New Member
Originally posted by degunter
I found this article from 1999 about building an Airport on WDW Property. It is too long to post here, but here is a link to the story if you would like all the details:
Walt Disney World's Own Airport
From my understanding, the airport was to be built just south of 192. But since 1999, they have built the connector road from World Drive to I-4 and Celebration.
Has anyone heard anything about this?
You have to remember that when the reedy creek was incorporated in 66 the old orlando ariport called McCord was vary small airport and orlando had less than 100,000 population and the only reason to come to orlando at the time was for business to one of the areospace companies supporting NASA. they felt that they need to build one them selfs to get guests to WDW because Disney property was going to be self suficent hense reedy creek is a government all its own. so that is why it is in the charter , after disney orlando planed and expanded McCord to meet demand and eventualy built Orlando international in the late 80s and I see that they recently built the foruth terminal so this will never happen. In the only most remote idea would be a small strip for very rich with there own lear jets. Disney exec used to use the landung strip parrell to world drive whrn they had Ear Force One in active service in the 70s and early 80s. so that is the only way there would ever be one on proberty