WDW tour still on WDW resort television


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gobuckeye@wdw said:
:lol: :brick: :lol: !!!!!!!!!!!

Are you saying we boycot Disney? If so, that is possibly the stupidest, most retarded thing I have EVER HEARD:hammer: !!!!! How would you possibly get billions of people to boycot the largest, and most recognized company in the world? So, what you are saying is to stop......:
-watching ESPN, (no way) ABC and so on.....?
-going to the theaters to see Touchstone, Miramax, Disney, and Pixar (for the time being) movies?
-not attend ANY OF THE THEME PARKS?:lol:
-not buy any type of Disney Consumer Product?

What you are suggesting is stupid and rediculous!!!!! Seriously, you better retract those idiodic statements before this gets out of hand!!!!!

BTW, Do you honestly expect Disney to keep spitting out brilliant ideas for hundreds of years without worring about any of the aspects of how to run a good, profitable company. If they would have kept the same pace that Walt Disney instilled they would be nearly BANKRUPT by now!!!!!! Seriously, DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE PRINCIPALS OF BUSINESS?

Please, if you are going to make comments like that go elsewhere and don't waiste our time and space!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh-oh. *runs for cover*

There is a difference between running a business like Universal and running a business like Disney. Walt has failures and successes, he had risks and safe bets. The problem is that Walt was the only one who knew what is a sucess and what was a failure, and thus, once he died, Disney Co. couldn't take all the risks anymore. Sure, Epcot and WDW were risks, and they still make risks right now.

I don't think he is waising our space or time at all, Kevin.


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Testtrack321 said:
Uh-oh. *runs for cover*

There is a difference between running a business like Universal and running a business like Disney. Walt has failures and successes, he had risks and safe bets. The problem is that Walt was the only one who knew what is a sucess and what was a failure, and thus, once he died, Disney Co. couldn't take all the risks anymore. Sure, Epcot and WDW were risks, and they still make risks right now.

I don't think he is waising our space or time at all, Kevin.
Ok, I understand!!! But I actually just did a research paper on this topic. Throughout my search for sources I found many interesting arguments made on both sides. One of my biggest arguments that the Disney Co. has and never will be the same after Walt. The one interesting thing about Walt's era was that he had no "real" competitors so basically everything he did went uncriticized by the general public. Now that there are many competitors against Disney, every move is severely scrutenized both in favor and against. A gleaming example of this would be Disney's Mission:Space. I have talked with many people about this attraction and I would say that the approval is about 60-40.


Well-Known Member
Indy95 said:
Besides liberal usage of adjectives such as "magical" and "exciting," the old "Tip for Today" segment had no bias to it. It included all entertainment offerings equally. Not this "Playhouse Disney is better than ToT becuase it's NEW" BS. You say that the new video "is meant to give a brief overview of some of the best things to do at WDW." This is why the video fails so badly. It SHOULD give a brief overview of ALL the best things to do at WDW. It is selecting newer attractions to be put ABOVE other attractions just so people will spend more money. There is NO REASON why they should choose to market some attractions over the others in this manner. What Disney is doing is TELLING us what to ride. "Ride the new rides! And, oh yeah, some old ones are here too...but we'll just gloss over those." So if they're intent on showing the new rides, then why don't they just DEDICATE the new video to the NEW RIDES, instead of DRAGGING along the older rides like they were unimportant?!
The video keys on the newer attractions, because many resort visitors are unaware of their very existence. The older attractions are also featured to give the first-time visitor an idea as to the varied entertainment options available. In this light, I'm sure the video is successful. Also, I highly doubt anyone who dislikes thrill rides is going to ride Mission:Space just because it's at the top of the list.

Disney freaks (us) don't need either the "Top 7 Attractions" or the "Tip for Today" to tell us what's going on, so I doubt we're the target audience.


New Member
gobuckeye@wdw said:
The one interesting thing about Walt's era was that he had no "real" competitors so basically everything he did went uncriticized by the general public. Now that there are many competitors against Disney, every move is severely scrutenized both in favor and against. A gleaming example of this would be Disney's Mission:Space. I have talked with many people about this attraction and I would say that the approval is about 60-40.
You're almost there, but as Doc Brown says, "You're not thinking fourth-dimensionally!"

The point that CrackerJack was trying to make was that it is because of the absence of Walt that Disney has not taken any risks. IF Walt were still alive, he would be SO FAR ahead of the competition that there wouldn't BE any competition. This is why Disney had no competition during Walt's time. He was consistantly a quarter century AHEAD of everybody else! (And in the case of EPCOT, 38 years and counting!)

Again, this is the reason behind the timid response you received to Mission: Space. MS was supposed to be a FAR more advanced ride than it is right now, as budget estimates places the original version at LEAST at $300 million. AT LEAST. Let's just say that this ride, if built to the Imgaineers' original plans, would have made every "best ride in the world" polls unanimously obsolete (yes, that includes Spider-Man). Thankfully for Disney, the Imagineers have kept up Walt's creative and innovative drive (for the most part), but the problem is these business executive types (personified by Pressler) who kept preaching "cut costs, save money!" are systematically dooming the company, placing short-term profits over long-term gains, basically castrating the innovation that the theme parks once produced. Of course, compound this with Eisner's brainless decision to put these penny-pinchers in charge of the future of the parks! Hence, you get videos like this Kryssa video that is based solely on marketing dynamics and not on making a good product. Everything feeds off of these points, and (yes CrackerJack) no matter how big the company is, if the goal is "make a good product," NOT "save money," then you WILL be successful (PIXAR and Jim Henson sound familiar?).

This was why Walt had no competitors, and how Disney is in such a good position today.


gobuckeye@wdw said:
Are you saying we boycot Disney?

Absolutely not. Disney puts out quality movies (PoTC, Incredibles, Nemo ...) and has quality theme parks and quality merchandise.

They also have direct to video dreck that shows no imagination or creativity and licensed toys that break within a day of receiving them (ask my nephews about that). This is the type of stuff that needs to stop. It is the kind of stuff that has minimal risk, no creativity, and makes profit. As long as they can put out stuff like this, what is the reason to spend the money and talent it takes to make the next Lion King or Beauty and the Beast. It's alot easier to put out Lion King 20: Simba Gets Neutered than it is to come up with the originality that made Disney a great company to begin with.


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CrackerJack said:
Absolutely not. Disney puts out quality movies (PoTC, Incredibles, Nemo ...) and has quality theme parks and quality merchandise.

They also have direct to video dreck that shows no imagination or creativity and licensed toys that break within a day of receiving them (ask my nephews about that). This is the type of stuff that needs to stop. It is the kind of stuff that has minimal risk, no creativity, and makes profit. As long as they can put out stuff like this, what is the reason to spend the money and talent it takes to make the next Lion King or Beauty and the Beast. It's alot easier to put out Lion King 20: Simba Gets Neutered than it is to come up with the originality that made Disney a great company to begin with.
Ok, I see what you are saying. But......... let's face it, the days of producing GOOD PRODUCTS for the consumer is LONG GONE. I'm not just looking at Disney here, I mean just look at how many of the good products of the past have gone to cheaper models that maximize profit. I really can't blame Disney for going with the flow on this one. In today's market profit is the determining force. If Disney would go back to their old creative ways of production, they would hardly be a multi-million dollar company. I'm just asking you to look beyond Disney and realize they are not the only ones taking part in this. Personally, if I was Michael Eisner, I would have probably done the same thing. Just looking at it from a business standpoint, everything makes perfect sense!!!! I know that the company isn't nearly what it was it the 50's, 60's, and 70's, but then again what is the same from that era?

On the other hand........... I do believe there is a need for CHANGE!!!! Disney has to re-establish themselves as a company that is in existence for the consumer and not for themselves!!!! Just the whole Pixar situation is making me mad ENOUGH!!!!! When I researched that topic I was amazed to find out what went on behind the scenes!!!!!! After reading some of those sources I too have jumped on the FIRE EISNER train!!!!!!

Anyway, I agree with most of what you said.


New Member
To me is the very same thing, wether is in English or Spanish they same the same thing, this for those who don't know any spanish.


New Member
gobuckeye@wdw said:
Ok, I see what you are saying. But......... let's face it, the days of producing GOOD PRODUCTS for the consumer is LONG GONE. I'm not just looking at Disney here, I mean just look at how many of the good products of the past have gone to cheaper models that maximize profit. I really can't blame Disney for going with the flow on this one. In today's market profit is the determining force. If Disney would go back to their old creative ways of production, they would hardly be a multi-million dollar company. I'm just asking you to look beyond Disney and realize they are not the only ones taking part in this. Personally, if I was Michael Eisner, I would have probably done the same thing. Just looking at it from a business standpoint, everything makes perfect sense!!!! I know that the company isn't nearly what it was it the 50's, 60's, and 70's, but then again what is the same from that era?
I agree the Wal-Mart/McDonaldization of America is undermining the business world as a whole, and that is quite a shame. However, that does NOT mean that Disney should follow the path laid out for them by the degradation of American business principles. They can still be creative and make a hefty profit, just look at the boffo business that PIXAR is doing, and they only focus on one animated movie EVERY OTHER YEAR!!! Just think of what Disney could be doing if they just TRUSTED THEIR INCREDIBLY TALENTED CREATIVE PEOPLE, as well as junking extraneous divisions like ABC Family. No, I disagree, not only would Disney be a multi-billion dollar company but they would be PLACED ON A PEDESTAL in the business world, where they belong!

Walt was never interested in how much money his efforts would make. Hell, he would never have made Snow White or built Disneyland because they were both made when HE WAS DEAD BROKE!!! No, Walt always put his products and his guests above all else, and Disney is in the elevated position it possesses today BECAUSE of Walt's principles. The reason why Disney is in so much trouble today is BECAUSE they "go with the flow" on maximizing profits, NOT in spite of it!

The "days of producing good products" are NOT long gone, they are just forgotten. And Disney should be ASHAMED of dropping themselves to this level and "going with the flow."


Well-Known Member
Top 7 runs from a hard drive based video player and can hold over 3 hours of video. Every video segment can be scheduled separately. It's possible to run Top7 with Tips For Today or anything you want. Tips can also run on the Park Hours and events channel even though they don't currently show video. Spanish WDW Tour is going away soon and replaced with a dubbed Krissa. Krissa shot her Stitch piece last September before returning to college. She cut her hair so they put her in the Stitch hat to hide her latest "style".

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