WDW Pet Peeves

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As Frank Costanza said during his family's celebration of "Festivus", now is the time for the airing of grievances. Even the greatest vacation spot in the world isn't perfect and can have aspects that just make you want to pull your hair out. Time to list them.

To get started, some things on my pet peeve list are:

1) Getting in a ride car only to find other guests' leftover drink cups or snack wrappers.

2) Obnoxious teenagers who feel the need to whoop and hollar in line for a ride or engage in activities in line that should be moved to their resort room.

3) Waiting in line with guests who haven't heard of deodorant.

More to come.....


New Member
My only pet peeve is people who step on the seat getting out of the logs on Splash Mountain.

Like I want to sit on someones big, wet, muddy footprint.


Well-Known Member
Annonymous guests who think they know everything about the place and correct you if you do or say something wrong even though it isn't...
-I was doing eride nights for the 1st time and i didn't know which ticket to put in and this guy behind me yells "you just stick the ticket in the slot and move... the slot right there!!" and whispers to his wife... "Gosh these first timers annoy me." I just wanted to say look, old man.. I may be 30 years younger than you, but I'm pretty damn sure I've been here more than you.
-I was at grad nite and my friends and I were going on Splash Mountain and they had never been to WDW so I was deemed (by myself of course) "tour guide." Okay, so we standing in line and I was like, "Splash Mountain opened in 1992 and so on and so on.." well, this guy in front of us proceeds to tell me about how it didn't open in 1992, but in 1989 and how I shouldn't dish out information that was false. Then I said, "I've been here plenty of times to know when this opened!" and he said, "What? You call 5 times a lot, well, it isn't in my book! I've been here at least 10!" I proved him wrong when I told him the amt of times I had been.

Another thing that gets on my nerves, not just at WDW, is when parents either beat there kids or have them on a leash! How inhumane!


Well-Known Member
Individuals that encroach into my personal space. Those that stand right behind you and on top of your boot heels. Moving forward so your stomach is touching my back is not going to get you on the ride any faster.

Undisciplined children. I've seen too many parents let their children run amok without any consideration for any other guests.


New Member
2) Obnoxious teenagers

I agree wholehartedly with the above, I was sitting by a little girl who was terrified on, Space Ship Earth I think it was, because some older kids were screaming up ahead through the entire ride, she was crying and upset at her parents because they said it wouldn't be scary, it was really sad. :mad:
Originally posted by celticdog
Undisciplined children. I've seen too many parents let their children run amok without any consideration for any other guests.

I totally agree with this. If your kids can't eat out at a restaurant or sit through a movie at home, then don't try doing on vacation, either!

But my biggest pet peeve is just the opposite of this -- parent's who yell and scream and even worse, hit, their kids because they aren't behaving. First of all, you have to give a little more leniency to a kid when their at Disney -- of course they're going to be a little overwhelmed and hyper -- and it is their vacation too. I don't want to hear some big-mouthed parent screaming while I'm having a nice meal or waiting on line. Just pull your kid aside and talk to them or, if they're misbehaving that bad, take them back to the hotel!


New Member
my worst pet peeve is how people treat their kids. they either let them run around or have to push them in front of you. last time we were there we were in line to see some fish at the living seas, when the guy in front of us left and we got up to look this one lade puses her 5 year old kid in front of us and said "move my kid has to see". then we were in the area after you get out from spaceship earth and we were going to one of those interactive hands or something and we here this guy say "look theres one get it before they do" then this kid, litrillay knocks me over to get to the thing before I do. also my pet peve is with little tiny babies. babies not even a year old sitting in a stroller in 90 to 110 degree heat. to me they are not old enough to know what disney is or to even enjoy it, all they want to do is sleep. and when we were there on e-night these same babies not even a year old out till 1 or 2 in the morning. even little kids not even 3 or 4 years old, that late all they want to do is sleep. also a pet peeve are those people who have to sit dead center or save seats. they tell you to move all the way down for a reason, don't save seats. we got into an altercation from a lady on the train in animal kingdom. she wanted to save seats and we couldn't move , to make a long story short she elbowed my wife in the stomach really hard. there is always plenty of room for everyone and people have to save seats.


New Member
Mine would be people who are people in line who think they are funny and they are not, and feel the need to make sure everyone in line knows what they are laughing about. Also, people who stand in line, and then hold a place for their other 20 friends who happened to be somewhere else until it's time to board the ride, then they all show up and cut in line.


New Member
another pet peeve smokers. they think they can light up anywhere they please. I am asthmatic and allergic to cigerette smoke, and smokers really don't seem to care. they don't go to the designated smokeing area, and some light up right online for a ride. or the get off a ride and the first thing they do is light up. personally I think all hotels and all parks and resturants should be smoke free period. if people want to kill themselves they should do it in their own home, or if a resturant wants a smokeing section it should be completely closed off with adiquite ventilation and that you would never have to go near it or walk through it to get to the non smokeing section. parks should be completely smoke free or have a small smokeing pavilian where you can smoke.


Well-Known Member
1. People who stop halfway across a row, so they can sit dead center.

2. People who quote the spiel, LOUDER than the spiel. "This chamber has no windows, and no doors..."

3. Steamroller strollers

4. People who cut off nice people with strollers.

5. Men who do not offer their seat to people who need it. (pregnant women, elderly, handicapped)
Originally posted by bearboysnc
2. People who quote the spiel, LOUDER than the spiel. "This chamber has no windows, and no doors..."

Sorry if we annoy, but my husband and I do this one all the time -- I just think it's fun! Especially "'Cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness"!

But really, if anyone hears me do it, just yell at me to shut up! ;)


New Member
I agree with just about all of these (with the exception of the smoking, which I'll get to), but did you notice the one thing they all have in common? They are all about people's behaviour as opposed to anything about the park itself.

It's sad, but most people, especially when on vacation, don't care about the people around them. Living in a 'tourist' city, I get to witness this phenomenon daily. I think a perfect day at Disney would have to be a day devoid of guests. :D

As far as the smoking goes, I think there are two reasons why people smoke anywhere and everywhere:

1 - People can be jerks, as mentioned above.

2 - There are not enough of those little smoking areas, and the ones they have are pretty well hidden. You actually have to dig out a map to find them in all four parks, and there's never one nearby.

IMHO - the biggest peeve is screaming kids, either in-line or during an an attraction pre-show.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
.Originally posted by bearboysnc
2. People who quote the spiel, LOUDER than the spiel. "This chamber has no windows, and no doors..."

But really, if anyone hears me do it, just yell at me to shut up!

By that time, the attraction has been ruined.

We here are hard-core Disney folks and have memorized scripts, downloaded wallpaper, video and audio files, and spent countless hours on these boards.

But there is a significant number of guests who are at WDW for the first (and only) time.

Remember how exciting your first time was, or how fun it is to take a first-timer?

Let them experience the attractions the way they should be experienced--with a quiet and respectful audience.


Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by Sherm00
another pet peeve smokers. they think they can light up anywhere they please. I am asthmatic and allergic to cigerette smoke, and smokers really don't seem to care. they don't go to the designated smokeing area, and some light up right online for a ride. or the get off a ride and the first thing they do is light up. personally I think all hotels and all parks and resturants should be smoke free period. if people want to kill themselves they should do it in their own home, or if a resturant wants a smokeing section it should be completely closed off with adiquite ventilation and that you would never have to go near it or walk through it to get to the non smokeing section. parks should be completely smoke free or have a small smokeing pavilian where you can smoke.

I'm a smoker, but I never smoke outside the desinated smoking areas, and unless I'm mistaken, with the exception of some of the clubs a PI, Disney is non-smoking at all resturants and hotels except in desinated smoking areas and rooms.

You have your rights, I have my own, and I follow the rules and I do keep in mind of the people around me.

I guess my pet peeve comes from a visit to AK. I was smoking in one of the desinated areas, and some people were give the smokers dirty looks as they walked into, and sat down in a smoking area. Like all of us should stop smoking because they desiced to grace us with their pressence. And this was in the out of the way area between Asia and Africa.

Sorry, but no matter how much other people may object, I do have the right to smoke, and as long as I follow the rules, do it in the correct area, which I always do.

Ok, rant over...I need a smoke... :animwink:
Originally posted by GaryT977
2 - There are not enough of those little smoking areas, and the ones they have are pretty well hidden. You actually have to dig out a map to find them in all four parks, and there's never one nearby.

I believe the smoking areas are "never nearby" because they try to tuck them away where non-smoking guests will most likely not be bothered by them. Smoking is a privelege on Disney property, not a right, and I think it is kind of Disney to create these smoking areas at all -- they should just make the parks non-smoking.

As a guest who just plain hates cigarette smoke, I am also someone will tell a smoker that the line is non-smoking and point out the way to nearest smoking area. If they've got a problem with it, I'm always happy to get a CM, or better yet, a security guard.

And for all you smokers out there who do follow the rules, <b>THANK YOU!!!</b>

edit: And I'll never be the one giving you the dirty looks!;)
My goodness, I didn't know I'd get such a harsh response. I really don't think I've ruined anyone's trip to Disney because I love that line of the script on Big Thunder Mountain. I find that half the train is shouting it, not just me. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but that's one of things that makes MY trip special. One of those wonderful Disney memories. By the time I'm on the train quoting the spiel, everyone in the place has heard it a dozen times or so.

Something I've noticed by reading this list is that Disneyphiles are quite sensitive people -- just setting foot in the park will irk someone because that's one more person we have to share "our" park with. Everyone needs to lighten up a bit -- your on vacation for goodness sake!


Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by Married@WDW

Smoking is a privelege on Disney property, not a right, and I think it is kind of Disney to create these smoking areas at all -- they should just make the parks non-smoking.

It may be, but they would have a lot of unhappy people if they just did away with it all together, and most civil people can live with the desinated areas, like myself.

As a guest who just plain hates cigarette smoke, I am also someone will tell a smoker that the line is non-smoking and point out the way to nearest smoking area. If they've got a problem with it, I'm always happy to get a CM, or better yet, a security guard.

And I do the same thing to, even though I do smoke.

And for all you smokers out there who do follow the rules, <b>THANK YOU!!!</b>

You're welcome. :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW
Something I've noticed by reading this list is that Disneyphiles are quite sensitive people -- just setting foot in the park will irk someone because that's one more person we have to share "our" park with. Everyone needs to lighten up a bit -- your on vacation for goodness sake!

OK, now you're just being melodramatic.

There is a difference between saying the big thunder spiel and saying the haunted mansion spiel (close quarters).

"ring ring" it's the clue phone, it's for you.
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