WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)


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This thread is just so amazing, and the talent some of the posters have for imaginative photography just floors me. And the attention to detail that Disney display - words just cannot express. These pictures really make that easy to appreciate - I've noticed so many cool things that I would probably otherwise pass right by in the parks. So, thanks to everyone for their wonderful pictures.


Well-Known Member
This thread is just so amazing, and the talent some of the posters have for imaginative photography just floors me. And the attention to detail that Disney display - words just cannot express. These pictures really make that easy to appreciate - I've noticed so many cool things that I would probably otherwise pass right by in the parks. So, thanks to everyone for their wonderful pictures.
I completely agree, especially with the bolded part.

Now I go to the parks and notice/take pics of things I would normally overlook. Looking at these pics also gives me some good ideas and helpful tips.

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