Water while running


Original Poster
Those of you who run with a water belt....Do you like it? How does it change your running (if at all). I am considering getting one, but I don't know how it would be to have the bulk in the middle while running. i can't hold anything while running, so i usually drop my water every two miles before heading out...


Active Member
If I'm out under a hour, I don't drink anything. I hydrate prior. For my first half I trained with and carried a bottle with a handle. For my most recent half, I did some training on a treadmill, and had the water bottle resting there. Other long training runs, I picked a route that allowed me to stop by my house for water and power bar.


Well-Known Member
I'm no help. I had been having my 12 year old strap on my backpack with bottles of water in it & ride his bike along with me. I could lend him to ya! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I don't like the belts.

I do what you do, I cache water along my route.


I plan my runs through parks past water fountains or along streets where there is a 7-11, and then a carry a few dollars in my shorts pocket. I tell myself that I would much rather have a water station, than have to go into the air conditioned store and stop running for 5 minutes. I tell myself that, but I know it's not true. :)



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I have to wear a belt. It is the only resource for me. I have tried not using it on anything under 5 miles and in this heat I just cant take it. Even quick small sips is HUGE.

I feel that a water belt on your waist is the best thing if you have to take water with you. Since it is on the center of your body, I really dont feel it. I have a 2 pod water belt and Im about to expand to 4 so I can do the long runs and not have to stop or do like Dave does and cache supplies out in the field. Where I live, I just cant really do that without it looking like Im littering. :D

Anyway, I use one and love it. I was even thinking of using the 2 pod one during the next half and filling them up with an energy equivalent to GU instead of carrying the packets.

Hope this helps. I got mine at Academy for around $20. It is an Ironman brand.


Original Poster
Thanks for the input. I'm on the fence with getting a belt. I'm running with a group for my distance runs and we have water stops, just trying to decide what to do when I run shorter run on my own. It's REALLY humid and hot now, even at 5 am and since I run alone, I don't want to be caught without something.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Thanks for the input. I'm on the fence with getting a belt. I'm running with a group for my distance runs and we have water stops, just trying to decide what to do when I run shorter run on my own. It's REALLY humid and hot now, even at 5 am and since I run alone, I don't want to be caught without something.
YES> it is scary to be 1 or 2 miles away from home and in an instance, you cant swallow due to dehydration. That happened to me this spring on one of the first days of real heat. I was doing 6 miles and since all the other training happened in winter, I just didnt need it.

I had to get water out of a strangers hose. I was crazy.

Better safe the sorry. It is really a small investment of $20 to be safe. you dont even have to fill them up all the way and you really wouldnt notice them. There is a pouch in the back that I like to have emergency info in.


New Member
I got a belt awhile ago for runs over an hour, but couldn't seem to get it to stay and be comfortable except for right across my hips. I think, but I'm not certain, that the pressure from the belt against my left hip flexor ended up giving me a hip flexor strain I'm still fighting a month later.

I'm thinking about maybe getting a Camelbak now for hydration on long runs.

P.S. I bought some Under Armour compression shorts to run in and they seem to help my hip flexor until it heals completely.


Well-Known Member
I've tried running with both a Camelbak and a FuelBelt. The Cambelbak bounced all over the place and drove me nuts. The extra water was nice, but the bouncing killed me. Even with it fully cranked down it still moved. Never had a problem with it while skiing, but running just didn't work. The only time I really notice my FuelBelt is when it slips (I need a different size, got it before I started doing distance) or when I tie my shirt to it. Then it bounces a bit. I bring it to long races, but as often as not, I don't drink from it. Or, I fill all the bottles with my flavor of Gatorade that I am used to running with since all races will have water, but not always the energy drink you are used to. Even with the belt I will still need to stash refills or plan my route so that I can load em back up if I am running double digits distances during the summer.


RunDisney Addict
That's why I haven't bought a belt either...I don't think I would like the feeling of water sloshing around...no matter on my back or waist.


New Member
I am getting used to it gradually......now that my runs are getting longer and we are up to seven miles in our half marathon training, I am trying to use the belt. Especially in the summer. Mine actually has a pouch too where I put my Gu Gels, iPod, and phone too......

It really hasn't much of a difference time wise, I ust have to make sure i do not wear it too high up. It isn't too bad.....


Well-Known Member
That's why I haven't bought a belt either...I don't think I would like the feeling of water sloshing around...no matter on my back or waist.

I think thats my problem too. If there was some way (such as a diaphragm system) to stop the water from sloshing around, I think it would like it a lot better.



Original Poster
the water sloshing would drive me nuts....i'm so used to running with nothing that I would rather drink from a hose! :) i'm going to look into the handheld one for my short runs (3-5 miles) and for my long runs that I do with a group, i'll do the water stops along the way. i dont' want to OVERHYDRATE....


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I am getting used to it gradually......now that my runs are getting longer and we are up to seven miles in our half marathon training, I am trying to use the belt. Especially in the summer. Mine actually has a pouch too where I put my Gu Gels, iPod, and phone too......

It really hasn't much of a difference time wise, I ust have to make sure i do not wear it too high up. It isn't too bad.....
and mace. Yes, it is sad, but I have to travel through a slightly sketchy neighborhood to get to the other good ones on runs longer then 5 miles.

Not so much worried about humans bothering me, it is stray dogs. I had a group of stray dogs that started running with me downtown for about 1/2 mile. WOW. I was scared that at anytime they could have pounced.

The sloshing around of the water doesnt bother me since I fill up the bottles with ice, then powerade. As the ice melts, the powerade gets consumed and by the time all the ice is melted, the bottles are half full... so no major sloshing.

To each his own though. :D


Well-Known Member
I recently started running with a small hand held water bottle (from amphipod) - I fill it with fruit punch Gatorade and freeze it the night before. It has a small zipper pouch that is really nice, and the bottle fits easily in my hand, so it doesn't really bother me. It holds 12 ounces - not too heavy. I'm sure at some point as the training runs get longer I'll upgrade to a fuel belt...I thought holding it in my hand would bother me but I think that is outweighed by how relieved I am to be able to have a drink when I need it since it's so hot out :shrug:


Runs over an hour I usually bring the belt - I prefer the amphipod belts http://www.amphipod.com/ I can put 3 - 8oz bottles in with different flavors so it's more agreeable than having 1 thing to drink on a 3hr run...plus gels in the pouch. You can slide the clips the bottles snap into around for different placement on the belt while running if you don't like where they are. I always always run with the belt during marathons, learned the hard way in NYC one year fighting through water stops and missing one - and knowing that Disney dilutes the PowerAde 50% at the races, I like to know what I have on board to make up for any carb shortage. I had a bladder I ran with and never had any problem with sloshing, it was keeping the inside clean that was a pain.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Runs over an hour I usually bring the belt - I prefer the amphipod belts http://www.amphipod.com/ I can put 3 - 8oz bottles in with different flavors so it's more agreeable than having 1 thing to drink on a 3hr run...plus gels in the pouch. You can slide the clips the bottles snap into around for different placement on the belt while running if you don't like where they are. I always always run with the belt during marathons, learned the hard way in NYC one year fighting through water stops and missing one - and knowing that Disney dilutes the PowerAde 50% at the races, I like to know what I have on board to make up for any carb shortage. I had a bladder I ran with and never had any problem with sloshing, it was keeping the inside clean that was a pain.
Found a local dealer. I am about to have to upgrade from a 2 bottle belt to a 4. I like this design and that you can mix match the size of the bottles. Thanks for the link. :wave:

Yes, that is something that I also thought about. Keeping the bladder clean seems like it would be a pain.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
For any run over an hour, I use a fuel belt that can hold 4 small bottles, but my arms sometimes bang against the bottles in front, so I generally just fill the 2 in the back, and I never feel them sloshing while running. Maybe I've just gotten used to it over the years, or maybe my stride isn't particularly bouncy (I'm not that fast), but I truly don't notice any sloshing. I wouldn't think of going out for a long run without my fuel belt.

I might have to use one of those front slots tomorrow morning though since it's likely to be over 80 degrees with awful humidity even at 6am on my 8 mile run! Should be interesting.:eek:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
...was just doing a little amphipod research when I remembered how much I always loved my camelbak for general purpose stuff, so I started poking around their site to see if I could find anything light enough for running (that wouldn't bounce) when I found this:


This is new to me. Thoughts?

The obvious benefit to the camelbak is not having to grab, and mess with, bottles during a race. A downside to the shirt would be the fact that it has no other storage for ID, etc, and also you're limited to just one type of drink during the run. If you were to wear one of their running paks, you could have room for other stuff. Here is the page on the camelbak site for "running." The 2010 fairfax looks small enough, but I would think it would bounce like a backpack. I'm guessing you would need the waist strap like on the 2010 octane.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
...was just doing a little amphipod research when I remembered how much I always loved my camelbak for general purpose stuff, so I started poking around their site to see if I could find anything light enough for running (that wouldn't bounce) when I found this:


This is new to me. Thoughts?

The obvious benefit to the camelbak is not having to grab, and mess with, bottles during a race. A downside to the shirt would be the fact that it has no other storage for ID, etc, and also you're limited to just one type of drink during the run. If you were to wear one of their running paks, you could have room for other stuff. Here is the page on the camelbak site for "running." The 2010 fairfax looks small enough, but I would think it would bounce like a backpack. I'm guessing you would need the waist strap like on the 2010 octane.

WOW... the possibilities of that vest entering a sporting event/ concert with some booze in it. :drevil: Although, these days, 72oz would kill me. I would only need about a few shots and a mixer. :)

I wish Camelbak would make a waist pak that had a bladder in it with the same type tube that have you could clip to your shirt or something. I dont mind the same flavor over a hour or 2 run... just happy to have something

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