Unmagical Day at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
It seems that both parents might have some major anger management issues. Something about the dad having to stop for smoke break to cool his anger seems like a red flag to me. I sure hope they aren't taking them out on their kids.

Well, with the wife's poor planning, no wonder he had to start smoking... I guess he thought he could take charge and plan the trip this time... It seems they are just not fit for anything prior to 9am... Like other posters said, the issues from the past were only when they had 2 kids... They're now up to 4...


Well-Known Member
You lost me when you repeatedly referred to your children as princesses and prince.

Ugh! My thought, too. I have 4 kids, as well, and could not constantly refer to them like that. Esp not at the supposed ages of her older two. Which BTW a picky eating preteen would have just gone hungry in my group

I want to know what the OP was trying to accomplish by going on planning sites and complaining about how her day was horrible mainly because they didn't plan. It's not a cautionary tale. It's not even a horrible day tale because that would mean something had would have to happen, like receiving undercooked food or being stuck on a ride for 2 hours. I'm not above placing blame on Disney when it's due, but the fact the OP didn't know how to meet Cinderella or that ADRs require a CC to hold it isn't Disney making a royal customer service screw up. Were they really thinking they'd garner sympathy due to lack of planning?

I didn't read one thing in that story that was Disney's fault. How do you not know about the trams when you've gone over 20x, including with your older kids when they were younger? It's Disney's fault you couldn't access the castle through the front stage?! Seriously?! And your precious princess couldn't see a princess 15min after walking in the park? That sounds like a parenting fail. Oh, but the cast members were supposed to drop everything and escort your special child to the front of the line to see the princesses? Demanding much?

Oh, and you're supposed to be allowed to hold tables at a busy counter service while people who've waited and purchased their food stand there staring at you while you sit comfortably with no food and they have food? And Bill's should completely rewrite their menu for your picky 11yr old. And reservations for sit down dinners? come on, now! How do you claim to be a travel agent and NOT know that! It's right on the Disney site! Honestly, I find it insulting when say families with 4+ are always late. No, hun, we are not. Somewhere between kids 1 and 3, we learn to PLAN and get our kids MOVING. I have 4 kids, including an infant, 1 in a wheelchair, 2 with medical conditions including two with autism. We have never been late for our ADRs. We PLAN AHEAD. We also have kids that listen and don't throw tantrums because they couldn't see a character immediately. So, please, go to Uni or BG. I promise you, they are WAY worse. You're whole post comes off as a whiney, entitled, rich lady with brats for princes and princesses


Well-Known Member
The charge of parking has gone up. It is $14.00 and it was $10.00.
You haven't been in a few years? $4 hike in parking price (which I want to say is higher than $14), yet the 30% increase in ticket prices since 2009 wasn't worth mentioning?

When you park for the Magic Kingdom, you actually wind up at the ticket and transportation center and then have to take a tram. You can't put the baby and all the stuff in the stroller because it will not fit on the tram. I guess you could walk, because it took fifteen minutes to wait for the tram anyway. After you get to the Ticket and Transportation Center then you have to take the ferry or monorail to the actual Magic Kingdom. It took over an hour to actually get to the gates of the Magic Kingdom from the time we parked. I think that's a little ridiculous.
Been that way since 1971...the same as all 20 times you visited. It's supposed to make you feel like you've been transported to a far away kingdom. You can always take a bus next time.

The first thing I noticed from the monorail is that the castle is under construction (hmmmm, not very magical). Once inside the park the moat is drained!!!! It is ugly, not magical at all. And the inside of the castle is closed. There were two cast members blocking the way who rudely told us we could go around the back - past the smoking area and drained moat - which is very un-magical.
Castle Dreamlights Removal and general maintenance...not construction. Drained moat is for future improvements which have to happen sometime. They just can't close the park for weeks at a time to fix and construct everything. You can during a less busier time. It's give and take. The castle was "closed" in preparation for Dream Along with Mickey on the stage. It wasn't closed all day. You didn't have to take the path past the smoking section and drained moat. There were alternate routes. That was your choice.

The cast members could clearly see that Skye was crying because all she wanted to do was see Cinderella's castle and meet Cinderella. They didn't do anything!!!! In fact, they just looked disgusted that we were bothering them and now my annoying kid was crying. They didn't say, "Don't worry, you'll see Cinderella later." or offer to escort her in back themselves, or tell us where we could meet or see Cinderella later, or even say "I'm sorry, little princess, please don't cry!" So basically, we were there for less than fifteen minutes and my little girl is crying. So we went in the back way, made a wish in the fountain, and saw what we could of the castle, which wasn't much.
There honestly isn't much to see inside the castle and Cinderella doesn't meet there.

My little girl never did see Cinderella that day. I thought we could meet her after the castle show because all the characters come down afterwards to greet the children, but apparently that is a thing of the past. After the show the characters disappeared? This caused my little princess to cry again. Then I was told that they are holding Cinderella captive in the new Princess Fairytale Hall and you can get a fastpass so you don't have to wait in line for over an hour. Well, I went to get fastpasses and the new system would not allow me to get one. Ariel was also "unavailable" and so was Rapunzel. I was able to get a fastpass to meet Mickey but that wasn't until 6:30pm - 7:30pm. I used to be able to get a fastpass outside any ride. Now you can only get three? This is a horrible system. I was waiting in line for 45 minutes to get the fastpasses! How is that fast or magical?
On your way into the park, they have maps and times guides that list where you can find the characters so you don't have to go searching all over for them. Having them located in one central locations allows for them to stay there longer than roaming around in the weather and then having to go inside more often. Fastpass is offered at your convenience if meeting Cinderella was a top priority for you that day. While Fastpass has changed and takes a bit getting used to, you have the option to pick your time. If it didn't work for you, then you could have just done the stand by line. I also really doubt the line for a Fastpass kiosk took any longer than 25 mins. You also have to think of it this way, how much time did you spend standing in line and getting a Fastpass at each paper location. Maybe 3-4 mins total for each one. Multiply that by maybe 5 different attractions you did it at and you go your 15-20 min wait, just all lumped together.

At lunchtime, we went to Cosmic Ray's, or at least tried to. I got little Dylan out of the stroller along with all the stuff and sent my hubby to get the food so I could sit down with the little kids. There were two cast members guarding the door to where the seating is blocking the way. I was told that I couldn't sit down unless I have bought food!!!!! What!!!!!!!! Are you serious?????? I pointed to my husband in line and told him that I could not wait 30 minutes with a two year old and five month old without a stroller. I told my husband who was furious and complained to the manager, Sam. Sam did nothing. Sam did not apologize. Sam did not let me sit down. Sam did not give us vouchers for free dessert. Sam did nothing but stand in front of the door and treat us like second-class citizens. I wasn't bringing in food from home. I was planning to buy it, but even if the opposite was the case - why aren't people allowed to sit down anywhere for free? Especially people with little children who paid over $100 per person to get into the park? I was so angry I left and went over to Pecos Bills. They also had cast members guarding the seats. I was hungry and frustrated, so I gave in and waited with the kids to get all the food before I sat down. This is a ridiculous policy and it needs to be changed right away. People are paying ridiculous prices for so-so food and you won't let a mother of four sit down! I'm serious, if you keep doing this to mothers with little kids, it will cause a riot. There was a mother of twins and another grandmother at Cosmic Ray's who were just as angry as I was. I would also like to mention that Julie , is a picky eater. She eats chicken nuggets or pizza. There was nothing on the menu at Pecos Bills for her to eat - only burgers. I talked her into a Southwest Salad, which had grilled chicken on it. Food selection, quality and customer service is better at the state fair, than at Disney World restaurants. Don't you think all the restaurants should have staples for the kids? - Hot dog, hamburger, pizza, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, corn dogs. Skye wanted ice cream. I couldn't get it there. I was told to go to a vendor outside. And why don't you sell McDonald's fries anymore. I loved that! After we were seated I needed to get up and get napkins and toppings. Apparently, you are paying the guards to watch the guests because three cast members asked me what I was doing out of my seat and reminded me that I couldn't sit down unless I had bought food. They were not offering to help me get everything I needed to feed my troop - they were strictly enforcing the rules and treating everyone like cattle. A cast member followed me back to my seat to make sure I had really bought food! So lunch was not very magical at all. I paid over $70 dollars for everyone and nobody was happy.
Fact is that take a seat to save a table while your husband gets food is a waste for others who have fun and are looking for a spot to sit down and eat. While it might be somewhat inconvenient, you have hundreds of other guests wanting to eat at the same time. You can grab a seat a bench outside if you need to. Sam didn't have to do anything for you, especially not give you something for free for not understanding the logic behind why Disney does this. If you were looking for a table with a tray full of food and you saw families with no food just hogging tables, I would bet my life that you would be a little upset even though you would do it yourselves. Also, if you have visited 20 times before and would have grabbed a guide map, you would clearly know or be able to find info on what restaurants serve what items include kids meals. Based on your desire for McDonald's fries and ice cream, I can see why a state fair would probably have more food choices you like. If you want a more magical food experience, I suggest trying Columbia Harbor House which has better seating, unique food offerings, and a less hectic setting.

For dinner, I tried to make reservations but was told there was nothing available unless I went to Downtown Disney. Crystal Palace and Be Your Guest had a three hour wait and we were told that people with reservations have priority. I find it really hard to fathom that Disney World is making it so difficult to get a simple meal. We skipped dinner and ate at Denny's - which was cheaper and made everyone happy.
Disney World attracts over 17 MILLION people a year, an average of 40,000 per day. Of course you need reservations! This isn't your hometown Denny's which probably sees 40,000 in a couple weeks! Plan ahead, especially if you are going to spend all that money. If you owned stock, had your honeymoon there, and have visited over 20 times, I really thought you would have known more about the parks.

Next week we are planning to go to Epcot or MGM during spring break. I called Disney Dining to make reservations. I was appalled when I was told I had to guarantee any dining reservation with a credit card and cancel up to 24 hours in advance or be charged $10 per person. Ok, so that's $60 if we are stuck on a ride or get there late. People with four kids are rarely on time.
So, plan ahead for some leeway. They also hold your reservation 15 mins just in case.

Well, you can tell Winston that I am not an Executive, but I am a travel agent.
WOW! A travel agent that helps people plan their vacations, yet didn't plan her own very well. Oh, and it isn't called MGM Studios anymore.

And if I could have a dollar for every time a Disney Cast member rolled their eyes at me on my visit - I would have over $100 dollars - which would cover the cost of my over-priced Disney ticket.
If every cast member was rolling your eyes at you. If every experience was so un-magical. If you didn't get anything you wanted/demanded, and if you think it was such a ripoff, then I think the issue is with you. There is such thing as a bad customer. You're experience was honestly laughable and most people on these message boards will not be able to sympathize with you when clearly there were things that were your fault, beyond anyone's control, or absurd. If your children grow to expect the same out of life, then there will be sorely disappointed, but I'm not a parenting expert.

Best wishes, but honestly, if you don't return to a Disney theme park... good riddance.


Well-Known Member
Even we Disney "experts" need to plan! A Planning DVD is something I would suggest for the OP, or check out allears.net, or even planning books about WDW Resort such as Birnbaum's, or SOMETHING!:eek:

She's a travel agent. She can get any info she wants from pretty much ANY source she wants at WDW.

I didn't read one thing in that story that was Disney's fault. How do you not know about the trams when you've gone over 20x, including with your older kids when they were younger? It's Disney's fault you couldn't access the castle through the front stage?! Seriously?! And your precious princess couldn't see a princess 15min after walking in the park? That sounds like a parenting fail. Oh, but the cast members were supposed to drop everything and escort your special child to the front of the line to see the princesses? Demanding much?

Oh, and you're supposed to be allowed to hold tables at a busy counter service while people who've waited and purchased their food stand there staring at you while you sit comfortably with no food and they have food? And Bill's should completely rewrite their menu for your picky 11yr old. And reservations for sit down dinners? come on, now! How do you claim to be a travel agent and NOT know that! It's right on the Disney site! Honestly, I find it insulting when say families with 4+ are always late. No, hun, we are not. Somewhere between kids 1 and 3, we learn to PLAN and get our kids MOVING. I have 4 kids, including an infant, 1 in a wheelchair, 2 with medical conditions including two with autism. We have never been late for our ADRs. We PLAN AHEAD. We also have kids that listen and don't throw tantrums because they couldn't see a character immediately. So, please, go to Uni or BG. I promise you, they are WAY worse. You're whole post comes off as a whiney, entitled, rich lady with brats for princes and princesses


How many more like this one are out there, that's what I wonder... :cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious::cautious:


Well-Known Member
I was poking around the "other site" and looked at her profile...I LOL'd when I saw this.

"katiebugladybug has not made any friends yet"

nd FYI she has been a member there since 2009 but only made this post about prince and princess being horribly scarred for life!

I too Googled "katiebugladybug princess" and saw that someone using that handle has a Pinterest account, where she has pinned multiple children's books....with titles such as "The Princess and the Peanut Allergy" and "Since We're Friends: An Autism Picture Book".

Whether it's the same person that's trolling both us and the DISboards, I cannot say....but between using the the same internet handle and her rather-specialized choices in children's literature, I've definitely raised an eyebrow.


I too Googled "katiebugladybug princess" and saw that someone using that handle has a Pinterest account, where she has pinned multiple children's books....with titles such as "The Princess and the Peanut Allergy" and "Since We're Friends: An Autism Picture Book".

Whether it's the same person that's trolling both us and the DISboards, I cannot say....

I don't think it's the same person. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh man...now I'm really bothered that I'm so late to this party! I'd love to write some highly insightful post...but I think it's been pretty well established that OP has some delusional sense of self entitlement, is a horrible travel planner, and is awful at paying attention to pretty much anything since her memory of certain things at WDW is pretty poor. It's bad enough if she makes her clients suffer because of her gross incompetence with travel planning, but to fail this miserably for your own family? sad.

Of course, OP gets lumped in with the scores of other people who assume they can go to WDW without any significant planning...and of course they're people who feel the world should bend over backwards for them when they get in over their heads and start suffering for their ignorance. Or maybe she just forgot to tell the fine folks at WDW that they are royalty?;)


Well-Known Member

Oh my words... She's claiming a $700 loss now? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

SHE DIDN'T EVEN BOOK THE TRIP!!! IT WAS A SURPRISE FOR HER BIRTHDAY!!!! But now she's losing money? Paging the Disney Lawyers, be on the lookout for a frivolous lawsuit from this "expert"....

Where's her story going to pop up next? And is there an under/over on her next $$$ amount that she lost?

Oh yeah... in her one reply on that site, she DID expect royal treatment, as well as she said she'll never go back to Disney again, but yet... they're possibly off to EPCOT? HELLO, do you remember that EPCOT IS A DISNEY PARK?!?!!?

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