WDW Water Secret!!!!


New Member
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's...the thread flying away! Bye, thread!

Getting back ON TOPIC, if I could (I have to use that more and more these days):

I'm probably the only one in my group who doesn't mind drinking that water. Everyone else can't stand it, yet I just keep filling up my water bottle day after day. "How can you drink that?" they ask. "With pride," I tell them, "with pride."

So anyway, can we please stop yelling at each other and actually talk about what we are supposed to talk about? Please?


Account Suspended
Original Poster
tigger248 said:
So, you didn't like Paduca? I've never been to that particular town, though I've known people from there. Many of the smaller towns can be boring. There is a reason why I no longer go to EKU in Richmond, KY anymore (there's nothing to do except get drunk, not that I know from experience or anything... :lookaroun ). :lol: I know Richmond's water tasted bad, I had a water purifier in my dorm room (which I also used in my apartment on my cp). I get spoiled by having great tasting water here at home sometimes.

When you're really thirsty on a hot day (as is often the case in FL), the water is quite welcome. They have water bottles with filters in them, which make the water taste almost of bottled water quality. Maybe you could try taking one of those on vacation with you. It would help. Even if/though the water has a bit of an aftertaste, it's still better than paying $2.50 for a 20 ounce bottle. I wouldn't pay that much for a bottle of water ever, unless the water was lethal (which it isn't). WDW's water could be a lot worse. My ex-boyfriend had well water in his house. It had a putrid (?sp) odor and taste! It smelled like sewage. The first time I took a shower and brushed my teeth there, I almost got sick.
Yeah, what kind of college student would get drunk:lookaroun (me). Anyway, I will agree with you that on a hot day the water isn't that bad!!!! Heck if I'm thirsty enough I will drink just about anything (except for a Beverly)

All I was trying to do with this post was to give a location of a water fountain where the water doesn't taste like death!!!! I'd say in WDW last year I spent about $50 on bottled waters!!!!! Now I have leaned from my mistakes and will now pack bottles of water which I can buy in Cleveland for 79 cents a piece!!!! Anywho, I guess anything is better than well water which is probably the most vile form of water there is!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The water at AK and MGM seem to not have as much of a sulfur taste to me as Epcot and MK. I don't know if they are using a different well field to for these parks or what. It doesn't taste as bad to me as water I have drank in other parts of the county, but my wife thinks I'll drink anything. Last year I would carry several frozen water bottles in for us to drink. We would start to drink them as they melted, then put water from the fountains in them. This seemed to help make the taste better.
Indy95 said:
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's...the thread flying away! Bye, thread!
Thanks for bringing the thread back to topic in such a funny way. It made me laugh, even though it is 4:30 in the morning right now.

Anywho, (yes, I did that on purpose, so no correction is needed)

I feel that most of Florida's water (at least the areas in which I have lived or visited) has a sort of sulfuric taste to it. All I can really say is that it is definitely different from the water I am used to. I grew up in a 100 year old house that still had the piping that was installed when public water and indoor plumbing became available. (maybe the lead pipes made me a little crazy :hammer: whoop! whoop! yummy! lead poisoning!)

In closing, after you have read all my random rambling, Florida's water is definitely different than Pennsylvanian water. WDW is no exception to that, although I think that the smell and taste of WDW's water is a bit more subdued than some other areas in the state.

Thank you for reading. Have a Magical Day!


New Member
I was just stating that the topic of this thread was to point out the best places in WDW to get free water, not to belittle the rest of the water resevoir, people who have trouble spelling, and the entire state of Kentucky.

Thankfully, two of the most egregious deviants have been suspended from the boards, so hopefully we can start having more discussion and less agruments.

Maybe we can start the thread over again...Hi, I'm Indy (Hi, Indy!), and I think the best water fountain on WDW property is the one outside of the International Gateway at Epcot. Discuss!


Well-Known Member
hi Indy,

Ok - the aforementioned fountain outside IG is, in fact, pretty good.

There is a fountain (last time I checked) next to guest relations by Spaceship Earth that is just astoundingly cold.

Must have been missed by Engineering when the orders came down a couple of years ago to turn up all the thermostats (except in the hotels, apparently) to save some major bucks on chilling water.

Damn, I probably doomed it.


Just a tad mean for a friendly message board. At least we're not all talking in text speak...

gobuckeye@wdw said:
we as Americans constantly butcher our own LANGUAGE!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

I'd rethink that, it is called 'english' after all...
In thought that the water was fine at WDW! We heard The water was bad so the wife and I bought those brita bottles, but it really wasn't bad at all.

The water was cool coming out of the fountain behind cinderella's castle.(The one with the statue)


Well-Known Member
Most of the water in Disney tastes horrible, must be the filtering they use or the cheap cups, but I swear sometimes the water tastes just like plastic.


Where the hell are we — Paris?
Premium Member
MK is a lost cause (BTMRR fountains are the worst)
Epcot seems like its getting better, at least in WS. Future World must be on a differnt main.
DAK is good, new plumbing
MGM also ok.

They probably just keep the water taste quality (not safety) to a minimum to make sure that food and drink sales don't dry up. Pardon the pun.

Oh yeah, I forgot the waterparks, they just pump everything in from the wave pools and slides into the fountains...

Overall though it is no where close to NYC tap water quality. :slurp: Guess Im just spoiled.


New Member
I don't mind the water at Disney but then again I don't pay that much attention to water and I am used to fresh spring water here in Tennessee.


Active Member
hey all-
Just have to put my two cents in. I grew up in Chicago (home of the best Lake Michigan water in the world), moved to Florida (home of the 2 foor water table and sulfer based soil) and then back to Chciago. I only drink Chicago tap water, everything else is bottled. I have a story here. The water in WDW is so bad that after one hot July evening, we returned to our room at the Boardwalk a little after 11 to find the store closed BEFORE the parks close. Now, that in itself is for a different thread, but all I wanted was, not beer, not milk, I WANTED A BOTTLE OF WATER!!! If anyone has ever taken the time to read the Zephyrhills contents label, it says water purified at the source (to remeove the sulphur) and SALT added for flavor...

In summary, yes, the water at WDW is horrid. I find myself spending more money on water than on beer in WDW. :zipit:

Gail Hayden

New Member
I don't find the water all that bad at WDW if it is cold. We had well water that actually turned my hair blue/green and had a horrid taste, so, Disney is an improvement. New Haven water is horrible, so, since our move from the house with the well, I have been drinking Nestle water (it owns Poland Springs and the water, IMHO is better than PS).
Look I know I sometimes misplace commas but....... is it that difficult to know when to use "to" or "too." Seriously, if I handed in a term paper to one of my professors that had the phrase "to far from WDW," in it I would most likely fail the paper. That is something just sooooooooooooooo basic it is kind of wierd that we as Americans constantly butcher our own LANGUAGE!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

You needed a "?" mark, not a period. It may be basic, but, so are manners. Correcting someone's spelling in public is a blantant display of poor manners.
America does NOT have a national language, therefore, it would be impossible to butcher our language. We are, indeed, butchering one of our "mother" countries' language.
Keep in mind, when you expect perfection in another, you need to be perfect first. :) Never expect more than you are willing or able to give first.


New Member
gobuckeye@wdw said:
Ok as we all know the water in WDW SUCKS!!!!! It is soooo bad that I ask for no ice with all of my drinks!!!!!! So I have a little bit of a secret to tell you guys.........

There is one water fountain in Epcot that actually has cold, good tasting water!!!!!!!! The fountain is located right by the International Gateway. It is just past the England pavillion and has a tile facade around it.

I know it's wierd that only this fountain has good water but ask Indy 95 he knows about it as well!!!!!

Have a happy holiday and I will be happy to answer any questions you have!!!:wave:


EDIT: i think i've been spending too much time at somethingawful


I don't like the water very much at WDW. But I think I am spoiled, naturally volcanic filtered hawaiian water and then artesian spring well water (Abita Springs). I am going to try the fountains mentioned earlier in this thread when I am next there-- maybe I won't have to buy water this trip :)

But hey, at least the WDW water isn't infused with radium like the Pensacola Beach water was. Bleh.
Well, I personally don't like any American water at all. There is way too much fluorine, or fluoride, I forget which, and it just makes it taste like toothpaste. No, give me Buxton, limestone spring water anyday. Much fresher.

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