I never said I don't like speculation and you need to reread the posts if that's your take. What I don't like is misleading or mispresentation of information.. especially speculation as fact.
Now about that paragraph.. Ever read your local paper? Or pay any attention at all to political lobbying? Why do you think people put 'Made in the USA' proudly on their products? Getting a major company to invest in your area (either by expanding, moving in, etc) is a major political win for officials and are common political topics. Businesses are also smart and know they can often win concessions from a municipality in exchange for commiting to the economy or locality. Even when there are no concessions.. incumbents are eager to promote POSITIVE economic impacts in their area.. as a way of associating themselves with positive things happening in their area.
Yes, I do read my local paper...or rather, I generally get my news online but same principle.
I get what you are saying and I'll even concede that it may be true... but your entire paragraph came out of left field in regards to the discussion at hand. I found it very very odd and still do.
I said NOTHING of the sort - I was commenting on the LACK of acknowledgement actually. That normally such massive investment plans in a single site are not done in secrecy. Doing things like massive hotel expansions, expansions of retail, and other things can't be done in isolation - they require interaction with the government. And the more happy the government is with you, the easier things are to get done when that time comes. And what better way to make a politician happy and support you.. then to give them earth shattering, POSITIVE news heading into an election?
Remember.. there is no acknowledgement from UNI at all about this rumored 1.5b 10 year plan for USF.
They do require interaction with local government true. But remember, Universal hasn't even officially made announcements about HP 2.0 or Transformers. So I question your point about massive investments at a single site not being done in secrecy. Of course, there is concrete evidence in the form of steel beams going up so it's not exactly a secret. But again, no acknowledgement to the general media about what is going on either. I don't think you can interpret
either way about Uni's rumored 1.5b 10 year plan. Just because it has not been officially announced doesn't mean it is the figure that will be spent. Disne
y and Uni both have done projects without acknowledgement/announcement, without stating dollar figures.
I just think the 1.5 billion number is being used for shock value and without (or relative references to compare it with) it the story loses all of it's bite. We know the expansion that is happening short term, and we know of expansion planned near term, but faith in a TEN year outline as actually happening?
I don't think it loses its bite at all. Even if you don't consider the dollar figure. There are known concrete plans. People can again estimate their cost fairly easily. As others broke it down in the thread earlier, most of their known plans add up to at least nearly a billion. So 1.5 billion isn't out of the ball park. Do we know if absolutely everything will go through? No. I suppose not. But as of right now, Uni sure as heck has a better track record of following through on their plans than Disney so I think it's reasonable to surmise that the majority of their plans will go through as well. They clearly want to spend the money.
Then ask yourself.. when someone tells you how the economy is going to be in 2022... think about how much weight you put into that claim. Or imagine Disney told you what their attendance was going to be in 2022.. would you count on that as reliable?
Call me.. skeptical.
The two examples you gave are way way different scenarios in my opinion. It's fine that your skeptical but as I read through the read, you seemed entirely hell bent on being the only one who was right without consideration of what others may have knowledge of or think
But instead of addressing the actual financials.. posters have tried to attack my reading comprehension (twice.. both sticking their foot in their mouth in the process) and call me a Uni hater.. when I'm anything of the sort. Heaven forbid anyone dare question a local marketing guy's uncited reference.
People tried to address the financials. No, not everyone provided cites but then neither did you. I know you aren't a Uni hater and it's fine to question one guys uncited reference but again, I don't think you backed up what you were saying any better than they did.