WDW vs Universal - Convincing Arguments Anyone???


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
The biggest problem with Universal is that about 90% of the rides have height restrictions, so you will be dragging around the little ones who will become bored because they can't go on the rides. At least at Disney everyone can ride the majority of the rides there and if some of the group wants to go on space mountain or BTM, etc. they can and just meet up with the rest of the group later. Disney is a vacation for everyone, Universal is a vacation for older children 10+ and adults and that is provided they love thrill rides otherwise you will be paying for 4 kids admissions so they can ride the one fish two fish ride and see some shows. If I'm not mistaken even the Cat in the Hat ride has a height restriction. I've been to both IOA and Universal, I don't particularly like coaster rides, but go on Spiderman and MIB. I can get into both parks free (have a cousin who works there) but don't usually bother because there isn't enough for me to do, where in Disney, I never have a problem filling my day with things to do. When I took my 10 year old nephew this past July, we had no problem finding lots of rides that he didn't think were "baby" rides. Test track was his favorite and we went on it five times. He even enjoyed the fireworks, Fantasmic and Spectromagic. I agree Disney is a vacation, Universal is a day trip.

Stitch has a height restriction...


Well-Known Member
I think what is being said here is that if some of the party wants to go on say Mission:Space, there is enough in the area to go on a ride, see a show or otherwise keep the other members of a party entertained while waiting for the people who wanted to do the thrill ride. Are thelittleones too scared to do TOT?? No problem they can go in (with an adult of course) and see Beauty & The Beast while waiting!!! Dinosaur too much for the little ones?? Not a problem, Dinoland with the games and smaller rides is just around the corner!!! Most other theme parks are looking for the thrill audience. Disney doesnt have to, it has an appeal all its own!!! Belle

goofy mom

New Member
We are going to be at WDW for 8 days, but I'm debating using a free day to hang out at Wilderness Lodge and enjoy the hotel aspect of our vacation, or to use it to go to IOA with our kids who aren't much into the thrill aspect. It sounds neat, but by most of the posts, it sounds as if we should wait until next year maybe. Thanks for all the input!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
goofy mom said:
While we are on this topic, could someone who's gone to IOA with kids close to my kids ages (12 & 9) tell me if it is worth the trip? They neither one like roller coasters, so I didn't think it would be worth going. But after lots of reading~it does sound like there are some fun things to do there besides 'thrill rides'. All advice is appreciated!
I would say no. There are very few things for someone that doesn’t like thrill rides to do at IOA. If Disney is not an option Sea world would be a much better choice.


New Member
I love both parks and because of the fact that you have 5 kids, not even in their teens going with, I would suggest staying at a WDW resort and taking a day or two to go and see Universal Studio. I enjoy IOA of all the parks down their the best and enjoy the over all more major feel of Universal. However, when I go and visit Orlando, I always stay at the WDW for one simple reason. There is so much more to do at WDW.

goofy mom

New Member
Thanks a lot! We are definitely doing Disney~probably a couple of days. And Epcot, MGM, Disney Quest & hopefully Blizzard Beach! I guess there will be enough to do without IOA. Maybe we'll enjoy that next time!


Well-Known Member
We went to both WDW and both parks at Uni earlier this month. It was my girlfriend's (age 19) first time to Orlando and she definitely liked WDW better.

Our plan was to do Disney 4 days of the trip and hit Universal Studios 1 day. She really wanted to go IOA due to the fact that there aren't many "thrilling" coasters at WDW (I chalk it up to that week-long trip to Cedar Point last summer and theri 14 coasters, but that's a whole 'nother story). We managed to fit most everything we wanted to do at Disney into 3 days and spent 2 days at the Studios and IoA (in that order).

At both parks we had 75% of everything done by noon. We saw every show at the Studios and rode the Mummy ~5 times, and ET and Jaws twice. We were still bored. The next day at IoA we rode everything, most multiple times, and saw the 1 show at the park (Sinbad). Again, we had most everything done by noon and got bored in the afternoon. We even went back to the Studios to give Shrek a 2nd chance (still wasn't impressed at all), ride the mummy, and hit 2 rides on MIB.

Here are our complaints about Uni:
  • Prices higher than Disney. Parking is $1 more. The prices for pop at Uni are $2.29/$2.79. At Disney they are $1.99/$2.29. Other food is generally more expensive as well.
  • My GF didn't like that they played "real" music in the parks, and it was played too loud. She missed hearing Disney music. Also, when you hear "real" music, it reminds you that you're in the real world. At Disney, the music aids you in escaping the real world and helps you forget that there's a real world out there.
  • A lot of effects/animatronics didn't work at Uni in the mornings, but worked later in the day. We were appreciative that they worked then, but what gives? Do they need to "warm up" in the morning?
  • Those stupid credit card hounds in the parking "hub".
I second the statement that Disney is an experience and Uni is going to a theme park. Disney just seems to do it better and has something that Uni is missing.


New Member
Honestly, I feel that USF and WDW are both wonderful parks in their own right. As we speak, I'm making a USF 15th Anniversary Tribute video, but that doesn't mean I don't love WDW like the third brother I never had. If you need an arguement for WDW, I'll say this about USF's pretty much only faults: USF is a more gutsy park (where do you see PG-13 warnings for attractions in WDW?), and not the best choice for very young children (best for kids age 10+), and their service isn't the same quality as WDW. However, if you do go to USF, try to have fun, and don't forget to take off your hat on Jurassic Park River Adventure (I've learned this from experience RIP: Matt's Philadelphia Phillies Hat, Summer 2003-February 2004)


New Member
WDW certainly is an experience, I don't know if you could call UO "not an experience," but it is certainly less so than WDW.

Anywho, besides the maintenance and presentation issues (where Disney far exceeds Universal), the best choice would be WDW simply because Universal does not have more than three days' worth of things to do, if even that. For me, it would be 1 1/2-2 days. So if your vacation is longer than two or three days, then WDW is the obvious choice.

Also, in terms of attractions and age, it seems that Universal's attractions are either a) strictly for adults or b) strictly for kids. There is hardly a "middle ground," if you will, maybe besides the Cat in the Hat. Disney has attractions such as Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Philharmagic, etc. where the whole family can enjoy the experience together. At Universal, 90% of the trip will be spent seperated from the rest of your family because the adults will be on Back to the Future and the kids on Barney. I don't think anyone wants that.


Well-Known Member
Show the family a DVD/VHS of WDW that you can order for free on their website. Present it to the family and let the video/DVD to all the talk for you.

When DH and I first got back from WDW for our honeymoon, my mom knew and were happy that we had a great time. But I was trying to convince her to come with us to go to WDW for a next trip because I knew she would have so much fun. For the first year she would tell me that she has been to DL so many times (she went at least over fifty times), that she believed that WDW is just like DL. I tried convincing her by watching DVD of WDW and showing pictures of it. Now it's starting to sink in. She is coming around and is considering in about two years just *maybe* of going. But trying to convince my step-dad is another story onto itself. He thinks that DL/WDW is just kid stuff. He had seen pictures and knows that WDW has many and great golf course, he just won't travel all the way to Florida to play them. But I keep repeating the fact that since he loves food so much he can eat around the world at Epcot and Epcot is the most "adult" park there! When I went to visit my parents for the weekend, my parents went to a travel agency to check out some future places to visit and one of the packets they took with them was WDW. My mom had been reading the booklet as well, so I didn't have to quiz her (J/K). Okay, I'm rambling for no reason. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Alright. Whoever gave me a neg. rep point without a comment on my last post needs to step out and tell me why and not sit shamefully in the shadows. If you didn't like my post, you could have at least had the guts to explain yourself in the thread.


New Member
Some of you Disney people dont look at Universal with an open mind. They both have positive and negative points. Yes many of Universals attractions have height restrictions. But can little kids meet spider-man at Disney, no, and what little kid doesnt like spider-man? Disney offers a lot of little kid rides, and not having as many thrills, even though they are building more. Now I would go as far to say that Disney is an experience and Universal is not. I'm sorry Epcot is not an experience it is a concrete palace with educational pavillions. At IoA you can see dinosaurs, or meet your favorite cartoon character. At USF you can ride your favorite movies, now I really do think USF is better than MGM. Now I love Magic Kingdom, there is so much to do and it is a lot of fun, but I still love IoA more because it appeals to what I like, but I will go to Disney any day


Active Member
Michael72688 said:
At IoA you can see dinosaurs, or meet your favorite cartoon character.
this statement is a wash, there's an entire land devoted to Dinosaurs at one of WDW's parks, and another pavilion that features them extensively, so you can't use Dinosaurs as a selling point for either resort

of course "favorite cartoon characters" is highly subjective, i think most people on these boards would choose a Disney character as their favorite. I'd bet there's as many kids who would choose Buzz Lightyear as their favorite, as there are who would pick Shrek, so again... this statement too, is a wash-out

not to pick nits, but that one sentence just stood out to me as meaningless PR-speak


Well-Known Member
MagicMan17 said:
Ok, here's the deal. I need to make an argument with a couple of family members on why we need to take our vacation to WDW instead of, gulp, Universal. So far, I've been relying heavily on the angle that the kids would enjoy it better. We have 4 adults & 5 kids in our group, ages 3-9. I'm running low on ammo and I need the help of the wisest trip planners in the world. Thanks.

Disney Rules.. HANDS DOWN!!!

Who was the first to be built in Orlando?


Who already had a solid customer guest base long before Universal opened its gates to their first customer?


Who just rules supreme?


Ok.. I'll get off my high horse now. ;)

But Disney does rule ;)



New Member
ANOTHER Universal VS Disney thread? Sigh....

Anyway, if you are going with younger kids then I would probably go to Disney. There's a lot more for the kids to do there.

BUT there are also a lot of kid friendly things to do at Universal. Dr. Suess land at IOA is great and Jimmy Neutron and Shrek are pretty good for kids too. Kids also seem to really enjoy Men in Black Alien Attack and the Kids Zone there. And a 9 year old would most likely like all the big thrill rides too.

I think there is a lot to do for both adults and children at both of the parks. I love them both! But if the main goal of your trip is the kids then I suppose I would choose Disney.
Must....resist....another....Disney vs. Univeral thread!

ntn_haqqer said:
Who was the first to be built in Orlando?


Who already had a solid customer guest base long before Universal opened its gates to their first customer?

Using that logic, look at the argument you can make:

Who was the first to be built near Orlando?


Who already had a solid customer base long before Disney opened its gates to their first customer?


Hee hee... ;)

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