WDW Water Secret!!!!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
If you think about it, the "foul" water could be a marketing tactic for WDW. If their water is up to safetly standards as water goes, but the guest fountains taste isn't up to par, then they in turn can sell more bottles of water at $2.50 a pop. That adds up!!


New Member
Water WDW

I have to agree with the original poster. The water at DW is awful!!!!Of course, i am spoiled. The water here in central Maine is awesome. Plus, if we want bottled we buy Poland Spring Water which is the best tasting bottled water you can find. I always have to bring expensive hair conditioner because the water to bathe with is so hard, your hair feels like a brillo pad after a couple of days. I always bring a 12 pack of Poland Spring in my suitcase when we go, it's heavy to tote but well worth the bother to drink decent tasting water, especially at night.


Well-Known Member
I only ever drink bottled water when I'm at WDW, and even that doesn't taste as good as the water I can get direct from the tap at home. Trust me, nothing beats the standard of the lovely soft water we have here in Scotland.

Eddie :sohappy:


New Member
The water is one of the things that gets me excited about being at Disney World. I know it tastes bad, but the burning Rome scene in SE smells bad. Most of us here on the board like that smell. I guess the taste of the water works the same as the Disney smells. lol


Well-Known Member
Water is Water

Last June, my family filled water bottles from any convenient fountain at WDW and found the water to be mostly cold and always wet, which is, I believe water's goal in life. To my knowledge, none of us complained.

As for paying oodles of money for bottled water, it's one of the silliest things I can think of, unless you live in an area without running water. Bottled water is one of the greatest tricks ever played on the American public.


Active Member
Beany-Fantasmic said:
Well, I personally don't like any American water at all. There is way too much fluorine, or fluoride, I forget which, and it just makes it taste like toothpaste. No, give me Buxton, limestone spring water anyday. Much fresher.

.....and how would an Englishman know what toothpaste tasted like? :lol:

.....I KNEW Englishmen hated the taste of toothpaste! :lol:


Please don't be offended, it's just a joke. Feel free to add any American insults you'd like.

Now, as to the topic, I agree the water isn't great, but it's drinkable. When it's 95 degrees and 100% humidity, I could drink pretty much anything.


Well-Known Member
Buckeye said:
.....and how would an Englishman know what toothpaste tasted like? :lol:

.....I KNEW Englishmen hated the taste of toothpaste! :lol:


Please don't be offended, it's just a joke. Feel free to add any American insults you'd like.

Now, as to the topic, I agree the water isn't great, but it's drinkable. When it's 95 degrees and 100% humidity, I could drink pretty much anything.
*koff* insert American political joke here *koff*


New Member
I don't mind the water -that- much as long as it's somewhat cold. I guess I'm odd, I'll drop $2.50 for an ice cold Coke but I just can't do it for water. This year I'm goint to bring some of those Crystal light on the go packets and just drink fountain water.


Well-Known Member
British water is so much better than WDW water, even british tap water.

but if the water is wet i'll drink it to stay hydrated... even if it tastes :hurl:


I guess that's because we're surrounded by it, so it has less distnace to travel?? Dunno. B ut I admire those connoisseurs of water, I really can't tell the difference.


Well-Known Member
For those of you who don't like Florida water, I might just have one of the best tips for you...

You can fill your water bottle up anywhere, or ask for ice water at counter service restaurants. Then, just mix in some pre-sweetened Kool-Aid and voila! You've got something fit to drink! We do it all the time because the Cokes are too darn expensive.


New Member
Maybe it's just me, but when I'm in Disney World the quality of the water is the last thing on my mind. We always take a case of bottled water and keep it in the hotel room anyway.


New Member
I agree Buckeye, I live in SW Florida and our water is nasty. With the exception of a few places in SC-GA I would say we have the worst water around. I appreciate the info even if no one else does. I WON'T drink water from around here if it hasn't been R/O'd that seems to be the only treatment that works.I think its funny people actually BUY Zephyrhills spring water! For me its got to be pure. For some reason Aquafina tastes the "cleanest" to me.Weird but true.

Jekyll Baker

New Member
I grew up and live in SE GA, and have relatives in central FL. I don't think that the water in this general area is bad (being from the same or adjacent aquifers), though many guests who visit the hotel I work for cannot tolerate our water. Many say it's sulphurous - I guess I'm just used to it (as well as everyone else who grew up in the area). The worst water I ever tasted was from Milwaukee - it wasn't awful, just tasted odd.


Well-Known Member
My ex-boyfriend from Orlando had well water and it was nasty. I gagged the first time I had to drink it. It even smelled bad. Taking a shower at his house was like taking a shower in sewage based on the smell. WDW water was like purified bottled water compared to his well water! When I was a cp, I got around the taste with a purina water filter pitcher and bottle. It helped tremendously! People would laugh at how I was always with the bottle, since I wouldn't drink tap water. I definitely prefer my home water anytime.


I think the water in WDW tastes like chlorine and i could swear they add salt or something into the water to make you more thirsty to make you buy a real drink like Coke or whatever from the stalls which are ludricrously over priced.



New Member
I have always enjoyed the water fountain in the Pirates of the Caribbean store (over towards the rest room side). It is always really cold and refreshing.


Well-Known Member
That's cool. Now I can fill up my water bottle and still feel refreshed. I hate the warm water fountains. Thanks. I'm going to have to write this down.


Active Member
I've always thought that the fountain in Tomorrowland over by the old cable cars station was the best. It's the only decent one I've ever been able to find. Then again, I've been spoiled with yummy Great Lakes water for my whole life. I do support the theory that by keeping the water gross and warm, they can boost their concession sales. I'm a whole lot more likely to buy a Coke there because I can't stand the fountain water.

On a sort-of-related tangent, I've always thought that WDW has the best tasting Coke I've ever had. I usually don't drink much plain Coke, but when I'm at Disney, I can't get enough of it. I wondered if it might be because of the weird tasting water they use as the base. Any ideas?
Kris, who suspects they may have taken Coke back to its roots just to get her hooked

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