WDW Security Positions?


Active Member
Do these plain clothes officers have any training?

If someone has law enforcement or military experience is this what they do? The uniformed guards look like just anyone that applies for that can get that job.

Sorry but your questions don't appear to be mere curiosity.


New Member
The blue uniformed security CMs are not in the Navy Seal category. Most are just regular people that applied for a job. A lot, if not most, of them don't have a security or law enforcement background. They are mainly observers and crowd control CMs.
The latest buzz from casting is that as of recently, that new hires will have to have a security or law enforcement background, can't confirm it.
The plain clothes and canine security CMs are a different story though.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry but your questions don't appear to be mere curiosity.

Lol you got me, their not mere curiosity. I'm interested in getting a job with Disney and since becoming an imagineer is next to impossible and you need a lot of schooling and a large body of work and for them to pretty much hand pick you, the next thing I'm interested in is Security. But since I don't want to be a regular ole security guard I figured I would try to see what other positions they have and the best way to try and get one of them.

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
Thanks Witchy...apparently my attempt at humor fell flat. :shrug:

LOL -- no problem. I may not know how to pronounce M-o-w-g-l-i (did I even spell that correctly? :p), but I know Kaa. :animwink:

I haven't watched Jungle Book in a number of years, but my kiddos have a couple of Disney anthology-type books (with Jungle Book characters in one of the stories). Hence, my knowing who "Kaa" is. :)

It did not take 5 minutes for security to show up. The security guy is there from the beginning, he's the one with the mace. He actually controls the man well. If those are truly bystanders and not plain clothes security (might have been, they have lots), then they should have stayed out of it.

It is perfectly appropriate for common citizens to come to aid when assistance is truly needed to restrain unruly people. Ideally, Joe citizen will ask if their assistance is requested to make the security/police aware that the citizen is there to assist them and not the unruly.
I’ve seen this in action in a police video where a smaller female officer was being physically assaulted by a huge male on the side of the road.
If not for passer-byes, she might have been killed.


Well-Known Member
It is perfectly appropriate for common citizens to come to aid when assistance is truly needed to restrain unruly people. Ideally, Joe citizen will ask if their assistance is requested to make the security/police aware that the citizen is there to assist them and not the unruly.
I’ve seen this in action in a police video where a smaller female officer was being physically assaulted by a huge male on the side of the road.
If not for passer-byes, she might have been killed.

Yes, "defense of others" is its own well-settled body of law.


Active Member
WDW security is top notch as the one of the other posters said. The guys who check the bags at the entrance are very sharp. On two occasions I have seen them take take knives off of people entering just by looking at their pockets. Also, I have seen police sniffer dogs at the entrances on many occasions. The fact that the parking lots at the resorts have security gate houses you must pass through to get to your hotel makes me feel safer too.


Well-Known Member
It is perfectly appropriate for common citizens to come to aid when assistance is truly needed to restrain unruly people. Ideally, Joe citizen will ask if their assistance is requested to make the security/police aware that the citizen is there to assist them and not the unruly.
I’ve seen this in action in a police video where a smaller female officer was being physically assaulted by a huge male on the side of the road.
If not for passer-byes, she might have been killed.

Didn't say they weren't citizens and never said it was inappropriate. Just said people shouldn't assume they weren't security since we don't know for sure.


New Member
The words "top notch" and "very sharp" are not the words that come to mind when I describe uniformed WDW security.
Barney Fife wannabe does though.
As for catching knives, even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
It's true that both OC and WDW Security use sniffer dogs at WDW.
Having gates has absolutely no effect, none, on who gets in. I guess it would slow someone down.
As long as you have an ID, which they don't examine anyway, and make up a good excuse for coming in, no one is refused entry.
Unless it's during a certain time of the year when parking is being restricted to resort guests only, anyone gets in.


Well-Known Member
The words "top notch" and "very sharp" are not the words that come to mind when I describe uniformed WDW security.
Barney Fife wannabe does though.
As for catching knives, even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
It's true that both OC and WDW Security use sniffer dogs at WDW.
Having gates has absolutely no effect, none, on who gets in. I guess it would slow someone down.
As long as you have an ID, which they don't examine anyway, and make up a good excuse for coming in, no one is refused entry.
Unless it's during a certain time of the year when parking is being restricted to resort guests only, anyone gets in.

And you have a background in ????


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And you have a background in ????

Bus Driver. That's all that needed to be said.:D
Jaycricket is correct. I've driven to every disney resort on property (not including swan, dolphin, shade of green or DTD hotels) and told them I just wanted to look around, they ask to see my drivers license and that's it, they don't even wright anything down. The parking lots may have cameras but as far as getting in the resort lot, there's nothing to it. Also while walking around resorts inside and out I've never been stopped and asked if I was staying there.

As far as guards at bag check for the parks, I've carried my pocket knife with me clipped to my pocket every single day I've ever been at WDW. I carry that knife every where I go except the airport.


Well-Known Member
Security seemed to be a lot tighter years ago at the resorts, i remember when they used to check your name off a list when you came in and take note of who you are if you were not a guest at the resort, now they dont seem to, sure they have other ways of keeping an eye on you at the resorts lol :wave:

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