WDW tour still on WDW resort television


New Member
I have a better one but I have to find it...This one is not really that good but here you go. I will put the other one up soon, it's much better.


New Member
Just to add a sad note, I too think with the downfall of the old tickets and then too add a new mountian would mean a new WDW tour or other program. I don't want to even think about a trip to WDW without Kryssa?


Well-Known Member
diz420 said:
Just to add a sad note, I too think with the downfall of the old tickets and then too add a new mountian would mean a new WDW tour or other program. I don't want to even think about a trip to WDW without Kryssa?
Not. Even. Funny.


Come on, someone out there has taped it - who wants to "get me some extra magic", as Kryssa says? (Drop me a PM!)

As to changing the show, I think you'll find the park hopper commercial isn't in the actual program - it's like the ToT and "Natazu" commercials they insert between segments. Easily removed and a new one - hopefully starring Kryssa as well!! - can be put in.



Well-Known Member
Mabey Disney will put up pay-per-view wresting match agains Kryssa and the Zip-a-dee-do-da guy. One battle to determine WDW TV history!

As for the top 7 list, I agree with the naysayers. The point of the show is to show the attractions, not some made list that covers all the new attractions. It's use is to inform, not opinionate.
I liked the Zip-a-dee-do-da one alot more than the newer top 7 one. The old one did run over and over but it didnt seem as repetetive as the one is now. Now i wish i would have taken french 2 years ago in 10th grad instead of french :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Testtrack321 said:
The point of the show is to show the attractions, not some made list that covers all the new attractions. It's use is to inform, not opinionate.
Now come on. Seriously. Think about that. Read what you said again. :)

We aren't talking about CNN or the Wall Street Journal here, we are talking about an infomercial pumped into rooms at a Resort. Are you expecting hard-core journalism?

Regardless, read what you said yet again - if the goal of it is to INFORM people, not pontificate about the merits of one attraction over the other, then that's exactly what it does - inform people of the new attractions. Even if someone has never been to WDW before, chances are they know all about Pirates or Haunted Mansion, but many have never even heard of AK or even MGM and their new attractions.

I think people are WAY too critical of a commercial. I used to produce nationally broadcast infomercials, and even the timing of the segments of the one at WDW is the same as your garden variety Ron Popeil gadget show.

And come on...Kryssa is so much cooler than Jenilee Harrsion, bless her soul.



New Member
I just really have reservations against the "Top 7" segment. It just seems to needlessly elevate some attractions over the others. The old Tip for Today commercial went through every park with a "disembodied voice" narrator (intercut with Park Hopper, Fastpass and the like), and toured the entire resort. The Top 7 just says "Hey, here's the BEST things to do at WDW, and on the way to tose GOOD things you have some other attractions too." It just seems that everything else is shoved to the side, "on the way there." The video obviously IS opinionated; making a "list" of the "Top 7" things to do on your WDW vacation sounds pretty opinionated to me! Don't they realize that everyone will have their own list of the "Top 7" things they saw at WDW? If so, then why the biased list?

General Grizz

New Member
Indy95 said:
I just really have reservations against the "Top 7" segment. It just seems to needlessly elevate some attractions over the others. The old Tip for Today commercial went through every park with a "disembodied voice" narrator (intercut with Park Hopper, Fastpass and the like), and toured the entire resort. The Top 7 just says "Hey, here's the BEST things to do at WDW, and on the way to tose GOOD things you have some other attractions too." It just seems that everything else is shoved to the side, "on the way there." The video obviously IS opinionated; making a "list" of the "Top 7" things to do on your WDW vacation sounds pretty opinionated to me! Don't they realize that everyone will have their own list of the "Top 7" things they saw at WDW? If so, then why the biased list?
How many times am I going to hear about Mission Space, Test Track, Tower of Terror, Space Mountain,and DINOSAUR between WDW TV and the Travel Channel Specials? :) (:brick: )


Well-Known Member
Indy95 said:
Don't they realize that everyone will have their own list of the "Top 7" things they saw at WDW? If so, then why the biased list?
Again, I think you are missing the point - it's a commercial, not an all-inclusive travel document.

Most people wouldn't sit in their room and watch a three-hour extensive video tour of the resort they are already visiting - they wanna get out and visit it! As interesting as it would be in an academic sense as a study of post-modernism, it's just not the goal.

It's like saying an dish soap commercial is "biased" because it shows their new soap and doesn't feature their entire line-up. Of course the newer stuff is going to be featured! That's the whole point.

It's meant to give a brief overview of some of the best things to do at WDW. Many people talking about it don't seem to have seen it that much and are making assumptions - I slept with the thing on, so I feel like I absorbed some of it through osmosis. :)

It doesn't just talk about seven things, it talks about many more than that - but the scripted framework (through-line) is simply broken up into seven segments. I don't believe one of them had only a single attraction; they feature more than the "main" attraction that begins the segment. The title is catchy and the structure is sound; anytime you make a "best" list, or see one in a commercial setting, you have to take "best" with a grain of salt. I've bought many products that claimed to be the best/taste the best/etc. - but it's all subjective, of course. In the case of this theme, it's just a silly little way to make the infomercial cohesive. I supposed they could have titled it, "Seven Segments about the Attractions Our Marketing Department Wants You To Know About At WDW", but that just doesn't seem as catchy.

The audience for this video is not hard-core Disney freaks like ourselves - the audience is someone who tunes in for a few minutes at a time (maybe even the whole show, though I'm sure some people view it out of order) while getting ready to go to the parks/pool/food/etc. It's for kids to get a glimpse of the parks before they go. It's to tell people about some attractions they might not know about, and to renew their excitement about older ones (one segment is devoted to the "mountains" at MK).

To say there is bias in a commercial is like saying there is cookie dough in cookie dough ice cream. It's sort of the point. Are they supposed to take scientific polls to determine which segments to feature? They do...and it's called marketing. In fact, while they of course hype the "biggies", they will also try to bring awareness to things that people specificly don't know about - like La Nouba.

I can understand people not caring for the infomercial, but to attack it in this manner is really naive.



Well-Known Member
You want to know something... they taped an adon to the show with her.... for Stitch's Great Escape... however since it wan't done they taped her at Disney Land's TL.....

(i am scared... are they doing a version for DL too??)


Well-Known Member
no, it was filmed in front of the Austro Orbiter at DL's TL... They dont show her ridding it, must have been rushed into production quickly... they do show some clips of other people and stitch..... (this is shown during number three.... mickey's philarmagic... AKA.. New MK Rides...)


New Member
AEfx said:
Again, I think you are missing the point - it's a commercial, not an all-inclusive travel document.

Most people wouldn't sit in their room and watch a three-hour extensive video tour of the resort they are already visiting - they wanna get out and visit it! As interesting as it would be in an academic sense as a study of post-modernism, it's just not the goal.

It's like saying an dish soap commercial is "biased" because it shows their new soap and doesn't feature their entire line-up. Of course the newer stuff is going to be featured! That's the whole point.

It's meant to give a brief overview of some of the best things to do at WDW. Many people talking about it don't seem to have seen it that much and are making assumptions - I slept with the thing on, so I feel like I absorbed some of it through osmosis. :)

It doesn't just talk about seven things, it talks about many more than that - but the scripted framework (through-line) is simply broken up into seven segments. I don't believe one of them had only a single attraction; they feature more than the "main" attraction that begins the segment. The title is catchy and the structure is sound; anytime you make a "best" list, or see one in a commercial setting, you have to take "best" with a grain of salt. I've bought many products that claimed to be the best/taste the best/etc. - but it's all subjective, of course. In the case of this theme, it's just a silly little way to make the infomercial cohesive. I supposed they could have titled it, "Seven Segments about the Attractions Our Marketing Department Wants You To Know About At WDW", but that just doesn't seem as catchy.

The audience for this video is not hard-core Disney freaks like ourselves - the audience is someone who tunes in for a few minutes at a time (maybe even the whole show, though I'm sure some people view it out of order) while getting ready to go to the parks/pool/food/etc. It's for kids to get a glimpse of the parks before they go. It's to tell people about some attractions they might not know about, and to renew their excitement about older ones (one segment is devoted to the "mountains" at MK).

To say there is bias in a commercial is like saying there is cookie dough in cookie dough ice cream. It's sort of the point. Are they supposed to take scientific polls to determine which segments to feature? They do...and it's called marketing. In fact, while they of course hype the "biggies", they will also try to bring awareness to things that people specificly don't know about - like La Nouba.

I can understand people not caring for the infomercial, but to attack it in this manner is really naive.

How wildly innappropriate. So we're "naive" for disagreeing with you? We were simply venting our opinion, but now we're naive because we DARE disagree with the new WDW resort video? You call us "naive," yet you have DEFENDED this video more vigorously than anyone's attacks!!! If you want mud-slinging, I'll GIVE you mud-slinging, but this is neither the time nor the place. It's fine that you don't agree with us, but why did you include personal attacks? Them's fightin' words!

Now, to stay ON TOPIC:

Besides liberal usage of adjectives such as "magical" and "exciting," the old "Tip for Today" segment had no bias to it. It included all entertainment offerings equally. Not this "Playhouse Disney is better than ToT becuase it's NEW" BS. You say that the new video "is meant to give a brief overview of some of the best things to do at WDW." This is why the video fails so badly. It SHOULD give a brief overview of ALL the best things to do at WDW. It is selecting newer attractions to be put ABOVE other attractions just so people will spend more money. There is NO REASON why they should choose to market some attractions over the others in this manner. What Disney is doing is TELLING us what to ride. "Ride the new rides! And, oh yeah, some old ones are here too...but we'll just gloss over those." So if they're intent on showing the new rides, then why don't they just DEDICATE the new video to the NEW RIDES, instead of DRAGGING along the older rides like they were unimportant?!

You say this all comes down to marketing research, but that's EXACTLY the problem! This is the same GENIUS marketing research that said DCA was a good idea! You don't have to spend millions and millions of dollars in marketing and sure-fail quick-fixes to convince people to come to something if that's what they wanted to do in the first place!!! They have to STOP telling people what they want! If people would have WANTED to go to DCA (for example), then it would be popular! Focus groups and surveys only tell you what the independent vendor wants you to hear to ensure more work for themselves. The way people answer and in focus groups enter in variables of posturing and what is socially acceptable. After an election, surveys show a significantly higher number of people who say they voted than actually did. The responsibility MUST come down to the creatives, not to marketing research. Do you think marketing research told Walt to build Pirates, or the Matterhorn, or the Tiki Room? The mandate has to be "make the best product (video) you can." NOT "Marketing research says that 44.3% of visitors want Playhouse Disney merchandise, so put that in the Top 7 list!" Do you really think Disney's creative people actually came up with that commercial? No, the marketing dept. just ran through a Travel Channel ripoff video, because "marketing research says people LIKE those things!" And of course they ordered up another carbon-copy "MTV Female Model #11" to host the video, in a laughable attempt to be hip and edgy. (Marketing research says people like MTV, so we'll do what they're doing!") This kind of reactionary attitude is dangerous to Disney. THEY should be the ones that everybody copies from. But no, it's just the "Hey, I've seen rollercoaster specials on Discovery Channel, ergo I know how to make a WDW Resort video" attitude that permeates the video. Wouldn't it have been A LOT more sensical to have the video hosted by someone who ACTUALLY has a connection with Disney, like say, Mickey Mouse or Peter Pan? But no, instead here comes Kryssa, the latest in "hip." What they've done is severely cut down their viewers. For every person who likes Kryssa, there is an equal number that just LOATHE her, and would never watch that video again. Why not Mickey? Or Eisner? Or even the guy who does the Monorail narration? No, of course, that wouldn't be "hip," now would it? Now I REALLY miss the old "Tip for Today" video.

(My apologies to any neutral readers on this site. But when personal attacks are involved...well, you know)


Well-Known Member
Don't forget marketing research said that the Chineese like to take photos and look at gardens than ride rides, and that the French like to sit down to eat and enjoy long means. What happened? Honkong Disneyland is being riticuled from within China for being a meager offereing, and Disneyland Paris had to expand their fast food option and decrease their sit down operations due to complaints.

Don't confuse marketing with informing.


Indy95 said:
Do you think marketing research told Walt to build Pirates, or the Matterhorn, or the Tiki Room? The mandate has to be "make the best product (video) you can." NOT "Marketing research says that 44.3% of visitors want Playhouse Disney merchandise, so put that in the Top 7 list!" Do you really think Disney's creative people actually came up with that commercial? No, the marketing dept. just ran through a Travel Channel ripoff video, because "marketing research says people LIKE those things!" And of course they ordered up another carbon-copy "MTV Female Model #11" to host the video, in a laughable attempt to be hip and edgy. (Marketing research says people like MTV, so we'll do what they're doing!") This kind of reactionary attitude is dangerous to Disney. THEY should be the ones that everybody copies from. But no, it's just the "Hey, I've seen rollercoaster specials on Discovery Channel, ergo I know how to make a WDW Resort video" attitude that permeates the video. Wouldn't it have been A LOT more sensical to have the video hosted by someone who ACTUALLY has a connection with Disney, like say, Mickey Mouse or Peter Pan? But no, instead here comes Kryssa, the latest in "hip." What they've done is severely cut down their viewers. For every person who likes Kryssa, there is an equal number that just LOATHE her, and would never watch that video again. Why not Mickey? Or Eisner? Or even the guy who does the Monorail narration? No, of course, that wouldn't be "hip," now would it? Now I REALLY miss the old "Tip for Today" video.

Interesting points ...

When I was at MGM a few weeks ago, I saw the One Man's Dream attraction for the first time. What struck me was how beneficial to all of us it is that Walt was born when he was. Because the way that he ran the company back in the day could not happen anymore. He basically bet the whole company on Snow White. It worked out. He spent large amounts of capital on Disneyland. It worked out again. But the bad part is, that as a company grows, the tendency to risk it all on creative endevours lessens dramatically. It stinks .. but it's the reality of our times. Company's are driven by the bottom line and how the stock does each quarter.

If Disney was driven by the creative arm, they probably would have beat Pixar to the punch in regards to CGI films. If they were driven by the creative arm, they would have more attractions better than Mission Space. The fact is, the majority of people don't care about creativity from Disney anymnore. They just want the Disney name. That is why we get Peter Pan 5, and Beauty & the Beast 3 and all the other direct to video dreck. It takes minimal creativity, minimal cost, and makes decent profits. If you want Disney to be creative again, then people need to stop buying the Disney dreck and demand creativity from them again.

As far as Kryssa is concerned, I don't understand why a narrator is better than her. I honestly don't see what is wrong with her. For me, she signifies the kind of person who I would like to enjoy the parks with. Not because she is cute (although she is !!), but because she seems to me to be having a great time and enjoying every minute. I just prefer that to people who you see in the parks who are in bad moods or people who are complaining about every little thing (not directed at anyone in particular). I just find it refreshing .. I'm sorry that so many others find it unwatchable. The good news is that in time she will be replaced ... and then it will be the Kryssa lovers time to be upset.


Account Suspended
Well........... My main problem with Krissa is she reminds me wayyyy to much of Jessica Simpson. She is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT!!!! BUT THERE IS NO ONE HOME IN BETWEEN THE EARS!!!!! I think she is possibly the biggest ditz I have ever seen!!!! I mean the entire vacation all me and Indy 95 could talk about was how stupid Resort TV has become!!!!! I SEVERELY MISS my: TIP FOR TODAY:cry: and the GOOD PREVIEWS of all the attractions inside WDW!!!! Even though Krissa is very hot :kiss: I can not STAND HER!!!! She is almost as annoying as the Aladdin Magic Carpet Ride preshow @ Disnney Quest. I swear that stupid guy and Krissa would make the perfect idiodic couple. Well, enough playing match maker.

I think that the best way for Disney to relieve this problem would be to have 2 Resort stations 1 with Krissa, and the other the the tradional. But..... that will never happen because, lets face it, it's Disney making the decision and no decision could be easy and clear cut for them!!! (aka: Eisner, but I won't get into that whole terrible ordeal!!!)


Account Suspended
CrackerJack said:
Interesting points ...

If Disney was driven by the creative arm, they probably would have beat Pixar to the punch in regards to CGI films. If they were driven by the creative arm, they would have more attractions better than Mission Space. The fact is, the majority of people don't care about creativity from Disney anymnore. They just want the Disney name. That is why we get Peter Pan 5, and Beauty & the Beast 3 and all the other direct to video dreck. It takes minimal creativity, minimal cost, and makes decent profits. If you want Disney to be creative again, then people need to stop buying the Disney dreck and demand creativity from them again.
:lol: :brick: :lol: !!!!!!!!!!!

Are you saying we boycot Disney? If so, that is possibly the stupidest, most retarded thing I have EVER HEARD:hammer: !!!!! How would you possibly get billions of people to boycot the largest, and most recognized company in the world? So, what you are saying is to stop......:
-watching ESPN, (no way) ABC and so on.....?
-going to the theaters to see Touchstone, Miramax, Disney, and Pixar (for the time being) movies?
-not attend ANY OF THE THEME PARKS?:lol:
-not buy any type of Disney Consumer Product?

What you are suggesting is stupid and rediculous!!!!! Seriously, you better retract those idiodic statements before this gets out of hand!!!!!

BTW, Do you honestly expect Disney to keep spitting out brilliant ideas for hundreds of years without worring about any of the aspects of how to run a good, profitable company. If they would have kept the same pace that Walt Disney instilled they would be nearly BANKRUPT by now!!!!!! Seriously, DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE PRINCIPALS OF BUSINESS?

Please, if you are going to make comments like that go elsewhere and don't waiste our time and space!!!!!!!!!!!!

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