Universal playing on the "Anti magic & fairytales" for employment


Active Member
Originally posted by ArchiDanDisney
Cedar Point

Awww yeah, puddin'! LOVE me some Cedar Point! Yeah it's just an amusement park, but it's the best one out there. they got almost 20 roller coasters now and they add a new one every year that keeps on raising the bar as far as coasters go.
Originally posted by aimster
Awww yeah, puddin'! LOVE me some Cedar Point! Yeah it's just an amusement park, but it's the best one out there. they got almost 20 roller coasters now and they add a new one every year that keeps on raising the bar as far as coasters go.

Top Thrill!


Well-Known Member
Disney prides itself on the fact that the cast members are polite and very energetic. I've never met a bad CM at WDW or DL. Universals CMs or whatever they call them now have very few personal I have found myself saying I liked. I even had one push me out of her way. But, Universal does have some good attractions. It's sad to say, but I'm the only one in my family who prefers Disney over Universal though. I'll stick with Disney, just for the fact that everyone is nice, the attractions are top notch, and I can feel like a kid rideing Snow White and not get laughed at.


New Member
I like Universal, I am actually going there in July. I wanted to try staying at one of their hotels on property, but they are too expensive.

I have never been to IOA, but I will try it in July. Love the orginial Universal.

The first time my family went there is when it first opened. We got free tickets to come back because everything was breaking down. Also, we waited (not kidding) 2 and 1/2 hours for the old King Kong Ride. Talk about fools! We got on it, and were saying to ourselves, "This is it?!?!?!"

Universal is alright, but it is missing something that Disney had or still has: Walt Disney. Disney puts effort behind designing rides and attractions. Universal builds a roller coaster without any themeing. Disney builds a roller coaster and a mountain (themeing!) Walt Disney prided himself on creativity. Don't just build a ride or a attraction, put some thought into it. That is why these "so called" theme parks are hurting. They are missing the "Theme" part of the park.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by ArchiDanDisney
Cedar Point

Is our favorite non Disney park in the country. Great employees, pride in the ride, keeping the lines moving and free of smokers, etc.

We flew out there for our first visit ever in summer of 2000 to ride Millenium Force, we loved it so much we went back for a weekend for Halloweekends.

We are hoping to make it out there next summer :D


I don't think Univeral and Disney can be compared. They are 2 different types of theme parks, each enjoyable in their own way.

Universal is certainly lacking the "magic" but so is every other theme park in the world that isn't Disney.

I haven't been to Universal Studios in many years, but I did enjoy it and I'm going to go back for a day in July, mostly to take my 2 year old to see Shrek. And being a roller coaster addict, I thought Islands of Adventure was AWESOME when I went a couple years ago.

I would never take a vacation to Florida just to go to Universal, but it is something fun to do for a day if you're already down there after you've finished all your favorite Disney parks.

With that said, I think they are just jealous of Disney and that's why they are making the lame ads. :lol:


New Member
I absolutely love the Universal commercials. My friends and I (all 17 & 18) think they are very funny, and we love the background music played on them. We also joke about how they are actually making fun of themselves when they talk about pixie dust and fairytales. Ironically, they are saying they don't have that amazing creativity and magic that Disney has.

By the way, I couldn't stand Islands of Adventure. The only good ride was Spiderman. The Hulk was interesting. They tried to do the Disney thing, and it didn't work.

On the other hand, Busch Gardens Williamsburg tried not to do the Disney thing, and for me, it seemed the most Disney-like park.

Oh, and another thing, the Universal commercials are definitely much better than the new Six Flags ones.


Well-Known Member

Comparing Universal to Disney on a Disney fan-site is absolutely rediculous.

If we visit a Bush site, we'll see harsh criticisms of Kerry's advertisements among completely pro-Bush content.

If we visit a Kerry site, we'll see harsh criticisms of Bush's advertisements among completely pro-Kerry content.

Lest we not forget that the address for this website is "www.wdwmagic.com"

I love Mountain Dew, a Pepsi product, and I love Sprite, a Coke product. Let people enjoy what they want to and leave it at that.



Naturally Grumpy
Cedar Pointed

Originally posted by KevinPage
Is our favorite non Disney park in the country. Great employees, pride in the ride, keeping the lines moving and free of smokers, etc.

We flew out there for our first visit ever in summer of 2000 to ride Millenium Force, we loved it so much we went back for a weekend for Halloweekends.

We are hoping to make it out there next summer :D

I agree that Cedar Point is a fine park..although I don't know how you could make the statement about smokers. People were smoking throughout the park and lines when I was there last Sunday.

The nice thing about Cedar Point (that Universal misses) is that it knows what it is, a coaster park, and is content with that.

Universal on the other hand instead of establishing itself and its niche, it suffers from a full time case of Disney envy. :dazzle:


New Member

I am going to disney for 7 days in June and doing 3 days in Universal.... I did the same thing about two years ago, and I love them both.... Disney means more to me because it is disney and it makes me feel like a kid again ( I am 25) I love universal because you get to ride the movies, and just curious what do CM at Disney start off at money wise??? If thats to personal of a question I am sorry but I LOVE DISNEY!!! 25 more days!!!!


New Member
Forget CM's, the real reason why most of us like Disney is because it's iconic. Think about it: other than the giant Universial globe out front, there's nothing at Universial to top the Castle, Spaceship Earth (without the hand...), the Chinese Theater (or Tower of Terror, if you prefer), Space Mountian, the Contemporary, etc. The list goes on and on.


Premium Member
I was just at Cedar Point yesterday. And yep, they are good at what they are, a coaster park. Theming there is basically non-existant, and it's no place I want to be on a Saturday in the August heat. I've been going there every season for 30 years now, but honestly after you ride all the coasters what else is there?

If it wasn't for early entry and going mid-week in May when there are no crowds I'd probably not go back (well, until they surpass 500' with the next super coaster, lol)

At least at Disney when there are long lines it's mildly interesting on most rides.

CP tried to theme Dragster, and you can see how well it worked for them...first they stripped the fake tires off the ride, then the big wing, then the engines, now there's no more smoke during the launch, etc...it's a good thing I really went there to get thrown 120 mph up 400 feet because if I wanted to feel like I was in a drag car I'd have been really let down. ;)

Pixie Duster

New Member
Originally posted by ArsonWinter
Forget CM's, the real reason why most of us like Disney is because it's iconic. Think about it: other than the giant Universial globe out front, there's nothing at Universial to top the Castle, Spaceship Earth (without the hand...), the Chinese Theater (or Tower of Terror, if you prefer), Space Mountian, the Contemporary, etc. The list goes on and on.

I am not questioning you, this is just out of curiousity. Are you saying that if all our CMs were not as nice as they are, if they were rude even, you would still love Disney because of it's icon??


New Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
I am not questioning you, this is just out of curiousity. Are you saying that if all our CMs were not as nice as they are, if they were rude even, you would still love Disney because of it's icon??

Not in the slightest. I appreciate nice CMs, because it contributes to the magic. But, for this thread, forget CMs. There are nice ones and mean ones, but you can hardly say that's always going to be the case (or always has been the case). My point was, the reason why Disney parks are so memorable is because Disney builds iconic, memorable structures, employees nonwithstanding.


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you, I have not heard one advertisement for job openings at Universal. What I have heard is many, MANY avertisements for the Disney Spring into Summer job festival. At school the other day, there was a table handing out (actually, "making us take") Disney audition papers. Disney has got this one full.

Now as for the Universal Commercials, I don't mind them, except for the fairy tales and pixie dust part. I like the 3 old ladies standing on the sewer, and it is blowing their dresses up.

I like Universal. I just bought an annual pass to the parks. It's nice and the rides are fun, but other than that, nothing is special. At Disney, I can spend hours in the same location (case in point, I was at Pop Century for 8 hours on opening day, just trying to see everything). There are some attractions that really blew me away (MIB, Spiderman, and the Mummy) but that is 3, really immersive rides. The ones that really make you believe you are there. Almost every attraction at Disney makes you think that you are there. Compare that to 3 "real" Universal rides.

When I first walked into Universal for the first time in years, the thing that struck me the most as different from Disney was...The forced perspective on the buildings. When I was at Disney, and looked at the buildings, I never thought it made much of a difference. Then I went to Universal, where the Hollywood buildings are built their actual size. They are so big compared to the ones at MGM.


New Member
Forget CM's, the real reason why most of us like Disney is because it's iconic. Think about it: other than the giant Universial globe out front, there's nothing at Universial to top the Castle, Spaceship Earth (without the hand...), the Chinese Theater (or Tower of Terror, if you prefer), Space Mountian, the Contemporary, etc. The list goes on and on.

Your kidding right, all the people who diss universal need to stop being prejudice or had a blindfold on when they went. Jurassic park's entryway and the ride building are both spectacular sights. The entry to the Studios is also very cool, the globe, The Mummy's Entryway..The entry to the Dueling Dragons (Especially if the coasters go through the loops as there entering..that is very very cool. Universal AND Disney are both great PERIOD.


Active Member
As a guest, because I'm not a CM, I don't think Universal comes close to touching Disney World on any level. We had such a horrible experience right after they opened IOA that I wrote them a letter. In Universal's defense, they did refund my admission price. The following visit I did not return. From the visual presentation to the cast member training, they just cannot come close to competing with Disney.

'Nuff said.

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