WDW while pregnant?


My beautiful wife and I are planning our annual trip with one major difference. She is 5 months PREGNANT. Any veterens out there with suggestions for this unique trip? We are staying at WL and do plan on scheduling a lot of "down" time there.


Well-Known Member
Well this topic has been on my mind a lot latey, seeing as I leave for WDW in 2 days and I am 8 weeks pregnant. Each stage of the pregnancy is a different trip. My 1st trip I took pregnant I was 32 weeks (just starting the 8th month) At that time there was nothing out there for pregnant women. I just got home from my Ob-gyn and while looking through the magizines his office gave out free there was an article on being pregnant at WDW. So far nothing I hadent heard before, it was in epregnancy and was written by Kathleen M Reily. You might be able to find it on line. (the magizine had Marlee Matlin on the cover.)

The unoffical guide also has a page on going to WDW pregnant.

5 months is a great time to go, morning sickness should be over, but not as big as she is going to get. What time of year will you be there. Be careful if it is too hot. My Doc warned me to be very careful with the sun and drink lots of water.

At this point it is so early I can ride any ride I feel up too. My concern is not feeling well and no engrery. Oh well can't have it all. My Doc did take pitty on me and give me some free samples of a special med they give to cancer patients to ease nausea. It works very well, but I am saving it for when I really need it. We plan to take lots of breaks and just have a relaxing trip. We also will be staying at VL (Villas) it will be our 1st trip there so I will have to let you know how great it is when we get back.

Tell your wife not to worry, she will not be the only pregnant women there. Congradulations and good luck. Wear comfortable shoes, remember if you really need it you can even rent a whell chair. There is lots of nice places to take a break. If it is just the too of you be sure to spend lots of time at Epcot, and then some time at MK dreaming about how much your child is going to love that place. (my DD who we went to WDW pregnant is a true WDW fan, this will be her 4th trip, and she isn't 3 yet.)
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New Member
pregnant at WDW

I was 5 months pregnant when we last went to WDW for 6 days. I actually had more energy than my husband did. There were lots of rides I could still go on. The Safari ride at AK is one to avoid. It is very bumpy. I did ride Splash Mountain with no problems. Be sure to take a copy of the pre natal records with you to be on the safe side.
Speaking of Disney, my 16 yr old daughter is there now with her high school band. They were in the parade this morning. :)
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The Mom

Premium Member
I've gone three times while pregnant (2 different pregnancies)

The first time, I was about 5 months along, and really had no difficulties. The second time, I was still in my first trimester, so had some morning sickness and fatigue issues, but was still able to enjoy myself. I went again closer to my due date (around 7 months) and felt great. I was stopped from going on a lot of rides, but also used the pregnancy as an excuse to stay off anything I didn't want to ride. I was fortunate, because as soon as I got back, I was put on bedrest for the duration!
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I found out I was pregnant the week after returning from WDW a couple of years ago. (Including that trip, my 1 year old has been to WDW three times...) I had ridden all the rides, including RNR Coaster, TOT, etc. I went to my doctor all panic stricken. She told me to chill out. They put the warnings on the ride so they won't be sued, but she was confident I wouldn't have any problems with my pregnancy due to the rides. She said that really, I could ride about any of the rides while pregnant, and it would be fine.

I'd keep off the jerky fast rides, but you'll be able to have plenty of fun. Also, call now and ask the hotel to reserve a room for you on the main floor. They'll be happy to do that for you.

And...know where the bathrooms are at all times.:lol:
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Well-Known Member
I went at 4.5 months and walking around wasn't an issue. My doctor, who is a big WDW fan, said I could go on anything I wanted. I skipped Tower of Terror, but did Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain.
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New Member
I went when I was 3 months pregnant and had no probelems except for being very tired at the end of the day but we went in early Dec and the parks closed early so I didn't miss anything. The only ride I went on that I wouldn't recommend was the safari and AK. It was very bumpy.
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New Member
Yes, I did go on Splash Mtn. It is a smooth ride, so it was ok. Also rode Tower of Terror, but stayed away from the coasters and Body Wars, Star Tours, anything jerky.
I did go on the Safari at AK, and held my belly the whole time. It was very bumpy. I wouldn't do that again.
Something about going to Disney when you are pregnant, I think it turns the unborn child into a true Disney nut. :) My daughter thinks she IS Cinderella!! My other 2 aren't as Disney crazy as she is. And they have been there!!
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Well-Known Member
My sister-in-law will be 2 1/2 months when we go at the end of the month and I just got her a magazine that had an article in it about WDW Pregnant. The magazine was called "Pregnancy" I believe. The cover photo has a blue backgound. I hope that helps you.
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Original Poster
"Something about going to Disney when you are pregnant, I think it turns the unborn child into a true Disney nut. My daughter thinks she IS Cinderella!! My other 2 aren't as Disney crazy as she is. And they have been there!!" from Badsquishy

This is a good thing. We already know "she's a girl". However, she better decide to be Belle!:lol:
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Well-Known Member
Going to WDW while pregnant really does turn the baby into a Disney child. Little PhD now is currently crying because she wants to go back (we just got home yesterday.) 2nd trip pregnant went really well, no problems at all. I wasn't even sick a tiny bit. I road a few rides, but mostly sat off with little PhD. I felt so good the whole trip, being back home is no fun! (I am currenlty 9 weeks pregnant.)

Still need to work on the trip report, but I haven't unpacked yet.
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