Walt Disney Travel Company identifies 6 types of Disney Travelers


Active Member
:)i would have to put myself in the fans category.my family and i love disney dw ,dd20 and ds18 just love going to disney.we have over 50 trips as a family and make at least 1 trip a year,this year dec 14 for dd 21st bday counting down the days.and yes we still go together and enjoy disney at thier age.


Well-Known Member
Fans. But not the $7,000.00 a year variety. Nor are we upper income. Hmmmmm...maybe I don't really fit the Fans category after all. At least not by Travel Agent standards.


Well-Known Member
We are fans too but we spend about $4,500. per trip, and go about every other year to Disney. We take other vacations throughout the year.


Well-Known Member
I recently did Disney training with our Disney rep for Canada-East and thought it was interesting that she said that Disney is fully aware they are not a budget destination. They consider themselves a premium travel product and price it accordingly. They do not market to budget travelers, they simply offer value based on the price of their product. I actually found it refreshing rather than hearing excuses for how everybody can afford a Disney vacation. I always get annoyed on FB or other message boards when people post over and over on how they would love to go to Disney but they can't afford it and that Disney should be priced so EVERYONE can go. This not who Disney is marketing to.


I hate the stereotypical references portrayed in this article. Me and my family do not fit into any of these categories. Yes, we take a vacation once a year. But, we're not inclined to vacation just during the summer months. DD does quite well in school, so I have no problem pulling her out of school for a week, as I know she will not fall behind and/or have no problem catching up. Also, due to our work schedules, it's very hard to get the same week off during the summer. You cannot lump everyone into one category. We are each our own individual and it's just wrong, IMO, to categorize people.

This article just left a very bad taste in my mouth. I do not foresee me using a travel agent again in the future as a result.


Well-Known Member
I hate the stereotypical references portrayed in this article. Me and my family do not fit into any of these categories. Yes, we take a vacation once a year. But, we're not inclined to vacation just during the summer months. DD does quite well in school, so I have no problem pulling her out of school for a week, as I know she will not fall behind and/or have no problem catching up. Also, due to our work schedules, it's very hard to get the same week off during the summer. You cannot lump everyone into one category. We are each our own individual and it's just wrong, IMO, to categorize people.

This article just left a very bad taste in my mouth. I do not foresee me using a travel agent again in the future as a result.

I don't think you should be put off from using a travel agent because you don't like that Disney has suggested marketing techniques based on generalities of consumers. If that's the case, stop using every product ever offered by any successful company in the world. Every company makes generalizations, which frankly are necessary for marketing, statistics, operational feedback and consumer quality assurance. No one is saying that everyone will fit exactly into one catagory or another which others have already understood and pointed out as they have found they can partially belong to numerous catagories.

Also, if you are going to Disney World and don't want to use a travel agent that basically means you will be walking into a hotel and asking for a room and buying tickets directly at a park which may not suit your tight work schedules. There are various types of agents, it is difficult to book any tyoe of vacation without using one. My suggestion is that since you seem to appreciate personalized service that you find a travel agent that treats you and your family as individuals rather than using an agent - such as an online booking site - where you are nothing but an anonymous name and immediately added to the statistics gathered by Disney (among others) to create generalizations such as this.

Bob Saget

Well-Known Member
"Fans: This group is comprised of travelers who already have a strong and emotional connection to Disney. They typically have a higher income. They are willing to spend more than other travelers on premium vacations and spend approximately $7,000 a year on a vacation.

Fans know so much about the Disney product that they want to be the first to experience what’s new at Disney such as the major renovations at Disneyland Hotel, the newly re-imagined Disney's California Adventure with the new Cars Land or the new Fantasyland at Walt Disney World with a grand opening in December."
I wonder if this is some sort of gimmick to make people think they're only a true fan if they spend 7k at Disney each year.


Well-Known Member
I found the categorizations a bit uncomfortable or unsettling I guess because placing labels on the seasons of life feels wrong. But I understand the context of the whole thing, the purpose & goal of it. I also find it difficult to figure out where we fall in the categories given. We've been similar to many of them over the years. At first I thought fan but we aren't so dazzled by the Disney brand that we'll spend crazy amounts if it doesn't feel the value is there. Like i wouldn't spend a fraction of the "value" budget to go to WDW just because I have no real interest in going there. Currently we're hung up on the cruises and spend more than the "fan" or "traveler" does to do multiple cruises in the course of a year (vs. going on one big, expensive trip). I'm not really shocked that we don't fit a mold. It's kinda the story of my life, actually.

And as cool as it is to go see new things like the "fan", my first thought is always "when the new wears off & the herds go away..." LOL!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Well we fit into the fan base.This years 14 day vacation cost us approx $7500. Next trip,hopefully staying at a deluxe for the first time,we reckon about $9500. ;)

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