Uni's New Plan For Potter Could Make Significant Dent To WDW


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According to the latest info from Screamscape, Phase 2 of Potter will be built at Universal Studios, not IOA – making a 2-park/2-day visit much more likely for people visiting for Potter. If true (we all know Screamscape's track record, but this seems too brilliant to not be true), the two parks would be connected via "Hogwart's Express" train, with only people with the 2-park pass being able to ride.

It's a brilliant plan by Uni, and one that could make more of a significant impact to WDW. I still think people would rather stay at WDW than Uni, but I could see families now only getting 3-day park passes rather than 5-day ones. If Uni would build a much more family-centered hotel, I think they would make an even more significant dent to WDW (I still think they should have found a way to build Legoland on Uni property, with a Lego-themed hotel, but they didn't ask me!). A Hogwarts-themed hotel perhaps?

Here's the Screamscape article:

(12/5/11) In case you missed the late breaking announcement on Friday afternoon, but Universal Orlando announced that the Jaws attraction and the entire Amity themed area around it will be closing down forever after January 2nd to make way for a new attraction. While they were not ready to disclose what is in the works yet… I’ve done a good bit of digging since then and have come up with an amazing proposal that is going to both shock and likely amaze you at the same time.
If my various sources are correct, the Amity / Jaws area will be replaced by the proposed Phase 2 expansion of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Now, before you flip out… lets go over it all, because for starters this really isn’t going to be the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at all. Instead, from what I’ve been able to gather, the new land to be build in Universal Studios Florida will actually represent the “London” side of the PotterVerse… including an entrance to the infamous Diagon Alley.
Diagon Alley, as seen in the movies, is home to infamous locations such as The Leaky Cauldron, Gringott’s Wizarding Bank and the true Ollivanders wand shop location, as seen in the films. The London location is also said to be home to King’s Cross station, where students would board the Hogwarts Express train from Platform 9 ¾.
Many of these locations have been mentioned in the rumored development plans for Phase 2 of the Wizarding World for months now, including an innovative indoor dark coaster ride said to take place inside Gringott’s Wizarding Bank. It’s no secret that the Wizarding World has been popular…so much so that it needed to be expanded to spread out the crowds, and come up with a way to provide new locations for guests to buy Butterbeer, Ollivanders wands and more. But it seems that Universal Creative really decided to try a new idea… and think really outside the box this time. Literally… because this new expansion is going to allow for guests in both parks to get a taste of the PotterVerse… but to get the ENTIRE experience, you’d going to have to have a 2-park ticket.
Speaking of having access to both parks… connecting the dots is said to be a true recreation of the Hogwarts Express, allowing guests with two park passes (and Universal Resort guests) to recreate the true journey from the Muggle world of London and actually board travel to the train station and board the train for a trip over to Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding World at Islands of Adventure.
Now if all that wasn’t enough, I’ve heard some rumors about another possible new attraction likely to go into this Phase 2 project, that may attempt to take advantage of the new 3D projection tunnel technology Universal created for King Kong 3D 360 at the Hollywood park earlier this year. I don’t know if this may be put to use during your train ride on the Hogwarts Express, or if this will be an entirely separate ride experience. (One source suggested it could be a trip on the 3-decker Knight Bus, but I’ve heard that this isn’t likely to happen).
Either way this is huge… and apparently it all has a rather aggressive construction timeline as Universal is said to be shooting to have it all up and running by 2014. I’ve also heard that an official announcement or teaser could be released very soon, so stay tuned!


Premium Member
Let's keep this thread on the subject of how this will impact WDW. If you want to discuss the specifics of this in terms of Universal, head to the thread linked by DisneyInsider above. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I have to wonder what will happen if this new phase of Potter opens up at a similar time as Avatarland/Pandora/World of Avatar. Assuming they both open around the same time, maybe AK's attendance will increase but the other three WDW parks will experience slightly reduced attendance as people plan longer trips to Universal?

Either way, I like this idea of the parks one-upping each other. Potterland already seems to be awesomely themed, and this expansion might be enough to finally make me trek to Uni for the first time since 1998. Either way, it seems like the consumer will be benefitting from all this expansion. :)


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Supposedly, Potter is being fast-tracked to open in 2013 (being constructed at lightning speed, much the way Phase 1 was). The fact that Jaws is closing in January probably means the plans are already ready to go and they'll begin working on it immediately). I believe AvatarLand is on a timetable of 2017, at the earliest and it's just now beginning the BlueSky phase. Remember, Avatar was a deal done by Iger and Staggs and Imagineering didn't know anything about it until the deal was done (I still think Avatar is too unproven to warrant the huge amount of money it will take to build it, but hopefully I'll be proven wrong once the sequels come out).

Also, there are reports that major shareholders have recently made demands that Disney stop the trend of new expenditures (especially in the parks), which would make the days on one-upping each other dead before it's really had a chance to begin. I would speculate that this may be one of the major reasons Iger decided to step down.

Buzz Lightbeer

New Member
I think this sounds an amazing idea of linking two parks that so cool and it will feel like your in the movies and taking the trip to hogwarts etc.

Impacting disney? i dont think they have to much to worry about. I live in the UK have have stayed at disney 4 times in the last ten years, everytime i go back i get excited about universal because i love movies and everytime i go i feel very short changed in comparison to going to a disney park. When i was last there in Nov 2010 and we went to uni studios i dont remember anything really epic, the simpsons ride was awesome but i really dont remember anything else that got me excited everytign just felt very dated i think Jaws going is not a bad idea its such an old film and its not a star wars or a star trek indiana etc huge films that always on tv today. I also thought that Harry potter world was very cramped and i was dissapointed really with what they had done it needed to be bigger so hopefully phase 2 will give it that extra spark it needs and also add somethign exciting to universal.
Disney will always be number one people will always plan around disney and other parks are just fillers as such i dont think it will change until Uni cant compete with the number of disney parks etc.


Premium Member
Disney will always be number one people will always plan around disney and other parks are just fillers as such i dont think it will change until Uni cant compete with the number of disney parks etc.

Hopefully Disney doesn't agree with you on this. When companies think this way they start to become complacent and often loose thier place of dominance.



Well-Known Member
Meh...I think all Disney would have to do is highlight the fact you have to buy two park tickets to experience one land.

Sure, many people are going to line up for that, but I can see many also balking at the idea.

Epcot '92

Disney will always be number one people will always plan around disney and other parks are just fillers as such i dont think it will change until Uni cant compete with the number of disney parks etc.

This is true, HOWEVER, its because Disney stays on the cutting edge, not because it sits around and says "yeah we're awesome, whatcha gonna do". USO/IOA sat around for a few years with almost nothing (especially at IOA) and attendance sank.

Also, Disney will always end on top, its called the RCID. And it covers more land than Universal owns in the entire world (Aprox. estimate)


Well-Known Member
This is true, HOWEVER, its because Disney stays on the cutting edge, not because it sits around and says "yeah we're awesome, whatcha gonna do". USO/IOA sat around for a few years with almost nothing (especially at IOA) and attendance sank.

Also, Disney will always end on top, its called the RCID. And it covers more land than Universal owns in the entire world (Aprox. estimate)
What is this cutting edge you speak of?


OV 104
Premium Member
Books were good, movies were bearable, and I have no desire to pay out of pocket to go back to Uni. My one and only visit was paid for by a girl I dated for a while. Forced perspective castle, the one up the road is better, cream soda, Farm Fresh has it, Forsaken Journey or whatever, DarKastle/Spiderman meets tracks, cool story. I was not blown away by anything there. Film hype is the main reason to its success, Twilight World would yield better short term results.

If I wanted a Harry Potter experience I would travel more often with a professor of mine to Oxford and dine in the hall more than once a year.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if this will be the beginning of forced combo/park-hopper passes. This plan makes the most sense for Universal if visitors have to buy a combo pass to both IOA and USO (if not, God help the cast member at the train who has to tell people they can't ride without a ticket to the other park).

Now, I wouldn't expect Universal to force a combo pass unless Disney did first, just as they wouldn't hike prices until Disney did. But I do wonder if this gives Disney the excuse to go ahead and enact it, "anticipating" that Universal will do it. Just pure speculation...


Premium Member
This is true, HOWEVER, its because Disney stays on the cutting edge, not because it sits around and says "yeah we're awesome, whatcha gonna do". USO/IOA sat around for a few years with almost nothing (especially at IOA) and attendance sank.

Also, Disney will always end on top, its called the RCID. And it covers more land than Universal owns in the entire world (Aprox. estimate)

I would ammend that to say "used to stay on the cutting edge". I love Disney but Universal is definitly beating WDW with the ride technology in Fobidden Journey and even Spiderman.

Land doesn't gaurentee success. Yes, it's unlikely Universal's total Orlando attendance numbers will ever exceed Disney's but they only need to take away a couple percentage points of Disney's attendance to really cause them some pain. The bottom line here, like it or not, is profit, not attendance.


Well-Known Member
Meh...I think all Disney would have to do is highlight the fact you have to buy two park tickets to experience one land.

Sure, many people are going to line up for that, but I can see many also balking at the idea.
This was my reaction, too, although I can also understand the rationale behind doing it this way.

I think Universal would get better results by keeping all the Potter stuff in one park or at least not promoting a Harry Potter experience that requires admission to two parks as one cohesive land.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of having access to both parks… connecting the dots is said to be a true recreation of the Hogwarts Express, allowing guests with two park passes (and Universal Resort guests) to recreate the true journey from the Muggle world of London and actually board travel to the train station and board the train for a trip over to Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding World at Islands of Adventure.

I suspect that whoever came up with this particular rumor hasn't looked at an overhead map of Universal Studios Resort (see http://maps.google.com/?ll=28.4765,-81.470629&spn=0.007271,0.007532&t=h&z=17&vpsrc=6). There's significant distance between the Amity area in Universal Studios and the Wizarding World in IoA with quite a few buildings in between. Not too mention that construction in the area behind the train in Wizarding World would impact operation of the Dragon Challenge. I'm not saying that this couldn't be done but I suspect that the gain wouldn't out-weigh the expense. :shrug:

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