WDW as a once-in-a-lifetime trip?


New Member
I could never imagine only going "once in a lifetime", but I have had friends that wonder how I can go so much when Disney "doesn't change". Pfft ya right.


New Member
A co-worker of mine told me that he was finally going to WDW, as his kids were all now "old enough" -- 7+ years. I asked him why he didn't just take then when they were younger. ("Why postpone your own joy?") His reply was that he wanted the kids to actually remember their only trip to WDW.


Yeah, it's true. He has no expectation of ever going to WDW again. And it's not that he's poor or doesn't go on vacation often. In fact, he's pretty well off and goes to the same beach two hours away for a week every year. Granted, this is going to be *his* first trip to WDW as well, and perhaps he underestimates just what kind of a place WDW is. It's not just an amusement park, it's a destination!

Anyone else know anybody who planned their family WDW trip as a once-in-a-lifetime experience? Did they change their mind when it was over? Or did they feel that they got their fill of it on that one trip?

Me personally, I don't think I could live a happy life knowing that I would never visit a Disney park again.

I could never be happy with only taking a "once in a lifetime" trip to WDW. It's hard enough not going this year, let alone the rest of my life! All it took was a sophmore band trip in high school to get me addicted to WDW..

(Awesome avatar, Since 1976! Browncoats unite!)


Well-Known Member
The fact many guests are people who only go once or twice in their life helps explain why attractions aren't changed more often. People who go often may get bored with Wishes or Illuminations, for example, and want major changes every few years. But for the benefit of guests who go less often, there's no point in replacing something unless the new version is clearly superior, not just different.


New Member
It is kind of a shame how cost can color your experience at WDW.

I went with my aunt and cousins on their "once in a lifetime" trip back in 1994. It was my fourth. When it was over, they had no desire to go again. In fact, they were all a little disappointed in the place. Not much, mind you. But they thought Space Mountain would be bigger. And the Haunted Mansion spookier. And Epcot less educational.

But I think it was more to do with finances. They (and me at the time) couldn't afford the deluxe hotels or the expensive resort dinners. Instead, we stayed off-site in a roach motel. (Literally. There was a cockroach in the bathroom every morning.) We didn't eat dinner until we left WDW property and went to a fast-food joint. And we only spent two and a half days there. (1 in MK. 1 in MGM. 1/2 in Epcot.)

I think if they could have afforded a weeklong stay at Polynessian with Park Hopper tickets and dinner at California Grill or Jiko, they'd want to go again in a heartbeat.


New Member
There are some people who just don't get it.. and let them go once and save the line space for the rest of us who keep going back for more.

My friend went so much as a kid she said she's 'disney'ed out'... :eek:

But, as all of us WDW fans get, I'm always asked why we keep going back.... and I'm tired of explaining to those people. Don't look at me differently if I keep doing something that me and my family enjoy so much if you've never been. So once and then tell me you'll never go back... *fat chance*.

going home in 133 Days 22 Hrs 28 Mins :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
There are some people who just don't get it.. and let them go once and save the line space for the rest of us who keep going back for more.

My friend went so much as a kid she said she's 'disney'ed out'... :eek:

But, as all of us WDW fans get, I'm always asked why we keep going back.... and I'm tired of explaining to those people. Don't look at me differently if I keep doing something that me and my family enjoy so much if you've never been. So once and then tell me you'll never go back... *fat chance*.

going home in 133 Days 22 Hrs 28 Mins :sohappy:

You're right, some people just don't get it. My sil went once when she was 20 or so and thought eh. Now she has kids, but won't take them. Says they wouldn't like it and it's too expensive. She went a couple of years ago for work and stayed at the contemporary. She was bothered by the cms who kept telling her to have a magical day. :brick:
We even offered to have them go with us in a villa so she wouldn't have to pay for her room, but she still said no.

Some people just don't get it.


New Member
My first experience going to disney wasn't until I was 27 years old. My Family's first trip was over the 4th of july for week in 2004. My son was 9 years old and my husband 29 he had never been either. We were finally able to save the money to go I am self-employed and my business had started to take of a few years prior, but we had never discussed a family vacation before. in the past it had considered going down south to visit his family.
I had been wanting to go to disney all of my life. and my son was and is a disney fanatic. so i used everything that i could to talk my husband into going there. he is not the easiest person to get to do anything. i was going to be to much money he said and he really wasn't a disney person. (i know who cant be a disney person).

Well it wasnt long before i found my way around his stubbornness. See for all you out there who have the same problem take note. my husband loves nascar and had never seen a real race. so on one occasion about talking disney with him wanting to go on vacation he still was unsure about the cost of going i mentioned that daytona was about 45 minutes away and if i had to would work late and do what ever i had to to go and he could see his faved nascar.

After thinking about it for awhile he agreed and he worked some overtime to as we would be driving from chicago to orlando. wanting to have plenty of money for the just in cases.

Well i had to find a cheap trip. so i figured i didnt care where we stayed so i would camp at the campground in the middle of july in a tent. i wsa nuts.
but he agreed and we went, but not without his prized 4 wheeler which we pulled all the way down there so that he could use it in ocala. so he was geting the race and a prized driving range for his toy. well he did complain about the heat. and the money and i knew he would. he said he did not know if it was going to be worth it, but continued on. well he was stuburn and wanted a cabin tent and not a dome like i wanted. so we bought what he wanted. never have been to florida before i had never experiencd the 2 and 4 pm thunderstorms. anyway when he and his 2 brothers who did accompany us on our trip which we paid for where gone at the race we had our first rain storm. the tent being a combo of a cabin and staked into sand didnt last long. my son was sleeping threw the whole thing that god i had the forsight
to by a small dome pup tent for my son. when the big tent came crumbling down i transfered my sleeping son into the little tent with all the belonings from the big one to the little one in a down poor.

keep in mind i had no vehicle i was in daytona with the boys.
well from the little tent i called guest relations and told them what happed to us i was horrified my sons first trip here what was i going to do. Disney came to the resuce. they were going to move us to the all star resorts. airconditioning. most of all they didnt charge us any more money and gave us two rooms. they were sending a truck from wilderness lodge to move my husbands 4 wheeler and were they to help us pack and take us to the new place. this was going to be great. Well my husband had no idea what was going on and when i stepped of the bs at the front terminal i saw him come threw the front gate. i checked out up there and they drove mot e back to the site. my husband puzzled about no tent and angry because his toy was hitched up to a truck that want ours and heat getting to him was pretty well threw with this trip. after 1 day. he said we had to get a real hotel room or we wouldnt be able to stay. i told him good news honey we have a hotel room.
i explained to him what had happened to us while he was gone and was really impressed with how the handled the situation.and thankfull that they took care of his family while he was away.

well he feel in live harder when we hit epcot and he found international gatewayand beer around the world. what was the 2 this place rocks on the trip from him. the third came when he found blizzard beach and summit plummit. the 4th and final came from pi. the place was what he said he saw on tv this place was great. we only had a 5 day trip that year and had plenty more to see and do. as well pulled away for tnths later in febuary ofhe ride home he almost cried and said he had a sick feeling in his stomach. he did not want to go home.

so we decied to go back six months later in feb 2005 with his sister and family, and the two brothers again for 8 days around the daytona 500 schedlue. this was a great trip. he went back that summer for the july race and then every summer since he really has changed his mind since the old days. this trip is only my 4th but my husbands 5th. i cant wait.

I trully changed my grumpy husband into some who cant wait to go every year.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
You never know, they could change their mind after visiting, but I do know a lot of people who have only visited once as kids.


Well-Known Member
Living in the UK I had always wanted to go to WDW but could never afford it. I looked on in envy as my friends and even my then boyfriend went to disney without me:mad: I went to Disneyland Paris when my son was 6 and was so disappointed that i swore only ever to go to WDW in the future

Three years ago i finally got there, stopped offsite and was hooked!! My finances have suffered ever since but we are back in 21 days for 3rd trip in 4 years this time at Pop Century:ROFLOL: I still cry when i leave and im 35!!! My son is now 16 and i still make him have pictures with Mickey;) I love the US so much that,as a teacher i plan to come out and teach!


New Member
I could not imagine only going to Disney World once. My parents brought me and my siblings 3 times while we were growing up. This past Christmas My entire family (aunts, uncles, cousins etc) went and we had such a blast. I went back in June with my friend who used to be a CM and as soon as I got back from that trip I booked another one for this August for Pirate/Princess, lol. I get hooked everytime I go and I think everytime I go I fall more in love with it. I to, cry everytime I have to leave. People look at me like I am crazy cause I am going for my 3rd time this year but like everyone on here has already said, they don't get it!


Well-Known Member
I would be so sad to think that I would never make it to Disney again. I crave it. I think that the more I go, the more I need it. I think that your friend will love it and go again.


Well if this is specifically about WDW, I think our trip in 46 Days !!! to WDW may be one of a few in my lifetime. I went as a kid, now taking my kids and I hope I can go again when they have kids.

Even after this trip which I know is going to be just amazing, I don't know when I can have all the stars align again with days off, money, and all the stuff needed to make a cross country trip to WDW.

Of course with that said :) We don't miss the magic since we go to DL every other year.


I think when you use the words "Crave It" you hit the nail on the head. It's like somebody injects you with a serum and you can't get it out of your blood, it's crazy!!! What is it about that place!!! You really do feel like a kid when you go and it's the best feeling in the world!


Active Member
My birthday trip last year was supposed to be my last trip until I go for the college program in the spring of 2009(crosses fingers). I loved spending the time alone with my mom so we decided to go back the week before I turn 18. I really got hooked after my trip over Easter 2004(which was supposed to be the last trip befe college.) After this past trip, my mom has started to get hooked. She keeps saying that she cant wait till I do the college program so she can go to WDW & say she's visiting me at college.

We leave in 67 days, 9 hours, and 44 minutes & I CAN'T WAIT!!!


Well if this is specifically about WDW, I think our trip in 46 Days !!! to WDW may be one of a few in my lifetime. I went as a kid, now taking my kids and I hope I can go again when they have kids.

Even after this trip which I know is going to be just amazing, I don't know when I can have all the stars align again with days off, money, and all the stuff needed to make a cross country trip to WDW.

Of course with that said :) We don't miss the magic since we go to DL every other year.

Now this I can understand. I haven't yet been to DL and I would like to go once, eventually, but I don't have a HUGE unwaivering desire to go there.

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