WDI Changes their minds again... Harry Potter News


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Original Poster
Originally posted by kurros
Just a minor nit, but they haven't been called AOL Time Warner since September. Just Time Warner again.

Sorry, they are a former employer so I do that sometimes. :zipit:

Notice how I didn't write AOL Time Warner...:lol:

Yea, I know you were talking about HM Fan. I'm just foolin' with ya. ;)


New Member
Originally posted by Bill
Well, if you count having physically hearing... as in listening in to an imagineer's phone conversation... plans for the attraction, then yea. Add that in with the fact that Eisner was there too. I think it's safe to say Disney owns the theme park rights. Don't you? LOL. And this happened before the Universal Chief found out.
Well that certainly is interesting. But that still doesn't mean that Disney had secured the rights through any type of negotiations. The last time I talked to my Uncle who works for the WB theme park edition, he informed me that Harry Potter is still under the WB's control, hence the former Harry Potter walk through experience which was just replaced by the Matrix. So while I will believe that Imagineering tossed ideas around while in some type of negotiations, I have my sources that lead me to believe that those negotiations never came to light.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Put him in Disney-MGM

Well, I am late to the party on this one, but just to throw this into the mix as to why a Harry Potter attraction would fit in the movie studio park -

If you go to L.A. and take the Warner Brothers studio tour, a big part of the tour includes the viewing of numerous props from the Harry Potter movies - and the movies are now a big part of the public consciousness of Harry Potter, just as the Lord of the Rings movies broadened the exposure of the Tolkien classics.

Although the Disney MGM park focuses on the past - "The Hollywood that never was, and always will be," or something like that,, room was found for "The Osbournes," "Doug" and now Drew Carrey, which is good thinking because the Casablanca era of Hollywood films will only take you so far.

Disney MGM seemingly has plenty of room in the back lot area of the park to construct whatever Harry Potter they wish - even a combination dark ride and broomstick riding thrill ride - if the Imagineers can just dream it and the bean counters can fund it. This is even more true if the tram tour is fated to close or stay closed for good.

I don't see Harry Potter in the Animal Kingdom park at all. That just does not theme well at all. Likewise, the UK area of EPCOT (Center) is seemingly too limited in space and Future World doesn't easily play into the theme of Harry Pottery and his wizardry.

I am not offended by the thought of placing Harry Potter in the Magic Kingdom, but I see the movie studio park connection as a much better fit, with the thought of displaying the movie props in the queue area while moving toward a big ticket attraction inside a big Hogwarts building.

I like it - :)


My thoughts

Magic Kingdom has enough attractions based on films and I don't think Harry Potter though popular has the lasting ability of Peter Pan. I think making a Harry Potter Attraction would be like making a macharena (I need spell check :) )attraction it would be really fun for the people living the fad but it wouldn't realate well to the public in fourteen years. Then again if it was done well and a story told well enough that you don't have to know the books its maketing can change and though the attraction isn't as popular name wise it still is of a quality to which is still appriciated and enjoyed. So I guess I would have to know more to decide my thoughts other then if you build it put it MgM but DON'T take up Indys space because that baby will make MgM the place to be!

Take care,


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Corrus
Who me??

First, this wasn't a question, but more a demand...

So don't push me...

You want me to tell what kind of job I'm in...
Well... dream on... I won't tell, even better I can't tell...

As I said once in other threads, I love my job too much...

Some of the forum members know what I do, and I think that's enough...

Heh..i know EXACTLY how you feel..i was once in your shoes..about..2 years ago ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bill
All I know is Disney has the rights to build the Harry Potter Attractions. That is all I know. sorry.

Thats a negative SIR....either you were misinformed..or you misunderstood the disney/potter connection. The ONLY thing disney owns in relation to harry potter is the rights to broadcast the movies on TV :)

And yes..i DID confirm this :)


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Original Poster
Originally posted by NowInc
Heh..i know EXACTLY how you feel..i was once in your shoes..about..2 years ago ;)

Oh boy...

You're either talking about me or the job you had. :lol:


My opinion??

Harry should find a home in MGM. England in Epcot could;ve worked for me, but I understand the theme issue. I really don't think Fastasyland is right. That is a land that I picture as "purely" Disney characters.

Then again, whereever they put it, if they put it :D, I'll see it....


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
Thats a negative SIR....either you were misinformed..or you misunderstood the disney/potter connection. The ONLY thing disney owns in relation to harry potter is the rights to broadcast the movies on TV :)

And yes..i DID confirm this :)


This Harry Potter bit is getting confusing...anyone got some hard evidence to support their information...(although I do remember reading somewhere Disney has the broadcasting rights for potter...don't know about the rest though).



Active Member
ok all this harry potter bit is getting out of wack i mean does disney even own the rights to use Potter and also it honeslty has no place to go. epcot is about technology and world showcase is the true stuff not the witches and stuff (cept nordstrom but thats mythology) MgM is pretty much for classic movies and disney stuff . fantasy land...... whould never work it is for disney and disney characters alone no way whould potter fit in. and overall its WArner bros. there is the slimmest chance that disney could possilby get the rights to use it


New Member
Originally posted by objr

This Harry Potter bit is getting confusing...

I used to have a Harry Potter , but after a few visits to the proctologist, and a suprisingly hot activating creme, I can now say that my potter is no longer harry, smelly maybe, but not harry. :lookaroun :hurl:

Seriously, I would put Harry and the Gang (not to be confused with Cool and the Gang) in "The Studios". Makes sense to this guy.


Active Member
The only announcement I ever saw was that Disney had the TV broadcast rights for the movies (ABC, ABC Family).

I would think that if they secured the theme park rights, we would have heard something.

The problem with asking for evidence that they don't have them is that they aren't going to announce that they don't have them.
Re: How about Animal Kingdom?

Originally posted by PeterAlt
I know at first Animal Kingdom sounds more out of place than EPCOT, BUT....

If AK is getting Beastly Kingdom, with its unicorns, dragons, and its "twisted tower" landmark, then a Harry Potter attraction with wizards would fit perfectly!

I heard about the Beastly Kingdom (off topic sorry) but when and where is this going in AK??? And whats "twisted tower" going to be?

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