and anything but personal use ( desktop background, ect.) is prohibited unless given permission from me. Higher resolution pictures are available on request for use as backgrounds, ect.


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day two, part three

After hitting ToT a few times I decided to go over to RnRC and pick up a guitar pick from the gift shop. I'm not kidding, they had 5-6 things with picks ON them, or IN them, or pictures of picks on them, but NO picks.....
As it got darker I decided to bite the bullet and get my EMH wristband.
Here is one of my better RnRC pictures.

That night i must've rode tower at least 10 times, and I got to be the last guest on the ride that night. I go tmy own elevator and one of the bellhops rode with me.


after tower closed, I took my time and wondered out of the park, grabbing a pizza

and taking pictures as i went.




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And so ends day two
Cough drops- 1-2
Food eaten- slice of pizza, lots of kinley, calamari, figaro fries, dasani, and salmon.
Souveneirs bought- 1- ToT key
Miles walked- alot, I'd estimate at least ten
parks visited, MK, EPCOT, and MGM
Rides ridden- lots.....
More to come soon, I plan on getting this report done before I leave oct 11 for the AP weekend, so I can clear my memory card.

sorry about any bad grammar or misspellings, I wrote this at 1 in the morning.
Day 3 tomorrow


Well-Known Member
This is a great trip report! Thanks for sharing! It really makes me excited for our next trip, almost like we are there through you!:sohappy:


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Day 3

Today I decided to actually take a bus somewhere, and I headed on over to AK. I got there about 11, and got in line for the turnstyles. The line moved slowly, like always, and then it stopped. for about 25 minutes.... They said there was a computer malfunction that affected every park.

After they got it fixed I ran towards EE before the group of people that extended almost back to the security checkpoint got in, and found that they had finally made a sperate single riders line ( :) )

I thought it was bad show that these aren't hidden yet, but the fact that it is now dark in the backwards section of EE made up for it.

The view from the top of EE, one of my favorites in the park.

A one minute fastpass window. That can't be right....

We're sorry, the stand by wait counter died after it went past 250....

There was a construction wall up in asia by kali

I tought about going on Kail to rid myself of the oppressive floridian heat, but I didn't want to wait 60 minutes to get wet....so I went to that little fountain thing, and I'm not kidding, I went from soaking wet to bone dry in under 15 minutes.....

after riding EE two or three times, the lack of water and the sun started to make me sick. I stopped at 4 different stands, and 2 of them couldn't take my room key ( I carry little or no cash in the parks) 1 of them didn't have water, and the last one, 45 minutes later, accepted my room key.

Water... Lovely water....


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Day three, part two

Walking towards the exit to the park, I stopped to enjoy my smoothie and water next to this lovely band
I had a fever

and the only perscription, was more cowbell.

( this picture isn't part of the copyright statement i put in, it's not my picture.)
I noticed they were selling 1 week tatoos, and they looked pretty cool. I considered getting one with the EE logo on it, but I decided to just head on out of AK

As I was leaving AK, A storm seemed brewing, but nothing ever came of it.

After I got to EPCOT I was a bit bored, since most of the rides had long lines. And you know what they say, idle hands do the devil's work. I tried to resist, but the allure of air conditioning and a nice 5 minute break were too much...

I decided to try the black and white setting on my camera, and I loved it.

I decided to head on over to MK, and I was experimenting with the black and white settings.

This is one of my favorite pics, because it shows how black and white can make what appears to be a boring picture into something awesome.

I didn't do much at MK, I just sort of wondered along.
I decided tonight would be a good night to go to dtd, and check out the new section in WoD, and eat at planet hollywood.

I LOVED the pirate room, the addition of AA's was a nice touch.
I only waited about 15 minutes to get a seat a PH
I had the buffalo wings for the appetizer

The shrimp pasta for the entree.


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and the ghiradelli's brownie dessert for dessert.

And so ends day 3.
stats- Miles walked- Alot, but not as much as day two. I'd ay about 7.

Cough drops- none
Items bought- I might have bough a pin or two
Food eaten- Not sure, I can't figure out what happened to my counter service meal that day.
rides ridden- EE twice, JIYI once, and SSE once.
parks visited- AK, EPCOT, MK, DTD


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Alrighty, I'm going to throw this trip report into 6th gear. I leave for WDW in twelve hours and I still need to get packed, and move my whole music library to a computer that likes my ipod..... I apologize for any spelling/grammatical mistakes. I'll probably get them worked out when I get back, right now i am getting all this down so I can delete the pics off my camera.

Day 4
I decided today would be a good day to go to mgm, and of course the first thing I did when I got there was ride tower.

I LOVE the black and white settings on my camera.. No.. It's beyond love, it's obsession....



I love this sign.

I headed toward RnRc to check the wait time and I noticed this stage.

After deciding I really didn't want to wait 60 minutes for RnRC I decided to get something to eat. so I bought some fish and chips with vinegar and chocolate mousse

Has anyone ever figured out what the article says?

I meandered around for about 20 minutes to get the fish and chips and mousse all swirled up in my stomach, and was shocked to see Disney selling KH2 for 60$...
I figured the mousse and fish had swirled around enough, so I hit ToT again.



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Day 4-cont.

Old school ladder.

oooooh creepy ductwork

the bellhops the week I was down were awesome. They let me get the last ride of the night several nights and really made my week.

they were selling these in the Christmas shop. I have no idea why, and they were gone without a trace the next day, but they were very cool. The pictue makes the faces look white, but they were blue.

I started heading towards EPCOT, because I had PS at teppanyaki that night, and for once I took a bus somewhere. when I got to the EPCOT station, the bus that came said it was going to Omaha. I was a bit skeptical, but the driver assured me we where going to EPCOT.

I made it to EPCOT fine, and noticed there were alot of these non disney buses running disney routes
After a delicious dinner at teppanyaki, and going to the bathroom in england to realize they had already turned the auto flush off, I took some pictures of SSE that I think turned out well.
this one sort of looks like a post apopcalyptic EPCOT.





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Alright, I can honestly say I tried, I still have to finish one or two more days, but I can delete some of my pictures off my camera now. I'll update when I get back at the end of the week.

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