WDW Admission Policy Change

Chris K

New Member
Hi there just scrolling through this thread and it will be my first time at disney with the new admission system, just wondering does this mean that all entrants have to have some form of signature ID when they check in?

Chris K

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
mrtoad said:
I dissagree. I think the bag check is a good idea. I would rather be safe than sorry. It is their parks, they have the right to do that as any building owner would have the right to do.

I do agree it would be nice to have a single bag line as some people have many but I still think there should be bag checks.

as someone who has spent most of my adult life with a terrorist threat, I can assure you that the bag checks at WDW are nothing more than cosmetic, and possibly a liability limitation in the event of something happening.


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
I agree that they have right to do it, but the bag checks aren't going to stop someone who really wants to sneak a gun or knife into the parks. All they need do is strap it in a holster on their leg under their pants, so a bag check isn't going to help here. The bag checks are definitely a feeling of false security.

While I do agree that it will not stop everything as you have pointed out it can stop some. You can't always put things on your body that can go in a bag at least not as easily.


New Member
Maybe I shouldn't go here, but I'm a woman and certainly don't think that checking bags at Disney is a discrimination towards women. Last I checked, there was no official rule stating that women must carry bags and men are not allowed to. I've seen plenty of guys at Disney carrying backpacks, etc, so it's not like they get through the line any faster. So, before you go burning your bras, I would find something else to criticize Disney for instead of making people at least "feel" safe.


Well-Known Member
bucklmd said:
Maybe I shouldn't go here, but I'm a woman and certainly don't think that checking bags at Disney is a discrimination towards women. Last I checked, there was no official rule stating that women must carry bags and men are not allowed to. I've seen plenty of guys at Disney carrying backpacks, etc, so it's not like they get through the line any faster. So, before you go burning your bras, I would find something else to criticize Disney for instead of making people at least "feel" safe.

Yeah, my wife will take my daughter through the no bag line and I have to take the stroller loaded with a backback and her pocketbook with me through the bag check...


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
While I do agree that it will not stop everything as you have pointed out it can stop some. You can't always put things on your body that can go in a bag at least not as easily.

Do you really think that would ever deter someone who really wanted to do something? "Oh, I can't hide it under my jacket/pants, and since they look in the very top of bags it's going to be difficult I'm not going to be a criminal today."

I'm not going to get into much detail, as it's not really something I feel terribly secure in discussing here, but indeed - someone could hide something IN a bag and get around these little "glance and pass" checks. Say, in the lining, or anywhere else. Not to mention the fact that there aren't ANY personal checks - just the bags.

The bag checks at WDW do NOTHING but slow down the lines and make the few people who don't know any better feel a bit more secure. You get the occasional guard who puts on a decent show (actually looking in the bag, feeling it) but it's a rarity.

The only way it would even begin to be effective is if they had X-ray scanners for the bags, and at the very least metal detectors for people (though they aren't terribly reliable themselves). What they are doing right now is simply the begining of the "show" at the themeparks each day - but it's come to a point where I have to wonder, years after the last incident in the U.S. : what REALLY makes people feel more secure? Reminding them every time they enter a park about security concerns by doing a "bag check" that doesn't really check anything, but then after reminding them making the few who don't "get it" more secure, or simply not bringing up the topic at all in the happiest place on earth? It's a very interesting academic question.

Personally, I get a little twinge each time I see the "bag checks" - they don't make me feel any safer, they just remind me about a world that I come to WDW to leave behind.


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