WDW in February


Active Member
I just got back last Saturday(9/22). I want to go again. I am looking to go in February. I am totally flexiable with travel dates. Are there any weeks to avoid in February? I always go in September so I am VERY spoilled on that type of crowd level. I also dont want to be there if the place is crawling with cheerleaders, high schools bands, pop warner football etc. Any hints or help is apperciated!!!!


Avoid Presidents week, it is crowded as schools in the NorthEast are closed and everyone heads for Disney, we're going that week - but we have no other choice unless I take the kids out of school.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Being a foreigner... When is Presidents' Week? :lookaroun

Not that it matters now, I'm booked 2-10 February regardless. :shrug:
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Capt. Salty

New Member
Avoid Presidents week, it is crowded as schools in the NorthEast are closed and everyone heads for Disney, we're going that week - but we have no other choice unless I take the kids out of school.
I have to agree, but, just as Dizzney, we have no other choice. However, if you're somewhat of a "veteran" of traveling to WDW, you should be able to make your way through the crowds, and still experience what you want to. We've made a "science" out of traveling to WDW during busy seasons. Just try not to keep up w/the crowds and you'll be fine.
have fun:wave:
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Well-Known Member
My aunt recently made some reservations for near Valentine's Day and the rates sounded high to me. I'd shoot for the first week if I were going in February again. We did that week last year and it wasn't bad at all.
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Well-Known Member
As stated above, February is not bad unless you go during President's week. We have been twice during Fe. Once the end of our trip fell right at the beginning of President's Week & it got very crowded. :eek:
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New Member
we went the first week of feb. this year and we loved this time of year. the weather was great. well the first couple of days is was misty rain but nothing to stop us. the kids wore hoodies and by the middle of the day we were shedding those, but the last 5 days were like 65 degrees and sunny. we will always make our trips in feb., the longest wait we had was for soarin and that was only 5 minutes long. be aware that there are cheerleading groups during that time of year, we only encountered one rude group and we just ignored them and went the other way. i had been 2 times in the past in summer and will never ever do that again. we got so much done quicker because the crowds were not there. and with a 6 and 4 year old, they don't wait very long for rides!
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Well-Known Member
I can't remember which trip it was, seems like it was the Jan/Feb trip we made this year, but we encountered the cheerleading kids, too. Some were mildly annoying when in big packs. It was typical teenage girl pack stuff, giggling & squealing, sometimes chanting cheers. Nothing horrendous. They were pretty well behaved. One night during MK EMH we struck up a conversation with a couple girls in line for SM. They were local girls so I talked area high schools with them. They told us about their competition, etc. They were very polite, very nice. I hope my children will act that normal when they are away from me. :) Sooo, even tho the squads are in for competition it's not necessarily like the notorious summertime tour groups.

Also, to be noted with the dance groups, 2 years ago when we went to Fantasmic there were lots of them sitting in different spots all over the stadium. Between me and the group of girls behind me we got the wave rolling back and forth across the crowd really well while we waited for the show to start. It was a lot of fun and passed the time. Sometimes the groups/squads can be fun, too. I suppose you just have to have a sense of humor and keep in mind that you were once that age, too. :D
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Well-Known Member
We went the week after President's Day this year and it was great, very low crowds and almost as good as our September trip! Great weather too, warm but not hot.
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