News WDW Resorts to add fees for parking

Ok. Can anybody honestly answer if and when these fees will be introduced and if so how much. I read the first few pages of this thread but after the whole troll this and troll that I just gave up. So any concrete news?

Angel Ariel

Well-Known Member
How many times have you been to Disney World?

How many times have you stayed on-site/ off-site?

What resort at you staying at for your next trip?

I'll bite :)

WDW only - 9 trips in my lifetime. (I've visited DLR 10 times).

Disney hotels - 3 of those trips. Shades of Green - 3 trips, completely offsite - 3 trips (aka, we can do without Disney hotels)

I don't have a trip to WDW planned at this time. We choose DLR at the moment (though no trip planned for there at the moment either). We have never stayed on site at DLR.


Well-Known Member
I haven't, but would be curious to see a comparison of their resort and/or parking fees.
I posted them about 100 pages back.
Atlantis has resort fees upwards of $50, added to their well over $550 per night rooms.
The Breakers doesn't have resort fees. They do have forced valet. But, their rooms start around $800 per night or so.
The claims that Disney has similar base pricing for less is not quite accurate.
What about their complimentary transportation, you say? Doesn't exist.
Not sure how staying at either relates to fees under discussion.
He just showed up right on time.. impeccable timing, as always. With interesting new profiles joining him.. gotta love it.
In the past few pages people have said that those who stay at Disney resorts do so because they don't know any better, or making a claim that 5 star resorts are same price or cheaper, with more included.. especially those that resorts like the GF are modeled after. Such as- The Breakers and Boca Raton Resort.
So, there was a discussion about it earlier.
Then someone decided to go to Instagram before coming back and posting here.

People are amusing, and must be very bored.

Me 'Earties

Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate
Honestly, I am not sure what a resort is? I would argue most of the buildings are hotels and not resort. To me a resort is all inclusive. The moderates and higher, I can see a justifiable resort fee; however, all star is a no. When I visited sports last week, there were flies crawling all over the pastries in the food court, food on the floor that had not been cleaned.

No worries-I don't really know either! I was just trying to make a funny in a thread that's gotten haywire. (But very entertaining!)

Re: about your sports visit--eww! I'm okay with bugs (used to live in Florida with those monstrous palmetto bugs) but something about them being on your or someone's food is just nasty.

Me 'Earties

Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate
And why wouldn't they? You don't have to bet anything...they do call them All Star Sports/Movies/Music Resort.

And to me at least, those provide a good value to be close to the parks, bus service, and a Disney themed experience. Is it essentially a decorated Motel 6? Maybe in the structural design, but where would you rather stay? You're paying for the location, the experience, and the Disney brand. And you'll certainly get a better experience...

Lipstick on a pig.

Me 'Earties

Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate
For those saying new parking/resort fees would be the last straw to either not going or staying off-site be honest, you will continue to go and stay on-site.

You're addicts.

Aye, 'tis true. Addicted to Cheetos.

Of course people here love Disney- no matter what side of the discussion you're on, people here love Disney. Sherlock.


Well-Known Member
A child was snatched from the shore of one of WDW's most famous resorts by an Alligator and was killed.
Negative press for weeks.

People are still lining up in droves to get in.
Although I know why you used that comparison, it really doesn't connect. The difference between Disney being able to control the actions of an Alligator in a Florida swamp and their ability to charge for something that they are already charging for all these years is not at all the same thing. We all know that those resort fees were built in to what we paid for a room at (pick a) resort. Always have been paying it. Now all of a sudden they are having a new charge under the heading of Resort Fees, however, have they reduced the room rates in any way that would indicate that some of that was a resort fee in the past? No? I didn't think so!

One thing I do wonder though, because I have seen it in other states. Is there a bit of a savings to guest due to the premise that Room rates are taxable and Resort fees either are not taxed or are a lower tax rate?
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Well-Known Member
Although I know why you used that comparison, it really doesn't connect. The difference between Disney being able to control the actions of an Alligator in a Florida swamp and their ability to charge for something that they are already charging for all these years is not at all the same thing. We all know that those resort fees were built in to what we paid for a room at (pick a) resort. Always have been paying it. Now all of a sudden they are having a new charge under the heading of Resort Fees, however, have they reduced the room rates in any way that would indicate that some of the was a resort fee in the past? No? I didn't think so!

One thing I do wonder though, because I have seen it in other states. Is there a bit of a savings to guest due to the premise that Room rates are taxable and Resort fees either are not taxed or are a lower tax rate?

I actually just googled resort fees in Florida... here's an article that I've never seen. It's kind of interesting.

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