WDW To Enforce FP+ Rules

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Man I love Disney. I've been reading threads for probably about three or so years and finally decided to make an account today. You all post great information and normally have some of the greatest info and rumors concerning Disney world and all the wonderful things that it encompasses. But seriously 75% of you all complain about the most unnecessary inconveniences known to man. Come one guys. This a website about DISNEY WORLD. Lighten up a little!
Welcome to the boards and thanks for your input.


Active Member
If you're from The Other Board, you complain on every relevant thread anyway even if you haven't been for years ;)

I am not sure what board you are referring to but out of all the boards, I read this one is the most negative. It is one of the reasons I like this board as I think it is the most critical of Disney in a good way but sometimes it is a bit over the top.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Let me float this idea. For stays at the resort, is it really fair for the $69 campground site to get the same 60 day FP+ access that the $800 per night Contemporary guest gets? Should it be tiered maybe, or even some of the lower ones getting no advance at all? I know this may sound controversial, but I think it should seriously be considered.
In defense of the campsites, your "room" is a flat patch of earth... there's a reason it costs what it costs. Disney could probably cancel fastpasses for people who cancel their reservation or don't check in, or make sure there's actually someone set up at the site. I have a feeling most people using the campsites as a phantom room would probably not want to go through the trouble of setting up a tent there. Regardless, I think most people here would not want to see the day where the campsites get fewer resort benefits, even if they will never set foot in the Fort. At that point, a switch has been flipped with management. Why should people at ASMo paying $110 a night get such and such when people are paying $400 at AoA? Why should people at AoA get something when people are paying $1000 at the Contemporary? Why should the people in the Contemporary be special when people are paying $2000 for the Poly Bungalows? I think it would be a race to the bottom.

Zac Skellington

Well-Known Member
I've never had issues with FP and riding what I want. I haven't ever used it for a lesser attraction. Just my own experience.

I'd be surprised if most of the parks didn't do away with paper fastpass sometime in the future. MaxPass at DL is just the start.
You may be correct, but DL will need a serious upgrade to it's wifi infrastructure.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Original Poster
That's for sure. I saw they just now added wifi to the parks but only in select areas ... lol

What??? DLR doesn't have WiFi? I don't remember that from my trip in April 2015. But I am getting old, so the memory's going... ;)


Resident Curmudgeon
Let me float this idea. For stays at the resort, is it really fair for the $69 campground site to get the same 60 day FP+ access that the $800 per night Contemporary guest gets? Should it be tiered maybe, or even some of the lower ones getting no advance at all? I know this may sound controversial, but I think it should seriously be considered.

Only a matter of time before this becomes reality


Well-Known Member
I dunno... Six Flags requires a doctor's note to utilize their attraction access pass...


They write in big bold letters that "The note must NOT describe or indicate the nature of the disability" so I'm sure that's what they did to comply with regulations. Once you present your note once, it stays on record and you don't need to bring such a note again (to any Six Flags park)... unless your note only indicates that the issue is temporary (such as a broken bone or something) in which case you would have to bring another note after the validity period of the first expires.

Cedar Fair does it on a 'case by case' basis. I think they were having abuse so they started cracking down this year.
I read a few FB reviews on Kings Island recently.. one was a woman ranting because they would not guarantee her Type 1 diabetes daughter a pass prior to arrival- so the family didn't go at all.
Second one- a family of 8 was furious because one child has ADHD, they received a pass.. but only 4 could go at one time. The other 4 had to ride the next train.

On the fast pass parent swap- I always get aggravated when I read families doing the 'one FP per person'. I agree with others who say that everyone in the party should have a FP.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
I was telling a CM when they implemented the new system that if you wanted to ride something a few times yourself you could just make a FP reservation for people in your party who actually don't want to ride and then just switch magic bands with them and walk through with their bands but would probably get in trouble for it. The ones I talked to about it then laughed and said "yeah we know you can do that because we do it with our friends". There will always be loopholes in things. My question is how did these people even accomplish this? Were they just like hackers or something?

That's not too bad because the person with the ticket is there and could have gone on the ride at a different time than you, but, gave up their place for you.

But that probably won't be an option forever. With photo ID and faster connections they'll be able to have real time photo ID matching. So, each time you tap, your picture will show up on a screen and it will become clear you are not the real owner of that MB.


Well-Known Member
You guys are being too hard on child swap. Requiring everyone that rides to have a FP will isolate the little child that can't ride. My 4YO will be too short for the 44" rides on our next trip. If the other four of us all need to have a FP to ride Everest, then the 4YO will essentially have one of their three FP that they can't use... they can't ride anything by themselves, and they can't ride the ride that the entire rest of the group wants to see. If two of us FP Everest, and the other three in the group FP the Safari and the two taller ones eventually use a rider switch pass on Everest... I think that's exactly what Disney wants. It's much nicer for families to not have to make that choice. If somebody uses their 1YO to double up their FP on all height requirement rides, then they're just being a jerk to their kid. The principle is the same even if the kid is too young to have a ticket. If people only use the "extra" FP to ride height requirement rides, they are stealing the short lines benefits of FP from the little one.

Is Disney required to offer it? No. But I think it makes sense to give those young families a bit of a leg up. They're probably in the park for less time and are slowed down by the baby. If Disney can give those families a bit of a better experience, they're probably more likely to return when the kid is 8 and they don't need rider switch.

Not only that, but I don't think people realize how LONG it actually takes to do a rider swap. Even short ride like Everest, even if both parties go through FP can take 30+ minutes. Longer rides (especially with long pre-shows) like Mission Space, Test Track, Soarin', Splash Mountain, Tower of Terror, etc, can take an hour or more for both groups to ride.


Well-Known Member
So they're buying extra park tickets just for FPs? That can't be right. I'm missing something.

A lot of them over there have extra tickets and vouchers lying around because they pre-buy for next year and stuff to avoid price increases when they hear prices are going up. Yes they are insane, but there's a lot of plan and budget every trip to the minute people over there.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? so getting bands for several trips will set that off?

Yeah-if you want to shell out extra money for tickets-isn't this just a version of "paid" FP+?

So I get FP+ for my family of 5, only 3 of us want to ride RnR coaster on that day (prebooked)-why can't we just switch bands so 2 more of our party can ride? We used the ticket for media, already booked per the "rules" etc.

Uni actually has it ALL OVER disney with child swap!!! Way way way better system. And the rooms to wait in with anxious/antsy toddlers-way way better than hanging outside in elements!

can ONLY book in advance IF they have active/current tickets. Period. this has never been different.

Think this was referring more to the "unoffical tour guides" who were doing this. But not like AP's are cheap.

Only for same day Fast pass booking and how many of you have actually seen anyone pull out baggies of MB at a kiosk? I think the bloggers perception of this is way way waaaaaaayyyy overblown by how many people actually did this.

Hope not as legitimate ticket media has been used to enter the park-which is what the Disney ToS says..

And how many on these (and other boards) used to talk about using FP at Disneyland (super users prior to parks being linked) or working the system with legacy FP? Awful lot of judgement for people who probably have worked a system to their knowledge in the past (Disney or otherwise)...

Would be easy enough to close "loophole" on campsites by requiring physical checkin and activation of bands per person prior to use if over say-5 people per site. Or if room/site cancelled prior to checkin then MB are disabled. But if people want to book a night anywhere onsite, pay for it, not cancel but not use-why would anybody care? Disney is still getting the money, and users are within ToS per Disney. Again-a version of "paid" FP with advance booking.
I agree with the campsite booking, as long as they are required to check in physically (although nowadays they just text the room number a lot). And no if your family members aren't in the park with you, you won't be able to use their fastpasses, unless you do the loophole that the cheaters are still talking about using. They should do something like prevent transfers of fastpasses in-park unless both tickets are showing as used at the turnstiles.


Well-Known Member
It has always been a thing. You would be amazed at how many fake paper FP's we would see during the day. You could almost always spot them because of poor printing, wrong type of paper or missing things. We went through a period when it really got bad and we were told to be extra vigilant.
Wait a minute....people PRINTED fastpasses at home to bring in?? That's a whole different level of extra work than just abusing the MDE software with phantom accounts. Jezus.


Well-Known Member
It's not creative.

Well the only thing that worked for, was getting same day passes at a kiosk, where the kiosks didn't use to check for linked tickets. If you linked it in your phone app it would just act like a clone of your current band and not grant extra passes.


Well-Known Member
I'm not reading through 21 pages of this, so can someone please just explain this to me. How was it possible to make FP+ selections on expired tickets, or tickets NOT USED to get into MK/Epcot/DHS/AK???? I'm very confused. Several times I have tried to make FP+ selections on FL Resident tix with family before they were activated, and was never successful until Guest Relations "activated" them for us.


Well-Known Member
Man I love Disney. I've been reading threads for probably about three or so years and finally decided to make an account today. You all post great information and normally have some of the greatest info and rumors concerning Disney world and all the wonderful things that it encompasses. But seriously 75% of you all complain about the most unnecessary inconveniences known to man. Come one guys. This a website about DISNEY WORLD. Lighten up a little!
Don't worry you'll be a grumpy park veteran in no time.


Well-Known Member
I'm not reading through 21 pages of this, so can someone please just explain this to me. How was it possible to make FP+ selections on expired tickets, or tickets NOT USED to get into MK/Epcot/DHS/AK???? I'm very confused. Several times I have tried to make FP+ selections on FL Resident tix with family before they were activated, and was never successful until Guest Relations "activated" them for us.
If they were vouchers or plastic tickets purchased from Disney, then you should have been able to take the number off them and link them in the app and make fastpasses. If they were from AAA or someplace else and it was like a piece of paper, then yes you would probably have to visit a ticket window first.

What these people were doing was either taking magicbands that didn't have any tickets and using them at the kiosks that day, or they were using friends/family members on their app account and make fastpasses for them even though they weren't going with them, and then using the friends/family magicbands as extra fastpasses while at the parks. The system allowed both of those things until this week.

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