WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)


New Member


New Member
This is an amazing shot! Divequest?

How about instead of asking "where is this?" over and over again on here, just PM the poster and ask them????

didnt you just do a variation of the "where is this" question with your, "divequest?"

just wondering what the difference is.


New Member
This is an amazing shot! Divequest?

How about instead of asking "where is this?" over and over again on here, just PM the poster and ask them????

didnt you just do a variation of the "where is this" question with your, "divequest?"

just wondering what the difference is.
I was wondering the same thing. People are so happy to pounce on other people sometimes that they don't realize their own ignorance. Why didn't you PM this particular poster if you had something to say to him? Why post that? What is the problem with asking someone where something is/was? It's only a question man, don't take it personal.


New Member
This is an amazing shot! Divequest?

How about instead of asking "where is this?" over and over again on here, just PM the poster and ask them????
hmm i thought we werent asking questions. isnt this the same as asking 'where is this?' any way whats wrong with asking where is this? all lot of people might not know where it is. what would be more useful if the original poster of the photographs actually put 'where it is!'


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This site is about The Happiest Place on Earth.
Why do some people have to put such a negative spin on things?
Lighten Up, Relax !:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

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