WDW Character Pic of the Day


Well-Known Member
Awesome shot ^



Active Member
This is two years old. However, I love the pic every time I see it. This was the first character my 2yo daughter at the time went to without mommy or daddy. She ran past Minnie and hugged Daisy for about a minute before letting go.


My niece was the same way! she went with us for her very first trip when she was 2 years old and was TERRIFIED of all the Chef Mickey's characters, but when we got to MK, she saw Daisy and that was the ONE AND ONLY character she let touch her and not have us in the photo with her!!! LOVE THE DUCK!:sohappy:

Future Guy

Active Member

Got this one yesterday at AK. After the picture, my wife got Baloo to sign her autograph book, and she kissed him on the nose. I wish I'd have gotten a picture of that, it was adorable.

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