WDW - Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. – My August 2011 Trip Report

WDW - Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. – An August 2011 Trip Report

Welcome to my trip report! First, about the title. Reading the WDW boards lately one would think that Disney World was coming apart at the seams; Overrun by vicious gangs of Brazilian tour groups, Pop Warner boys and cheerleaders. Filled with broken down, outdated rides run by snarly cast members. The resorts infested by bedbugs, nasty housekeepers, and moldy shower curtains. The Restaurants serving up Dogfood burgers and steaks served with the leather hides still attached. The fireworks shows reduced to open fire pits and a few boxes of sparklers.

To be totally honest and sarcasm aside (kinda), I was really getting concerned about this trip. I had gone to great lengths and compromise ( see my Pre-trip report) to make this trip a reality. Now I was worried that once my family would see first hand the crumbling vestige that was once our favorite place on earth; this would seal this trip’s fate as our last one to the World. Well, I’m happy to say, with photos as proof – the rumors of Walt Disney World’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

First Day and intro to our family;

Our countdown was over. The paper chain in Toni’s room that started at day 178 was now down to day zero. It was 4 in the morning on August 6th and I woke up Toni and we tore up that last chain and started to get ready for our trip. By 4:30, Toni and her brother Sterg, were ready and waiting.


I have a good friend that happens to own a limo business, so we hired him to drive us to Philadelphia International. The limo came at 5:00am. This is my wife Val and my oldest child, Alexandra, getting spoiled in the limo.


Sterg and I on the other seat…


While Toni caught a few z’s.


Everything was going fine. We were making great time on the Turnpike until we were detoured off of it an exit too soon. Unfortunately, this was only the first of our several delays that morning.
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Teppan Edo has been in the back of my mind as a place to try for awhile now, but I think both my husband and I are afraid to sit with strangers! :lol: :lookaroun We should really just suck it up and do it sometime, because it sounds fun, and the food looks mighty tasty. Oh, and LOVE the little prank from Sterg. Too funny! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Sterg's phone call was HYSTERICAL!! I laughed outloud here at my desk at work... My co-workers must think I'm crazy!!:lol:

Teppon Edo is definitely on our list of new places to try in the spring. We have a REALLY good hibatchi place here in Portland so hopefully it will compare, only here they do rice rather than noodles..


Well-Known Member
I hate to cheer on an obnoxious teenager but you totally gotta give Sterg props for creativity. Go Sterg! :lol:

The villa looked wonderful! I'd love to have all that space and the great big shower. They can keep the tub. I don't soak in the dirt I'm washing off. LOL! Honestly, for me having the in-unit washer & dryer is the biggest reason I'd ever want a villa. It'd be so nice not to have to take an hour & a half out of our fun every 4th day for laundry duty.

Still eating up every moment! Cannot wait to try ST 2.0 out! 8 days until departure.... :wave::sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Great report, keep up the good work. Like Derlicte, I just received strange looks from co-workers while reading about Sterg's phone call. Too funny. Glad you guy's had a great time.


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We docked at the Beach Club said goodnight to Codie and the Friendship boat and made our way back to the villa. I stopped at Storm-along-Bay to take some pictures while the kids kept going. I wanted to get a "motion" shot of the windmill - but I didn't have the tripod with me. I set the camera on one of the posts that surrounded the pool area and started to experiment.

On the first attempt I didn't have the shutter speed slow enough. The windmill's rotation is pretty slow.


I adjusted the shutter speed and tried again, but this time it started to drizzle. :(



I got the effect I wanted from the windmill, but the rain ruined the shot and the lights really blew out. I wanted to keep trying different settings but the rain started coming down harder and I called it a night. Trial and error continues.

Monday ended as our "worst" day so far in WDW. The good new was that it started out bad then improved as the day went on. Plus, a bad day at WDW is better than a good day most everywhere else.
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I woke up a bit later, around 9am, but I was still the first one up. I looked outside to see a steady rain hitting the pool. It looked like the type of rain that was going to stick around for awhile. That's why we brought ponchos.

I once again asked who was going with me to the parks - today was Animal Kingdom. Once again, Toni was the only one interested. We grabbed our ponchos and headed out. What I didn't take was my camera. I debated the pros and cons - I was obviously going to miss a lot of pictures, but in the end I didn't want to risk damaging the camera and potentially ruining our existing pictures. I really wasn't prepared to take the camera out in that much rain.

Toni and I entered the park as the rain slowed a bit. We took our time going through Oasis. I personally love this park. It does lack in rides and I'm pretty upset about the Yeti. We got to see the A-mode Yeti in 2007 and it was amazing. At the time I called it the greatest overall ride I had ever gone on. The details and the themeing of the park is what I can't get enough of. I could walk around the park all day just looking at the details. Here is a example of some from pics I took later in the trip.

This is a lamp post outside of the park on the pathway to the entrance.


One of my favorite spots to eat behind Flametree BBQ. The entire area back there is amazing. If you never spent the time to explore it, take a few moments next trip.


And this is inside a gift shop.


Everything is convincing. Throughout the park, whether in Asia or Africa. It is an amazing achievement. At least I think so.

After Oasis we went straight to EE to grab fastpasses. From there off to Dinoland to ride Dinosaur. If there is one area that doesn't stimulate my senses it is Dinoland. We completely ignored everything until we got to Dino-Sue.

Toni is scared of Dinosaur and I can't blame her. It is a loud, scary ride. At the same time it's a bunch of fun. This time she rode through it with her eyes closed 80% of the time (according to her). After we finished she proclaimed that she full filled her duty to ride Dinosaur and won't do it again this trip. ( we'll see).
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Teppan Edo has been in the back of my mind as a place to try for awhile now, but I think both my husband and I are afraid to sit with strangers! :lol: :lookaroun We should really just suck it up and do it sometime, because it sounds fun, and the food looks mighty tasty. Oh, and LOVE the little prank from Sterg. Too funny! :lol:

Teppan Edo was fun. I'm glad we did it but I don't know if I would rush back to it on our next trip. Yeah, he got me good!

Sterg's phone call was HYSTERICAL!! I laughed outloud here at my desk at work... My co-workers must think I'm crazy!!:lol:

Teppon Edo is definitely on our list of new places to try in the spring. We have a REALLY good hibatchi place here in Portland so hopefully it will compare, only here they do rice rather than noodles..

Teppan Edo is very much like the hibachi place we have here - except it's in WDW! Was worthwhile but not a "must do", "top of the list" restaurant, IMO.

I hate to cheer on an obnoxious teenager but you totally gotta give Sterg props for creativity. Go Sterg! :lol:

The villa looked wonderful! I'd love to have all that space and the great big shower. They can keep the tub. I don't soak in the dirt I'm washing off. LOL! Honestly, for me having the in-unit washer & dryer is the biggest reason I'd ever want a villa. It'd be so nice not to have to take an hour & a half out of our fun every 4th day for laundry duty.

Still eating up every moment! Cannot wait to try ST 2.0 out! 8 days until departure.... :wave::sohappy:

I loved the Villas and the space. Yeah, the tub just didn't seem feasible. ST is awesome. You must be getting excited!

Great report, keep up the good work. Like Derlicte, I just received strange looks from co-workers while reading about Sterg's phone call. Too funny. Glad you guy's had a great time.

Thanks! I failed to mention that he went the extra step to block his number when he called me. I usually don't answer those, but I did that night.

My phone log from that day - 6:28 pm, August 8th. Hello??:)



Active Member
Walking back ( again ) through Frontierland I noticed that the shooting gallery was shut down. I have very fond memories of the shooting gallery. My first trip to WDW was in 1976. I was 9 years old and I was crushed to learn that 20,000 leagues was shut down for refurb but I remember the shooting gallery vividly. My late father and I spent a good half hour there shooting up the targets. We had a blast, and it was really the first and one of the few times I remember my Dad letting his guard down enough to enjoy an "amusement". My parents owned a restaurant and we survived by working our buts off as a family. I spent many years behind a grill, fryer and broiler with my Dad and we had good times working together - but that slice of time in 1976 @ WDW shooting targets and setting off the different effects with him laughing along will never leave me. It was our first and only family vacation. I hope they bring it back.

this. this is what makes disney world amazing. ive got my own memories of being there with my dad as a kid, and i wouldnt trade them for anything. there's just something about disney world that births these moments.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I failed to mention that he went the extra step to block his number when he called me. I usually don't answer those, but I did that night.

My phone log from that day - 6:28 pm, August 8th. Hello??:)

Smart kid you got there. That sounds like something I would have done to my parents. Good stuff.
I'm loving your TR! We like to try new restaurants every time we go to WDW, with the goal of one day trying every one on property. Sanaa is one we have never tried and it is toward the bottom of our "must try" list. However, after reading your report and seeing your pictures, we are booking it for our upcoming trip in May! It looked delicious and the place looks amazing. I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into writing this report, it is a great read and helpful! One question: how many credits is Sanaa on the dining plan? We are so unfamiliar with Sanaa the only things I know about it are from reading your report! Can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
Great trip report - you're inspiring me to get mine started :) Looking forward to the rest!

Oh, and Roger Bart was the singing voice of Hercules (Tate Donovan was the speaking voice). Michael Bolton recorded the pop single for Go the Distance, which was played during the credits.

Pardon my geek moment. Hercules came out when I was a senior in high school and I was obsessed with the movie and soundtrack :D


Active Member
Excellent report! I have been laughing out loud in my office - great way to pass a quiet Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend!

The entire exchange in the airport with the kids was great - I have two younger brothers and it sounded exactly like something we would have done to my dad. And the phone call in Japan - priceless! Making me grateful that, at the moment, the worst my 21 month old can do is say "No!" :ROFLOL:

Sounds like you had a great time!


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We left Dinosaur and decided to have lunch. Restauntosaurus was the closest option, but I heard sketchy reviews. Toni wanted to try it though and it played along with our "try something new" theme of the trip so Restaurantosaurus it was.

The menu consists of a big Angus cheeseburger, a Shrimp Po boy sandwich, a veggie sandwich and a big salad. I chose the cheeseburger while Toni opted for the chicken nuggets off of the kid's menu. Her meal was served in a plastic pail and shovel. This was a nice touch, but honestly we didn't want to be carrying that around all day so we left it behind.

The place has an impressive "fixin's bar" which included sauteed mushrooms and grilled onions. The are three general areas you can sit; an outside shaded areas, the main inside area closer to the ordering counters, drinks and fixin' bar, and a quieter section "in the back". The main dinning area has a rustic/dino theme going while the quieter section is themed to be a storage area for archeological items. The rows of tables are separated by "cages" that contains shelves with various labeled bones and fossils on them. If you are into that sort of thing, as I am, it's kinda cool. This is where Toni led us to eat.

My burger was good - not the best I've ever had, but not the worse. Toni enjoyed her meal and we left pretty satisfied. Right outside of the restaurant there is a "kids" learning center", one of several stationed around the park. It's something I probably passed by several times before and disregarded it as a waste of time. This time, it peaked Toni's interest so we stopped. The theme was (obviously) dinosaurs. The CM stationed there was dressing like she just came from a dino dig in the dessert. She was very nice and Toni joined two boys in an activity to fit fossil bones in the right spot while getting a quick lesson on Triceratops and his friends. After the lesson they received cards that you can get stamped at all the other "spots" in AK.

This was one of those things as an adult is easy to pass by and dismiss but as a child - especially under 11 or so, it was extremely worthwhile.

After our lesson we went straight to EE to exchange our FP for a ride to the Yeti. The standby line was short so we ended up riding it twice. A picture from later in the trip.


Expedition Everest has been like an old girlfriend for me. We had a love affair in 2007 with the Yeti in full-blown "A-Mode". That last scene in the final tunnel was extraordinary. A 40ft fanged creature roaring and taking a swipe at you as you sped by at 50mph! You really felt - really felt - this creature was going to pick you right out of your seat and save you for a later snack. I, we, came off that ride in total amazement. Needless to say we rode it over and over again - including during a rare evening extra magic hours session at AK. Alex and Sterg still talk about the night.

Returning in 2009, my heart was broken. During the last scene it felt like I was left stranded at the bowling alley. My beloved Yeti was a no show - only a faint picture was visible of her during a quick flash. I rode EE once and refused to go on again. It was too painful and disappointing.

On this trip I rode it with much lowered expectations. First off - the queue area is one of the best. It's worth it to go through the stand-by line at least once. I am also a "bell ringer". There are metal, ornate bells of different size and variety hanging from the ceiling and rafters as you walk thru the queue. I ring the bells as I go under them - something everybody did in 2007 but seemed to be frowned upon in 2009. I rang them again this time, but was one of the few that did. Like what's going to happen? Are you going to break this thick metal bell? I feel that's why the Imagineers put them there in the first place.

Toni and I always waited for the front-row. You can do so simply by requesting the front row to the CM at the end of the line that asks "how many in your party". They will place you in another line, that was either empty or very few people in during our trip. The extra few minutes wait was well worth the front view.

As far as roller coasters go, EE is not overly intense. What makes it special is the themeing that is presenting a story and some surprises that are unique to this coaster. Both waterfalls on the mountain were working that day, the temple was as creepy as ever and I spotted a little skeleton man for the first time. The backwards drop is a bit queezy - but fun. As we went thru the ride, the anticipation was building. What was the Yeti going to look like? As you enter the last tunnel, you need to focus on the upper right to catch a quick glimpse of her. Then darkness. As you approach the Yeti the light flashes on again to reveal her leaning over with her arm hanging over the track. Although she is stationary, her hair is blowing, her mouth is open and roaring and the fact that you are moving gives an illusion of Yeti motion. Much better show than last trip! Nowhere near A-Mode but it's like my ex and I became friends.
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Well-Known Member
Oh I love Restaurantosaurus! The veggie sandwich I had there last November was like toe-curlin' awesome! Then it came with sweet potato fries which was so good it was wrong. Mmmmm....

Your analogy comparing E:E to an old girlfriend is freakin' great! I don't think I've heard a better description delivered in a single line. I couldn't agree more. E:E is just like an old boyfriend: That first ride was mind-blowing amazing. It was so good and full of passion you think the heavens have opened. You hang on the memory of that incredible feeling just waiting to be in the moment again. So you go back looking to have the heavens open again but it just doesn't measure up. Something is missing that just kills the whole thing overall. You walk away feeling an emptiness which makes the overall impression one of disappointment and loss. You're sad, sour, and disgruntled. Now you have these feelings of having been jaded so you aren't even compelled to go there again in the near future. In time, tho, you kinda become resolved the way things are. You appreciate what was there once and stop expecting to find that again...thankful for that first amazing experience...happy to bask in the memory of it...but you know in your heart you won't ever be able to go back there again so it's okay now. You can smile and be friends with an appreciation of that one time that the heavens really did open. So yeah. JUST like an old boyfriend! :ROFLOL:


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Original Poster
this. this is what makes disney world amazing. ive got my own memories of being there with my dad as a kid, and i wouldnt trade them for anything. there's just something about disney world that births these moments.

Yes there is. Thanks for following along!

Smart kid you got there. That sounds like something I would have done to my parents. Good stuff.


I'm loving your TR! We like to try new restaurants every time we go to WDW, with the goal of one day trying every one on property. Sanaa is one we have never tried and it is toward the bottom of our "must try" list. However, after reading your report and seeing your pictures, we are booking it for our upcoming trip in May! It looked delicious and the place looks amazing. I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into writing this report, it is a great read and helpful! One question: how many credits is Sanaa on the dining plan? We are so unfamiliar with Sanaa the only things I know about it are from reading your report! Can't wait to read more!

Thanks! Just paying back for all those great TRs I've read, including yours.:) Sanaa is one credit on the meal plan. Well worth it.

Great trip report - you're inspiring me to get mine started :) Looking forward to the rest!

Oh, and Roger Bart was the singing voice of Hercules (Tate Donovan was the speaking voice). Michael Bolton recorded the pop single for Go the Distance, which was played during the credits.

Pardon my geek moment. Hercules came out when I was a senior in high school and I was obsessed with the movie and soundtrack :D

Thanks! I've been following your PTR, I'm sorry about your loss. I lost my father last year and I know it's not easy. Looking forward to your TR.

Ah, so Co-captain Codie was wrong! This trivia question comes back later in my report so that tidbit makes it even funnier. :)

Excellent report! I have been laughing out loud in my office - great way to pass a quiet Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend!

The entire exchange in the airport with the kids was great - I have two younger brothers and it sounded exactly like something we would have done to my dad. And the phone call in Japan - priceless! Making me grateful that, at the moment, the worst my 21 month old can do is say "No!" :ROFLOL:

Sounds like you had a great time!

Thanks! Think of all the good times you have to look forward to. :)

Hilarous stuff....keep it coming!

Thank you!

Oh I love Restaurantosaurus! The veggie sandwich I had there last November was like toe-curlin' awesome! Then it came with sweet potato fries which was so good it was wrong. Mmmmm....

Your analogy comparing E:E to an old girlfriend is freakin' great! I don't think I've heard a better description delivered in a single line. I couldn't agree more. E:E is just like an old boyfriend: That first ride was mind-blowing amazing. It was so good and full of passion you think the heavens have opened. You hang on the memory of that incredible feeling just waiting to be in the moment again. So you go back looking to have the heavens open again but it just doesn't measure up. Something is missing that just kills the whole thing overall. You walk away feeling an emptiness which makes the overall impression one of disappointment and loss. You're sad, sour, and disgruntled. Now you have these feelings of having been jaded so you aren't even compelled to go there again in the near future. In time, tho, you kinda become resolved the way things are. You appreciate what was there once and stop expecting to find that again...thankful for that first amazing experience...happy to bask in the memory of it...but you know in your heart you won't ever be able to go back there again so it's okay now. You can smile and be friends with an appreciation of that one time that the heavens really did open. So yeah. JUST like an old boyfriend! :ROFLOL:

After eating there I don't understand all the bad reviews. It wasn't Le Bec Fin, but for a QS at Disney was pretty good.

Oh Yeti, you broke my heart. :cry: I can forgive but never forget.
Thanks for reading mine. Feels like I wrote it years ago, and it was actually March of this year! May of '12 can't get here fast enough for our family! Great to hear the restaurant is only one credit, I thought for sure it was a signature restaurant! There is no doubt it will be one of the first ADRs we make! Ready to read more from you!


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After our trip to the Forbidden Mountain, we received word that Alex and Sterg awoke from their slumber and were entering the park. We met them at It's Tough to Be a Bug. Then we all went back to EE, rode that, rode Dinosaur, hit Restaurantosaurus again for the big kids. By then it was mid afternoon and Sterg and Toni wanted to go back to the resort. Alex and I wanted to go on Kilimanjaro Safari. I let Sterg take Toni back on the bus. - Again, this is not something I think I could have done anywhere else but Disney World.

The Safari was great! We walked right up to the loading area and were on our truck in no time. Our driver did a wonderful job. He was playing the part very serious. Trying to convince us we were really on a two-week safari. There was a light but steady rain coming down which must have been to the animals liking because they were all out (except for the lion). It was also on the Safari that I had my biggest regret. The elephants were putting on quite a show and I had no camera - Alex took some pics on her phone but now can't find them. :brick:

This also was a great opportunity to spend some time just with Alex. She is now a senior in high school and it seemed just like yesterday when we first brought her here at the age of 6. She grew up a "Tom-Boy" and I coached her in basketball through grade school. She now plays lacrosse and field hockey for her High School. She plans to go to college and study Biology, so the Safari was right up her alley. She had a great time. Alex enjoys thrill rides but her favorite rides are SEE, PoTC and Living with the Land. She has an appreciation for the details in the rides and the educational aspects. It was nice to have that 20 minutes with her without all the distractions of home.

We helped "Wilson" capture the poachers, then Simba One returned back to the reserve. As it started to rain some more, we considered Pangani Trail but Alex wanted time for her run on the treadmill before dinner. The two of us jumped poodles in the rain as we walked out of a near empty AK. We were very grateful for the ponchos.

I regretted not bringing my camera that morning because of all the pictures I missed, but not having the camera also allowed me to go with the flow more and in a way brought me closer to my children's level. I wasn't "Big Pops" with the camera, urging them to stop and pose every 10 minutes. I valued the time with Alex. Before I know it she will be off to college. Trips to Disney World with your parents may become harder over the next few years.

Coming up - Return of the Pictures, Dinner at Prime Time!


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Alex allowed me on her Iphone (under threat of confiscation for a week) and guess what? We found her WDW pictures!

Here are some from the Safari...

Correction - no photos
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Well-Known Member
Glad you got to spend time with Alex, and no worries you can still have trips with your daughter when she goes to college! I just graduated from college this past May and for the four years I was there me and my mom have gone to WDW every January break!

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