Universal is sooo jealous!

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
It's called marketing. Honestly, I don't get why so many people take it personally. They've done quite well positioning themselves as the "un-Disney" and I'm sure plenty of the people who go there have sentiments similar to those in the ad. Disney's not for everyone, plain and simple.


Active Member
Wilt Dasney said:
It's called marketing. Honestly, I don't get why so many people take it personally. They've done quite well positioning themselves as the "un-Disney" and I'm sure plenty of the people who go there have sentiments similar to those in the ad. Disney's not for everyone, plain and simple.

I understand the concept of marketing, thank you, but the idea that they're directly targeting another business rather than promoting their own seems odd. Almost as if they've run out of creative marketing strategies...

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
I understand the concept of marketing, thank you, but the idea that they're directly targeting another business rather than promoting their own seems odd. Almost as if they've run out of creative marketing strategies...
Glad you understand it. :animwink:

I can see where it might seem odd, but from the POV of a marketing director, whether or not it works is all that matters. Targeting the "big dog" and trying to siphon off the edges of their business is nothing new. At different points, You see it in soft drink ads, car ads, everywhere. The idea is that for any business that's #1 in what they do, there is a sizeable number of people out there who either resent that company for its dominance or just plain don't care for it. What Universal is trying to do is target those people who just plain don't care for Disney. It's just business.


New Member
Actually if you guys notice they may be making fun of Disney but the whole point is to market their product and how it differes from Disney. I actually really like it and wish they would use that as a commercial rather then that crap that had last year with people dying earlier because they didn't go on vacation.


Active Member
i wouldnt say that video shows that they are jealous, they are appealing to a lot of people with that, they are just tryign to say that there park is a lot more thrilling than disney doesnt matter if u dont agree with it, because a lot people still will go to it. Universal is still my favourite park.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
They break down Disney's music to simplistic Fischer-Price sounding notes.

Which in a way brought back some memories !!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
With attendance at or near all-time lows in their history while the Disney theme parks saw increases in attendance once again last year, there is obvious reason to be jealous and angry. Their "Universal Escape/Universal Orlando" resort idea is not paying off like they thought when they announced it in the late 90's. Anyone remember the Times magazine article where executives mentioned the hopeful expectation that they would become the resort destination of the 21st centruy?

This 'commercial' tries to differentiate Universal as something different from Disney, but that marketing strategy hasn't worked before with the "anti-fairytale" campaign two years back, so why do they keep trying that angle?

I don't mind comparisons on how they are different, but give me a break. That's a pretty sad attempt at marketing, and stuff like this isn't going to help them get more guests. In fact it is directed only at those who ARE tired of going to Disney, which by the looks of it aren't as many as they would hope. In the end, most people know Disney has A LOT more to offer than princesses, dolls, and teacups and so the campaign falls flat and imo whiny. It shows me they have an obvious inferiority complex, and why shouldn't they looking at the numbers? That doesn't mean they should compromise their pride in their product by cheap slash campaigns of the competition. Blame hurricanes and gas prices all you want Universal executives, that wasn't the reason Universal Orlando had a tough time last year. Its time to wake up and do some REAL marketing and placing the attention back onto your own resort. Stop reminding your potential guests that the big Disney behemoth is right down the road.


Active Member
I really think it is really lame conveying that teacups, dolls, and princeses are what Disney is all about and has to offer. Instead of trying to bash the competition, why not promote what you have to offer. Not much has changed at IOA since it has opened. IOA is a nice park, but definately can use some additional attractions to rejuvinate itself. A few new attractions at Universal Studios wouldn't hurt either.

Universal has some really nice hotels with amenities better than Disney and showing your roomkey to bypass lines is a big plus. With that feature though, you can easlly finish both parks in 2 days or less, depending on the time of the year. Universal is never going to catch up to Disney for becoming "the destination". It is always going to be in second place. Instead of trying to be better then Disney, why not try to be as good as Disney. There is just something about both parks that lack the magic Disney posesses.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember the last time I saw them promote The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman, Mummy, and others, but I can't remember a time when they didn't try to bash Disney.


Active Member
Testtrack321 said:
I don't remember the last time I saw them promote The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman, Mummy, and others, but I can't remember a time when they didn't try to bash Disney.

Exactly!! Showcase what you have to offer an let people decide. I really don't think that the newest advertisement is going to "really rake in the crowds". Enough bashing Disney!


Well-Known Member
What I think a lot of Disneyana fans forget is that to a lot of people Disney is still a "kid's thing". You guys take this stuff way to personal. Could you imagine how things would be now if there was no Universal? Just let them be.


Well-Known Member
I just watched the commercial - am not sure how much Disney Bashing it does - even this ad is aware that visitors will go to Disney first...Cedar Point in Ohio has long used the Disney Comparison ("Bigger than Disney...more rides than Disney...") etc. Universal is a different creature, and it lost a lot of money this past year, while WDW raked it in. I say, don't let this ad bother you. Go enjoy both.


Well-Known Member
Theyre two different resorts, different audiences.... each have a different feel.

Each compliments each other as they both fill a void that the other doesnt have.... WDW doesnt have super thrill rides and Universal does... .whereas Uni doesnt do a lot of dark rides and storytelling.

And yea, The mummy needs to be a bit longer. Here and i thought RnRC was short......


New Member
Honestly, in my opinion, this is bad marketing--for me, at least. I love to go to Universal AND to Disney. Most people go to both, not just people I personally know, but I always see Woody Woodpecker ponchos in WDW, and Mickey shirts at Universal! This makes me want to go to Universal less--(even though I still will :p ). It insults my memories and intelligence, the classics, and makes an unfair comparison. An ad would make Universal look amazing enough just by showing the awesome things it has, not by picking on Disney.

Disney has some thrill rides, just as Universal has some older, classic rides. (ET, Back to the Future, Jaws, Twister...)

And they forgot something on the comparison page...
Universal: Two parks.
Disney: Four parks.

And I WILL NOT get sick of hugging princesses, thank you.

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