Universal now charging for their Express tickets...is Disney next?


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Original Poster
Hey, if you look at Universals Web site, you can find out that they are charging for extra Express Passes. They are calling it the Express Plus pass. Anybody know how much it costs? Anyone use it before?

I wonder if Disney will be next in charging for FASTPASS tickets?


New Member
Disney has always been good about creating a "level playing field" in their parks. There are no second class citizens.

Granted, there are privilages available (early entry, Eride, etc) but once you get in the park, they keep it to a minimum. I would hope that they would continue that type of "equality in the parks" policy.


New Member
I was at Universal two weeks ago, we paid $25.00 on top of the price of admission. For this, we got to ride every ride in the park once as a fast pass, they guarantee the wait is 15 minutes or less. We rode every ride in under 15 minutes (even the Hulk) except one of the wet rides (I think it was Dudley Do-right).

My thought on this is at least we got to ride all the rides we wanted to and did Islands of Adventure in one day. At Disney, the Magic Kingdom was so busy we didn't get to ride many of the rides we wanted, so therefore we didn't get our moneys worth even though it cost less.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Fastpas1
Hey, if you look at Universals Web site, you can find out that they are charging for extra Express Passes. They are calling it the Express Plus pass. Anybody know how much it costs? Anyone use it before?

I wonder if Disney will be next in charging for FASTPASS tickets?
Disney will not charge. They have class. Unlike Universal who is tripping for money.


New Member
If I had to choose, I'd choose Disney any day.:sohappy:

The fastpasses at Disney in my opinion are much more reliable than those at Universal. We got the "express passes" there and we waited at least 15-20 minutes in every line. On Space Mountain at MK however, we only waited 5 minutes, and that was just how long it took to walk straight through to the ride carts!

Universal and Islands of Adventure I could do in 1 day, easy. It's tiny and miniscule compared to it's neighboring Disney.

Also, who had fastpasses first? Disney. Universal obviously thought to themselves "Oh look what Disney's got! Let's be copy-cats and make it look like we had our own idea!" *snort* as if.

Disney will always be the best Universal, and you know it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by HauntedPirate
Yes, that $25 Express Pass at Universal is *per person*. I can't imagine Disney charging for FastPass.
Another reason disney is TOP in the industry :)


Well-Known Member
Disney had them before any park. Including Six Flags.

Actually, If I remember correctly, I could be wrong, but I believe that Six-Flags had their Q-Bot system in place about a year before the Disney FastPass got introduced, maybe it was just as a trial run at Six-Flags over Georgia, but I know they were selling their Q-Bot before the Fastpass.


Well-Known Member
This just proves to me that Universal isnt doing so hot in the income department. Everyone keeps saying Disney is doing bad but if Universal had to change the way they do tickets and raise prices then they are hurting.....imo


New Member
Universal doesnt charge for their normal fast passes, this is just a new thing, when I went there for the 4th I loved it, yes it does cost 25 bucks, but you get to ride everything in the park once, EVERY THING, and I only waited at most 5 minutes for every ride, and you can still get express passes with your normal ticket, its great. I would love it if disney did something like this, imo, the 25 is well worth it. I guess it all depends on how you like to wait in lines.

When we went in July, we did everything in the morning with minimal wait, then we got an express pass for spider man and kept riding everything untill it was packed, then we whipped out the passes and didnt wait for anything, plus, the number of passes they sell is limited.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Disney will ever charge for them, they already have a system that works and the fans love. If it's not broke don't fix it.

Just another example of Universal copying something Disney already had and not improving on it at all, in fact making it in some ways worse. Good job, Universal! Keep up the horrible rip off jobs!


Active Member
They don't charge for the normal express pass people, this is a extra book you have the option of buying.

"Universal Express is FREE. However, purchase a Universal Express PLUS pass and enjoy express access to each attraction all with a single pass!"

So yes, continue making fun of the company for some stupid little non-existant thing.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by blm07
They don't charge for the normal express pass people, this is a extra book you have the option of buying.

"Universal Express is FREE. However, purchase a Universal Express PLUS pass and enjoy express access to each attraction all with a single pass!"

So yes, continue making fun of the company for some stupid little non-existant thing.
I was just about to post this. EXPRESS PASSES ARE FREE PEOPLE! The Express PLUS is just for people who refuse to wait in line during their entire stay at the park. People are so quick to make fun of things that they do not understand. :mad:


Well-Known Member
The Express PLUS is just for people who refuse to wait in line during their entire stay at the park. People are so quick to make fun of things that they do not understand.

Whats to understand? I think paying an extra $25 for this is something that Disney will not resort to doing for the extra buck.....just my opinion


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone didn't understand the concept. The question was will Disney ever do something along those lines, charging for their fastpasses or a "plus version"? Everyone was saying no Disney wouldn't do that and yes Universal is stupid for doing it, we understand it is a PLUS version of their fastpass that doesn't change the fact it's stupid and Disney would never do that.
To be fair, Disney is doing this already. If you book a vacation through AAA you get an unlimited fastpasses for Disneyland. I read this on another website. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tomman710
I don't think anyone didn't understand the concept. The question was will Disney ever do something along those lines, charging for their fastpasses or a "plus version"? Everyone was saying no Disney wouldn't do that and yes Universal is stupid for doing it, we understand it is a PLUS version of their fastpass that doesn't change the fact it's stupid and Disney would never do that.
How is it stupid exactly. It is something that Disney simply doesn't offer. If you don't purchase the plus ticket, you are in the same boat as you would be at Disney. The PLUS ticket is just an addition to the regular system. There is nothing stupid about it at all. In fact, it makes perfect sense and Disney has been thinking of testing this exact concept at DCA and Disneyland. But when Disney does it, I'm sure it will be brilliant. :rolleyes:

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