Well-Known Member
1. Old EMH was typically just 1 park on any given day. Now, eligible guests will be split between 4 parks.
2. It’s actually a lot more people eligible. Several off-site partner hotels get the perk. But despite 100,000+ eligible people, only a small percentage ever fully took advantage of morning EMH rope drop. Just as only a small portion of a day’s total attendance is ever present at regular rope drop. (More than once.. arriving 30 minutes before EMH rope drop, I’ve been the first person at the turnstiles)
3. let’s use your FOP example though. Right now, every single guest — off-site and on-site — is eligible for FOP rope drop. And the late arriving rope droppers — those that show up right at rope drop time, might indeed have a 60 minute wait. But those that were at the front of the ropedrop line will have a walk-on.
4. In the future, off-site guests will always be at the back of the rope drop line. An off site guest that arrives 2 hours before park opening.. will be at the end of the rope drop line. While the on-site guest who arrived 30 minutes before the Early Entry can now probably walk on to FOP.
Right, which is what I said. It's obviously still a significant disadvantage to off-site guests and disincentivizes staying off-site for anyone who cares about rope drop.
I do wonder if that will change going forward, though. If FastPass becomes something that's only available as a paid extra (or even if the number of free ones drops to 2 or 1) and Disney starts to really push the 30 minutes early as a significant benefit for resort guests, the number of people taking advantage could increase significantly -- especially since there's no more night time hours. I imagine some people who used to wait for the night version may occasionally use the morning version now so as to still have some extra benefit.
I doubt it will ever become something used by anything remotely near 100% of guests, but I would definitely not be surprised to see the usage spike upwards.
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