Vacation time can be a real trial for those who refuse to admit that they’re actually visible to others. A casual stroll through the Disney parks can yield some cringe-worthy sights, as guys determine that their women will never leave them, regardless of how they appear in public. Consequently, it’s time for the rsoxguy list of Walt Disney World fashion foibles. I humbly submit my list of the top ten worst transgressions, starting with bad, and ending with embarrassingly oblivious. I’ve omitted the sandals/socks issue because redundancy on the forum is not necessary.
#1. The Shorts and Loafer Dress Shoes Ensemble. There can be no question that this little fashion disaster belongs in the number one spot. Men who sport this look are clearly telling the world that they are either, (a) delusional, or (b) stuck in a time warp somewhere in the 1960’s. If you’re going to go ahead and step out in this hideous desecration of all that is decent and fashionable, why not go ahead and make the loafers white? Hey, even better, add a sweater tied around your neck and a little skipper’s cap to the look. That way, you can also walk around singing “Misty” in your best Johnny Mathis impersonation. I’ll make you a deal. Send me a private message the next time that you feel like sporting this hideous look. I’ll meet you on Irlo Bronson Highway and buy you a pair of sneakers or sandals if you promise to ditch the skipper’s cap.