Walt Disney World annual pass price increases now in effect (February 2020)


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Is just a fancy label slapped on a pass a few years back that specifically eliminates the times where most school/college age inclusive families can travel with some ease.

It’s much more valuable to “driving range” customers that can do 2 or 3 day jaunts. It’s a modified Florida/Georgia pass in my opinion.

Those passes where far more reasonable until they relabeled and increased the price to alkali earth metals

A Gold AP is only blocked out around Easter and Christmas.


Well-Known Member
I do find it interesting out of state passes got the biggest hit. I dont think its intentionally to curb those guests i think its more likely those guests have far deeper pockets than folks like me here in the swamp. Lets be frank if a platinum disney pass for your family of four is part of your life but you live in new york you have plenty of money to burn. Why should disney leave that money on the table? I bet alot of those same AP members make up a big amount of vacation club members as well and thus your coming anyway so why not squeeze another 100 bucks from ya?


Well-Known Member
Well, last year I swore we wouldn't get APs anymore after having them for probably the past 15 years, but then I was able to get the discounted rate (~$900) at Sam's club so I bought one for each of us. This year for our family of 4 it will cost us roughly $5000 for the passes. Nope. When our APs run out at the end of August we won't be renewing and since my kids are older we'll probably be limiting our family trips to wdw to once a year. We're already spending more time at Universal than we used to and I see no reason to keep giving Disney more of my money when there are other great things we can be doing.
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Premium Member
For fun:

Feb 17 - $779
Feb 18 - $849 +70
Oct 18 - $894 +45
Jun 19 - $1119 +225
Feb 20 - $1195 +76

That's $416 in 3 years, or > 50%.

Gonna have to HELOC to get my next round....

People accept the “news” as reasonable by default before they even start to consider the hard facts or the situaions, Lav...

Seems like a pattern to me.

I sold you a Hyundai in 2017 for $19,000...would you like to participate in our buyback program and get a brand new one for $33,500 now?

Who’d say no to that? I’ll throw in a moonroof


Well-Known Member
People accept the “news” as reasonable by default before they even start to consider the hard facts or the situaions, Lav...

Seems like a pattern to me.

I sold you a Hyundai in 2017 for $19,000...would you like to participate in our buyback program and get a brand new one for $33,500 now?

Who’d say no to that? I’ll throw in a moonroof

As long as I can still get up early and schedule a time to drive it I don’t see the problem. 😂


Well-Known Member
Which is it? Because you’re denying the monster lunch...then feeding it a huge dinner
Other way round surely? The price of 2 after hours evenings is around $250 each, significantly less than an annual pass.

If you've visited before and mainly want to ride the headliners with low waits, the after hours event will almost certainly be the better deal.


Premium Member
I do find it interesting out of state passes got the biggest hit. I dont think its intentionally to curb those guests i think its more likely those guests have far deeper pockets than folks like me here in the swamp. Lets be frank if a platinum disney pass for your family of four is part of your life but you live in new york you have plenty of money to burn. Why should disney leave that money on the table? I bet alot of those same AP members make up a big amount of vacation club members as well and thus your coming anyway so why not squeeze another 100 bucks from ya?
See...I resemble your demographics remarks.

And being DVC/AP for a long period of time (no longer AP) I say “why are you going at me?”

This will always sit bad for me because it further takes out the pilings of the “loyal fanbase” initiatives of the Eisner era that built the fruit Iger is reaping today. You don’t crap on who feeds you.

He was right - these guys are wrong.

And because I have vacation club...there is nothing close to a certainty i’m coming anyway. Maybe that was the case but it’s changed. I can shelve it and take long gaps as I have over the last 5 years. Being charged a lot for the same or less products is apparent to anyone. And absence doesn’t make the heart grow fond enough to forget this when you’re there.
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Premium Member
Other way round surely? The price of 2 after hours evenings is around $250 each, significantly less than an annual pass.

If you've visited before and mainly want to ride the headliners with low waits, the after hours event will almost certainly be the better deal.
It’s people overpaying for those couple hours - throwing the value paradigm off - That throws all the prices into disarray

They are victims of their own perceptions. If they see you will grossly overpay for somethings...the Disney mentality is to apply that theory to everything.

It is exactly what they have done in wdw since 2008

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