WDW and terrorism threats


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Has anyone heard of WDW being on the threat list by terrorists? I'm going from June 29th thru July 9th and a little nervous:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Not to sound pessimistic, but WDW has always been on the terrorist "hit lists," and always will be. The only difference is that now there is more a spotlight on that fact after 9/11. Blame the media. If it freaks out the public, the media will exploit it for all it is worth.

Is it any more dangerous to visit though? Probably not. Don't be nervous, there is really no more of a danger than there was before.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by pheneix
Not to sound pessimistic, but WDW has always been on the terrorist "hit lists," and always will be. The only difference is that now there is more a spotlight on that fact after 9/11. Blame the media. If it freaks out the public, the media will exploit it for all it is worth.

Is it any more dangerous to visit though? Probably not. Don't be nervous, there is really no more of a danger than there was before.

Blame the media....:confused: I think not...blame the FBI, Homeland security, & the CIA for the vague warnings they give to the media to announce.
The media is blowing everything out of proportion. Wasn't it two weeks ago that we were "definately going to have a terrorist act commited"? ;)


Well-Known Member
>>>Blame the media.... I think not...blame the FBI, Homeland security, & the CIA for the vague warnings they give to the media to announce.<<<

Well, that too.

But just recently I saw an article that I made my heart sank. In a story about the growing threat of terrorism, they had a picture of Sleeping Beauty Castle with the characters hanging out in fron of it. The caption under it read: "A small container of radioactive material could kill thousands and permanently put Disneyland out of business." That is completely uncalled for, and was only in the article to disturb the reader.

So yes, the media has quite a bit to do with it.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by pheneix
>>>Blame the media.... I think not...blame the FBI, Homeland security, & the CIA for the vague warnings they give to the media to announce.<<<

Well, that too.

But just recently I saw an article that I made my heart sank. In a story about the growing threat of terrorism, they had a picture of Sleeping Beauty Castle with the characters hanging out in fron of it. The caption under it read: "A small container of radioactive material could kill thousands and permanently put Disneyland out of business." That is completely uncalled for, and was only in the article to disturb the reader.

So yes, the media has quite a bit to do with it.

Agreed...that is sickening...but keep in mind.... there are a lot of us "responsible" journalists out there....

what you spoke about above most likely came from the trashy, tabloid, attention getting, jerks...the same ones that report on Britney Spears and the "orange juice can kill you" stories during the nightly news.... and yes..that is garbage...not news...just hype and B.S.


Active Member
I just had an arugment with a friend, who said that the media is good for the american people on posting what is goin on in the world, how else are we going to find out about this stuff?!

I said that it is good, but too many times they are looking for new watchers and readers, and find the extreme of the stories to exploit. I take everything with a grain ofsalt, and do research into stories I have heard about. each paper and news station will have a diferent perspective on everything!!


Well-Known Member
>>>what you spoke about above most likely came from the trashy, tabloid, attention getting, jerks...<<<

Nope, it was an article in one of the local newspapers in the Sacramento area, "Sacramento Times" or something.

My local news paper (in a backwater town in Central NC, if anyone is wondering) does the same thing. Granted, half of the trash in The Daily Record is nothing but local gossip and rumors anyway, but some of the stuff they run is pathetic (my personal favorite is the FRONT PAGE headline reading "Horse Found Dead Beside Highway." as if that wasn't enough, they had a freaking picture of the half decomposed animal on the front page for all to see!). What is even sadder is that this paper won "Best Regional Paper" in the country several years ago by some publishing company.


Well-Known Member
>>>the media is good for the american people on posting what is goin on in the world<<<

No, that is what the Drudge Report is for. :animwink:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by pheneix
>>>what you spoke about above most likely came from the trashy, tabloid, attention getting, jerks...<<<

Nope, it was an article in one of the local newspapers in the Sacramento area, "Sacramento Times" or something.

My local news paper (in a backwater town in Central NC, if anyone is wondering) does the same thing. Granted, half of the trash in The Daily Record is nothing but local gossip and rumors anyway, but some of the stuff they run is pathetic (my personal favorite is the FRONT PAGE headline reading "Horse Found Dead Beside Highway." as if that wasn't enough, they had a freaking picture of the half decomposed animal on the front page for all to see!). What is even sadder is that this paper won "Best Regional Paper" in the country several years ago by some publishing company.

Again...there are those of us who are responsible...and know what "news" is. To classify the "media" in general is not fair. Sadly though...this kind of crap is becoming news.....why? Because people don’t what the real news anymore...it is boring to them I guess....sooo they want the hype and "chocolate kills" stories....its what gets ratings nowadays.:(


New Member
The media is blowing everything out of proportion. Wasn't it two weeks ago that we were "definately going to have a terrorist act commited"?

Guys, it doesn't matter. We just have to face a new reality and move on in life. What we'll just have to accept and live with for a very long time, probably, decades is that the terrorists will strike any time. Terrorists may strike one second from now, tomorrow, next-week, next-year, whenever. They will hit us again and probably soon, but don't worry. It is much more likely that you will die in a car crash than by a terrorist attack. We're in a war everyone, and there maybe lots of casualities, at home. But we just have to keep living our lives. Whether that means keep making frequent visits to Walt Disney World, or going out on weekends, or mowing your lawn. Danger lurks all around us, it always has, and it always will. This is just one more threat. A monorail beam could fall on you in WDW, a car could hit you, a tree could fall on you, a train could crush you. Many things *could* happen, but chances are that they won't. So just smile, and live your life. Don't worry, be happy...:D :D


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the threats.... Just have fun and don't think about it!!! Thats what Disney is all about... getting away from it all!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FanofDinsey1981
I just had an arugment with a friend, who said that the media is good for the american people on posting what is goin on in the world, how else are we going to find out about this stuff?!
In my experience the American Media spent very litle time worrying about what is going on elsewhere in the world and more about their own soil.

Example: In 2000 we watched the Olympic Closing Ceremony in our hotel room on FOX News. We never saw one of the 'reporters' talk to an athlete that wasn't American.

Upon our return we watched the same ceremony covered by the BBC and they interviewed athletes from many, many countries.

True that the US had a larger team, but should that make a difference? I say no.

Now this is just an example, but I watch FOX News daily now that it is available in the UK and I rarely see International reports unless it is about the so-called 'War on Terrorism.'

As as the 'threats' go

I'd pay them little heed. If you run your life around this kind of thing then you let them win! If WDW were a target then WDW would act.


New Member
While I do think the media hypes things up more than they need to, I don't think we should be blaming them, homeland security, the FBI, or the CIA. The fact is that we are receiving vague info about possible attacks and they are trying to keep us warned. It amazes me how people in this country adopt this attitude that if they ignore things that they are not there. I also believe that we need to go on living our lives, but we need to be educated as we do so. If we all, as a country, start paying attention to what is going on around us, we will be a much safer country.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Mortimer
While I do think the media hypes things up more than they need to, I don't think we should be blaming them, homeland security, the FBI, or the CIA. The fact is that we are receiving vague info about possible attacks and they are trying to keep us warned. It amazes me how people in this country adopt this attitude that if they ignore things that they are not there. I also believe that we need to go on living our lives, but we need to be educated as we do so. If we all, as a country, start paying attention to what is going on around us, we will be a much safer country.

My bad, on my part...I did not mean to come out and straight blame them.....Homeland....fbi...cia.....so I do apologize.....they do not have a crystal ball nor does the media.....

The vagueness of the warnings irritate folks though...and then since they happen so often...it’s like the boy who cried wolf.... they start to ignore them.... and we grow complacent again.

I am not saying the "media" is flawless...and it is not an angel by any means......well...I don’t come to this board to debate my views on the media and government in 2002.... that’s what shows like 'The McLaughlin Group' are for...LOL "Eleanor...next question!"

Go to Disney...have fun.... but lets not grow as complacent as we were pre Sept 11th.:D :) Family is key and it is more important than ever before... Enjoy your trip...don’t sweat a "Sum Of All Fears" scenario...cause that will just ruin you and your family’s trip....and then they win...in a sense.


Well-Known Member
It's MY oppinion that any threads regarding terrorists or terriorist threats should be eliminated from these boards.

These threads are scaring people who might otherwise enjoy a fun-filled Disney Vacation.

President Bush has ask that we all go about our daily lives and do the things that we enjoy.

Spreading rumors and/or gossiping about Terrorist activities only adds to the already tense atmosphere and therefor play INTO the hands of the Terrorists.

While I realize these threats can be in some instances real, I don't think this board is the place to be discussing them. We don't know how our comments are affecting others and I for one, would NOT want to be a factor in deciding if others want to or don't want to go to Disney World.

Just some thoughts.......:animwink:

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