WDW conspiracy theories

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New Member
Just remember there are people out there that will remember this stuff and basically, they are the so called experts referred to in the other post.... Some day you will be in the store and someone will say... "they couldn't POSSIBLY be THAT creative to put little hidden Mickey heads everywhere..."


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
OK...over by River Country they have a chicken mutation farm for growing chicken McNuggets! (really, it's just chickens with extra fingers:lol: )


Well-Known Member
But the Turkey legs, ARE Emu legs. Didn't you know that?

They make every ride exit into a gift shop to force you to buy more useless stuff............wait.........:lookaroun ..........nevermind. :zipit:

I've heard one close to the salt in the water supply thing. They put addatives in the drink fountains so you're thirst is never quenched, no matter what or how much you drink.

The reuseable cups are not good forever, they are only good for "the duration of your stay". :lookaroun :brick:


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PurpleDragon said:
I've heard one close to the salt in the water supply thing. They put addatives in the drink fountains so you're thirst is never quenched, no matter what or how much you drink.
REALLY? I thought it was just 'cause it was crappy water. :lol:
Now I think there's something intoxicating in the regular fountains *not the drinking ones* and the fireworks they give of every night.


Well-Known Member
With how many rides end by dumping you into a gift shop, I'm beginning to think Disney may have shareholders who want returns from their investment.


Beta Return
Chernabog said:
There is a missle silo in one of the towers of Cinderella Castle

I'm going to have to ask you to remove this item from your post......that's classified information :lookaroun

I've been recently informed that they are clearing huge amounts of land on property......most likely to start building the 5th gate :zipit:


Well-Known Member
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hmm, I can't think of any new ones. :dazzle:
Those "guys in suits" are really the actual characters pulled from their reality. I mean, that Mickey is so good, you can almost hear the "Micky Mouse club" theme when he walks by. XD


Chernabog said:
I've got a couple I've heard.

All the water in the water fountains contains small traces of salt so you're always thirsty and buy a soda instead.

There is a missle silo in one of the towers of Cinderella Castle

The turrets of the castle can be removed in case of a large storm

and probably one of my favorites...The Turkey legs are really emu legs:lookaroun

BTW I can only hope the Buzz lightyear one is true, I totally rock at that game!

I LOVE THE TURKEY LEG ONE, I have met people that will go to the grave thinking its true. Even when I pull up a picture of an emu and tell them that thier legs are bigger than double of what a humans is.:hammer:


New Member
Dragonrider1227 said:
interesting. :confused:
Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin is really a secret Disney military training system. One you walk in, your DNA is put on their file and your score in the end determines how valuable you are to Disney's army. A high enough score and they'll call upon you when "it's time." :D

:lol: I like that one:animwink:


New Member
beagle 1 said:
How about the conspiracy that Mr. Disney is frozen cyrogenically in a lab and will be brought back to life.

Funny you should say that because one night my friends and I were walking past the castle and we overheard a father tell his 3-4 year old son that Disney was frozen and that they had him stored in like the tower of the castle. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The big tombstones in front of Spaceship Earth with all those pictures on them are really brought back from the future. Why else would they look like a war memorial from a tragic event?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
BeckyLSawyer said:
Mission: Space really takes you to another planet and drops you off, replaing you with a clone.
That's pretty clever there BeckyLSawyer.

The old Worm Hole in Epcot theory crossed with "The Body Snatchers" eh?:D


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Edeyore said:
IASW is actually a mind control device, with subliminal messages of "buy
more souveniers", "eat more food" & "stay on property" repeated again &
again & again. :lol:

No.. IASW is actually a mind control device for more evil purposes. :lookaroun

The IASW dolls will rise against the humans on judgment day. :lookaroun


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LaughingGravy said:
The big tombstones in front of Spaceship Earth with all those pictures on them are really brought back from the future. Why else would they look like a war memorial from a tragic event?
From far away, I thought they looked like alien writing. Which brings e to my next conspiracy. Walt Disney was really a peace loving alien, those "pictures" are acutally his home world's language telling us important messeges but we cant understand them. Maybe warning about Eisner. XD This brings me to my next Conspiracy. Disney is NOT dead. He just went home. ;)

If you use flash photography on the Haunted Mansion, the ride will stop with the ghost host telling you this;
"We ased you NOT to use flash photography. You have now angered the spirits of the haunted mansion. When the spirits of the haunted mansion get upset, PEOPLE DIE!" At hat point, a hole will open underneith, your buggie will tip an you will fall into an abyss. :D Followed by the host simpling saying "Shall we continue?" and the ride continues as normal.

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