Universal is sooo jealous!


New Member
I also believe Universal Studios was voted the best theme park when it opened but whatever. This is so sad its not even funny, people fighting over which park is better, how bout this, they are both the same, concrete and steel wow no different. I dont feel any more "magical" when I'm at MGM then when I'm going to the bathroom at my house, and the same goes for the other 3 parks and Universals parks, they are place to go have fun and yeah they might take you into a different realm but they are just theme parks. Get over it! Ok, I feel better.
Wilt Dasney said:
It's called marketing. Honestly, I don't get why so many people take it personally. They've done quite well positioning themselves as the "un-Disney" and I'm sure plenty of the people who go there have sentiments similar to those in the ad. Disney's not for everyone, plain and simple.

Really? I guess their 2005 numbers just don't show it, huh? Maybe the whole "un-Disney" thing will kick in with '06? :lol:


Active Member
I can prove to you how jealous are they also took mde fun of disney in sherk that just shows how jealous they are:p im sorry but universal have done what they wanted to do with that advert and it was to get the disney fan boys talking.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
ThreeCircles said:
Really? I guess their 2005 numbers just don't show it, huh? Maybe the whole "un-Disney" thing will kick in with '06? :lol:
If your assertion is that Universal's Orlando parks have been anything less than successful, you'd be the first I've heard make it.


I'd really not like to get in on this whole "Universal is better..." "No, Disney is..." keyboard commando stuff, but coming from somewho who works at Universal (Entertainment), guests do in fact think that Universal is part of Disney. Guests, not all but some, are really uninformed. I get asked where The Haunted Mansion is or where Mickey is all the time. And just take this board for instance, I know there was a post last year that asked if there was a shuttle that ran from one of Disney's Resort Hotels to the Universal parks. :brick: This is a good marketing move by Universal. For so long they've tried to make a name fore themselves as being the other big park in Florida. Both Disney and Universal have a symbiotic relationship in which Disney needs Universal and Universal needs Disney. It's competition! Without Pepsi there'd be no Coke and vis versa. Without Burger King, no McDonalds. Yes they could each survive without the other, but it wouldn't be nearly the same. Disney would be the only park in Florida and would have not much of a reason to create rides like Evervest if there wasn't competition building similar rides (Mummy). It's all healthy and fun!

And just for the record, when Universal opened they had Hanna-Barbara, Kong, Earthquake and ET. JAWS opened a few weeks later and was up and down for two years before being replaced with a new show system. BTTF came about a year after the park opened.


Active Member
JROK said:
It's competition! Without Pepsi there'd be no Coke and vis versa. Without Burger King, no McDonald's.

Ah... Coke came before Pepsi... a disgruntled job-hopeful started the Pepsi company out of spite when he was denied a job with the Coca-Cola. :lookaroun

McDonald's was around before Burger King... :lookaroun

But all this is beside the point I suppose...


Connor002 said:
Ah... Coke came before Pepsi... a disgruntled job-hopeful started the Pepsi company out of spite when he was denied a job with the Coca-Cola. :lookaroun

McDonald's was around before Burger King... :lookaroun

But all this is beside the point I suppose...

Yes, very beside the point. I knew Coke was before Pepsi and McDonalds before Burger King, but what I was trying to say is that without one, the other wouldn't be as good as it is. They all need competition.


New Member
Both Disney and Universal have a symbiotic relationship in which Disney needs Universal and Universal needs Disney
I'm just about as big of Universal fan as I am a WDW fan. I've frequented both complexes ever since they existed, and currently own APs to both. But let's be realistic here...

I'm sorry, but that's in no way true. How many people do you think go to Orlando just for Universal and decide to stop by WDW while they're there? Nobody says "Oh yeah, let's go to that other park down the road" when referring to WDW. They only say that when referring to USO, Sea World, or Busch Gardens.

That being said, I'm extremely glad Universal moved into town. They provided some great competition, and now we have some amazing new parks and rides, with much more to come.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
DigitalDisney said:
That being said, I'm extremely glad Universal moved into town. They provided some great competition, and now we have some amazing new parks and rides, with much more to come.

I think that was his original point. Disney "needs" Universal in the sense that their presence spurs Disney to create new things they'd have no motivation to without the competition.


Wilt Dasney said:
I think that was his original point. Disney "needs" Universal in the sense that their presence spurs Disney to create new things they'd have no motivation to without the competition.

That is exactly what I meant. Universal keeps Disney on their toes. Before Halloween Horror Nights there was no Mickey's Not-So-Scary. But after seeing how successful that was/is, Disney decided to give it a go.


New Member
Connor002 said:
I understand the concept of marketing, thank you, but the idea that they're directly targeting another business rather than promoting their own seems odd. Almost as if they've run out of creative marketing strategies...

The number one reason that older patrons don't visit Disney is because of its stigma of being a "Kiddie Park". Universal is just marketing to those people that don't like "Kiddie Parks" where sunshine is blown up you a$$ every ten seconds. They understand Disney's weakness and they will exploit it. That is what companies in competition do.

Universal needs to market their parks as something different then Disney, cause if they market their parks as being the same, it would be much harder to get guests to chose Universal over Disney. Specially since Disney is all about happy endings.

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