Very Disapointed


New Member
Original Poster
We have done WDW and the parks for many years and always enjoyed it. This past trip was an exception. We were there from 08/26 thru 09/01 and stayed at Port Orleans resort.

First of all never again will we visit in August. We have never experienced so many rude and obnoxious people on any trip until now. My bro and sis in law were visiting with us (first trip) and did not experience WDW they way we always had in the past :cry: .

I know other visitors have nothing to do with Disney, but a lesson was learned. We will only go in February, October or May from now on.

I was very happy to get back to Texas where people are polite and friendly (for the most part).

Also saw alot of maintenance issues that we have never seen in the past (I don't care to list them all at this time). You can notice where care is not taken by Disney anymore for facilities, etc..

I feel as if Disney is not taking as much care as they used to for the visitor, very sad....

I am so disgusted at this point I am not even going to see what kind of responses this thread will get. Go ahead... go to Walt Disney World and experience it for youself.

It will be a while before we go back again. We had fun, it just was'nt what it used to be.


New Member
Oh my! I can't believe anyone could have such a bad experience at WDW that they wouldn't want to go right back. I've only had one bad experience, and it was strictly the result of an inconsiderate guest who in my opinion should have been asked to leave the park after physically pushing a CM out of her way to board a ride at AK. (She didn't see any reason why she should wait while we FP holders went ahead of her. It's wasn't pretty.)
All in all, I've always had wonderful times at Disney and can't wait to get there later this month.

While they can't do anything about the actions of other guests, they can try to make ammends for things that are within their control. I would write a letter to them explaining your frustration. You may get something out of it, if nothing more than an apology it's still worth pointing it out so that the chances of a recurrence are minimized.

Sorry you had such a bad experience. Hopefully your next one will be much improved!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I really wish you would elaborate! Even if you just PM it to me. I am going in a few weeks and I don't want to have a bummer trip. It can't be THAT bad can it? :veryconfu


New Member
I'm so sorry your trip wasn't as wonderful as it used to be. I wish you could have had a great time. I will be leaving next week and am hoping I enjoy myself...I haven' been in 13 years.


New Member
I'm out in Disney in a couple of weeks time too.. 9 day 15 hours..... I do hope it was just one of those trips and everything will be ok for us. If not we should all complain. May be Disney don't realise what they are doing to their customers! We pay the bills after all. I would have complained while on site having paid lots of money for the vacation only to have it spoilt!

I won't let this spoil my vacation I'm determined to enjoy it!


New Member
Originally posted by One Lil Spark
I really wish you would elaborate! Even if you just PM it to me. I am going in a few weeks and I don't want to have a bummer trip. It can't be THAT bad can it? :veryconfu

Not to minimize dznynut's experience, because I'm sure it was awful if it was enough to make it post-worthy, but I wouldn't let it affect your excitement about your trip. I have a friend who sits next to me at work who just got back from WDW w/ his wife and kids last week and they had an incredible time. He didn't have a bad thing to say at all.

Again, not to minimize one persons bad experience but things vary for different people and this is a great example. Two people who were there w/in 1 week of each other. One was thrilled and couldn't say enough, the other was not so happy.

I'm going at the end of the month and can't wait. If I run into problems, I will take it in stride and go from there. No sense in stressing over it now though!

Enjoy your trip!


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU. did go Labor Day weekend...and it can be very crazy and packed that week leading up to Labor Day..... I would not go to WDW if you paid me to go pre-labor day :) ;)

The Mom

Premium Member
I can understand her (his) disappointment. Last month I went to WDW in August...I haven't been there between June 10- September 10 in over 15 years...and this trip reminded me why!

Fortunately, I was there to meet people from this forum, so I had a great time. I wasn't that concerned about "seeing" anything, so the crowds weren't an issue. Yes, there is definitely a different feel about it during the summer...partially because it's just so darn hot! People get tired, uncomfortable, and short-tempered. There's a noticable decline in manners...but that is becoming more common everywhere and anytime.

I know I've been spoiled by making my trips off season...the hours might not be as long, and many attractions are closed, but the ambience makes up for it.


New Member
I´m sorry you had bad experiences during your visit dznynut... :(

As for others being concerned about having a bad time during your visits, please, don´t stress it. Problems arise everywhere, in every vacation destination, you could be just the lucky one to suffer them! :animwink:

I do complain if something doesn´t go smooth when I´m on vacation. I let management know so they can correct what bothered me and not become a problem with other guests too.

As Mom said, the summer time can be really hard on people´s humor... so try to stay patient, everybody is suffering the heat and crowds too! :animwink:

Have a good trip all of you! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if the author would elaborate on PO. We stayed there two years ago and found it too noisy plus the cleaning lady came in every morning at 9 am which is 6 am to a west coaster. Ouch!


Well-Known Member
Thats awful to come away with that type of disgust. I've had bad experiences, but none that could ever turn me sour on WDW.

"Another guest can ruin a moment of your vacation, but only you can let it ruin your whole vaction" - Confushis


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by westie
I was wondering if the author would elaborate on PO. We stayed there two years ago and found it too noisy plus the cleaning lady came in every morning at 9 am which is 6 am to a west coaster. Ouch!

I was thinking the same thing...
Please dont let it be French Quarter :lol: ;)


New Member
Originally posted by westie
I was wondering if the author would elaborate on PO. We stayed there two years ago and found it too noisy plus the cleaning lady came in every morning at 9 am which is 6 am to a west coaster. Ouch!

I understand about the time zone thing but didn't you get adjusted to the new time zone in a day or two? I usually only have a problem the 1st day.


New Member
Originally posted by westie
I was wondering if the author would elaborate on PO. We stayed there two years ago and found it too noisy plus the cleaning lady came in every morning at 9 am which is 6 am to a west coaster. Ouch!

Come on... not to offend anyone, but how do you expect the poor maid to know that you are three hours behind her time? I would have simply put on the DND sign on the door !

9am is a reasonable time to start cleanning rooms in a vacation destination. When it´s a business hotel, it can be earlier than that.

:animwink: :animwink:


New Member
yes please elaborate. we went at the begining of august and found the parks clean, the crowds were not bad and the parks were cleaner then last time we went. cast members were awesome. yes some people were rude. some people were rude, even to the cast members. some people even go to the lengeth to say that this is disney and you have to do everything for me. and some people you feel like bashing over their heads. you did go on labor day weekend, so obviously the parks would be packed. I went july 4th one year and the parks were unbearable. so please elaborate.


New Member
Original Poster
OK... So I looked

We did have some issues with the cleaning lady at Port Orleans. The room was dirty when we got there and no shampoo or towels were present. Upon calling the front desk those issues were resolved quickly.

But.... They are supposed to change the sheets once every three days (was not done) had to call again. After we called to have the sheets changed we also noticed floor was not vacumed. Port Orleans is the only place we have ever stayed on each trip and have ALWAYS loved the service and ambiance. Sadly.... this time was different.

My problem may be due to visiting several times before 9/11 and seeing what the parks and facilities used to look like.

Please.. don't get me wrong, we had a good time, just did not experience the "MAGIC" like we have in the past.

Also running into the very rude people did not help.

Here, let me give you a short example of only one of the incidents I had.

We were at Blizzard Beach "crowded" waiting in the pool that pushes you around the park "don't know the name" for a floatie. I was in the water and a floatie was handed to me, she says "can't you see I was waiting for that, don't you have eyes?" she was not in the water. I said "No, I did not see you, here you can have this and I will wait for another, no problem". Instead she cusses me out in front of my children and family. At this point I held back my anger and went on. She says "where are you from and I say Dallas" I say where are you from "New Jersey" she says. OK..... I left it at that.

Only One of several confrontations.

Don't want to ruin anyones fun... just beware and be nice.

I did see the cutbacks though...

As far as crowds... we've experienced worse. The crowds only got bad on Friday.


New Member
Re: OK... So I looked

Originally posted by dznynut

We were at Blizzard Beach "crowded" waiting in the pool that pushes you around the park "don't know the name" for a floatie. I was in the water and a floatie was handed to me, she says "can't you see I was waiting for that, don't you have eyes?" she was not in the water. I said "No, I did not see you, here you can have this and I will wait for another, no problem". Instead she cusses me out in front of my children and family. At this point I held back my anger and went on. She says "where are you from and I say Dallas" I say where are you from "New Jersey" she says. OK..... I left it at that.

Only One of several confrontations.

Don't want to ruin anyones fun... just beware and be nice.

I did see the cutbacks though...

Sorry about the issues with housekeeping. If you told management, they should get some people´s attention.

As for the incident in the "lazy river" (love it!).... LOL! :lol: Sorry, but it´s funny.... that kind of people is everywhere! I´m surprised you even took the time to respond to her where you were from! I would have just ignored her! (and I´d probably wouldn´t have given her the float! I would have just said "sorry, didn´t see you" and jump in the water! I guess you couldn´t cause you had a whole family to get floaties for! :animwink: And no offense to anyone from NJ, but her last answer was priceless... just to be added to the tons of jokes and comments about the stereotype!


Active Member
Ya, hello, dznynut, people are A-HOLES, no matter where they are from. I love seeing the various A-HOLES down here, I get a kick out of them.

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