There is still quite a bit of all action and no build up. For lack of a non-ironic metaphor, many attractions are the equivalent of revealing the shark from Jaws in scene one. As others have said on here, their reliance on screens is also beginning to be an issue. I'm not sure who had the quote, just that it wasn't me: They're turning into a one trick pony, the good thing is, it's an impressive trick.
So many of their attractions are, "put you in front of a screen shake you around." Personally, I think the genesis of these attractions, Spiderman, is the best of all of them.
With all that said, the emphasis on the importance of a linear story is exaggerated in theme park rides. I am far more interested in having a great experience than being told a great story. There are times when those don't have to be mutually exclusive (Splash Mountain is a great example), but there are other non-linear stories that are still great attractions. I'd argue that the linear story in Spiderman is better than Haunted Mansion, but I'm sure there are fanbois on here that find the Haunted Mansion to be a better attraction.