Union asks Disney to increase worker pay

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New Member
In essance, you can't give NEW hires a higher amount than existing CMs without causing an even greater employee morale problem.
That's true.

I support across the board pay raises as well as an increase in starting wages for CMs at Disney.


New Member
Wow this is getting confusing! I was down at WDW on vacation last week. While I was there I talked to a large number of CPs and CMs and got various responses thoughout the resort. Most of the CPs said they were slaves and had no idea what they were getting into before they started. They said the pay was terrible and they got treated like dirt (especally at the MK). On the other hand, I talked to a few CPs and and large number of CMs that said they didn't like the pay but that they were there to spread the magic and absoutley loved their jobs. I'm thinking about doing the CP within a year or so. I for one don't care about the pay I would be there to spread the magic and get an idea of what it would be like to work there in corprate setting someday. I also understand that there are people who work for Disney that have to support a family on there small salary. I don't know if there really is a good solution to the problem. They should probably hold all of the employees at a higher standard but also pay more (IMHO). I think it comes down to one thing...If you work for Disney and you don't want to be misserable, you need to love what the company has meant to so many people though the years and have a desire to presereve the magic for others. I personally love the company, but see many falts with the leadership. I want to do my part to help and improve what I can, even if I can only do a small part. You have to start somewhere.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
There is a very small pool of applicants in Orlando.....unemployment is less than 2%....increasing the wage will not necc increase the number of applicants, nor will it increase the quality of the applicants....the opposite will probably happen there.
Of course there are many factors involved, but pay is one of them. You can throw all the interesting statistics into the mix as you wish, but the simple fact is if you pay for crap you end up with crappier employees. Low wages don't attract as many quality applicants, nor do they retain quality employees.

Is paying more going to solve the issue all by itself? No, not at all. But it's just pathetic that wages at WDW are lower than a McJob...yet we expect a level of intangible "magic" from them that holds CM's to almost unrealistic standards.

wannab@dis said:
I'm all for rewarding good workers, but a single raise of the same rate for everyone is not the right idea.
I don't think anyone suggested that. I said "I hope they all get raises" because in general the wages at WDW are pathetic, but no one that I can see has suggested "a single raise of the same rate" is going to solve the problem. The problem is the limiting of their hiring pool in the first place, which later leads to the issues. Again, I have no stance on unions, but it is clear you have very strong feelings about that issue due to your local situation, and I can't really comment on that.

There are a lot of wonderful CM's at WDW, and it's just simple logic that if Disney paid more than one could make pan-handling tourists in downtown Orlando for the same amount of time (and not have to follow the Disney dress code or pay taxes, either, LOL) then more applicants would choose them over other employers. With all the extra crap you have to go through working for Disney, it just defies belief that they pay less than a McJob.

If you want quality, you have to pay for it. Disney has gotten along for quite some time by getting those gems of employees who can deliver the magic out of love for the job over compensation, but economics has caught up. There just aren't as many people who will deliver that magic for the love of Disney alone.



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DisneyGrl85 said:
WOW, that's crazy. For being such a huge company they could afford to pay more.

And don't forget, out of that lower rate of pay for CP'ers, you have to PAY THEM to live there. This is conveniently subtracted from your check.

After taxes and the money Disney takes out of you for rent, you'll be lucky to be able to afford to feed yourself. Most CP'ers I have known have had to have external income to be able to do it.



New Member
AEfx said:
And don't forget, out of that lower rate of pay for CP'ers, you have to PAY THEM to live there. This is conveniently subtracted from your check.

After taxes and the money Disney takes out of you for rent, you'll be lucky to be able to afford to feed yourself. Most CP'ers I have known have had to have external income to be able to do it.


WOW! I did not know that....Imigrant farm labor has to put up with the same thing. Pretty soon they owe the farmer more money than they make. Modern day slavery!


I have CM friends I have met, while working for Disney during different times over the years, and am shocked at what they are payed. Disney could easily afford to pay them $10.00hr or more. Most of them work 40hrs straight time and a minimum of 20-25hrs OT every week! And the OT is not voluntary, they have no choice. It is sad that you could work at McDonalds and start out making more money. My wife use to work for Publix as a Manager, and starting pay was $8.25 for most positions. Heck our company starting pay is $11.00hr, and that is for helpers with no experience. Now that as*****...uhhh sorry..Eisner:fork: is not around to steal....uhh....take his bogus..oops I mean bonus every year,That money can go to helping the CM's.
joeyjoe92979 said:
Trust me...the The Disney Company is not going to go broke by increasing wages, what they will do is increase guest satisfaction due to the CMs being happy to actually be at work and provide a better experience instead of being stressed out on how we are going to pay our bills.

While I agree that the wage is low at Disney (mind you that it is a starting wage), after committing to staying with Disney a castmember has benefits better than any other company as well as an increase in compensation. Disney will not waste paying money to employees a high wage (especially ones that are not going to stay with them for a long period of time).

As far as affecting the bottom line...Wages are a large part of why a lot of companies go "broke." Furthermore it would make its stock value go down which would affect everyone in the company--especially people who are vested in the company quite a bit.


New Member
goofntink said:
I have CM friends I have met, while working for Disney during different times over the years, and am shocked at what they are payed. Disney could easily afford to pay them $10.00hr or more.

Oh...you have to be kidding me. It's amazing how free people are with money when it's not theirs. An increase of wages to that level or higher would be devastating.

I find it incredible that Americans comment about what wages companies should be able to afford to pay workers, yet shop at WalMart or wherever they can get the cheapest price on something. Everyone wants everyone to be paid $10/hr but wants their t-shirts to be under $10.

Wages are a company's biggest expense. Wages paid are decided by what is the minimum amount needed to get workers to do the job...not by what society decides people deserve.
TiggerRPh said:
Oh...you have to be kidding me. It's amazing how free people are with money when it's not theirs. An increase of wages to that level or higher would be devastating.

I find it incredible that Americans comment about what wages companies should be able to afford to pay workers, yet shop at WalMart or wherever they can get the cheapest price on something. Everyone wants everyone to be paid $10/hr but wants their t-shirts to be under $10.

Wages are a company's biggest expense. Wages paid are decided by what is the minimum amount needed to get workers to do the job...not by what society decides people deserve.

I totally agree with you. :sohappy:
Justin_K said:
That's true.

I support across the board pay raises as well as an increase in starting wages for CMs at Disney.

I would think that you do not care about the company's survival and success in providing better service.

In the long run increasing wages will cause the company to have to cut back in production which will in turn cause Disney to be less desirable.
wannab@dis said:
I need a raise to cover the costs of gas and living expense... but that shouldn't affect the quality of my work. ;)

The higher prices are also affecting Disney as a whole, so increasing the wages will only cause a bigger strain on the budget. It would be interesting to know when Disney last changed the wage scale.



wannab@dis said:
Thanks for the information on the local economics. It's really the same anywhere you go... everyone wants higher pay, but it does sound like the local housing situation makes it even worse.

My issue with this whole subject is a singular item... unions. If it wasn't for the unions, you would see the good employees rewarded better and the bad employees weeded out. We have several corporations in our area that have fought hard to keep the unions out and they actually are the preferred jobs in the region. Better pay, better benefits and better working conditions.

I'm all for rewarding good workers, but a single raise of the same rate for everyone is not the right idea.

For all those that think the CMs should get a raise... where were you 3 or 4 years ago? Why weren't you behind all the CMs taking a pay cut when the company was having tough times? :veryconfu

First of all let me qualify this post by saying I am a President of a local union in NJ comprised of white collar employees. That being said please hear me out. The purpose of unions are not to blanketly give everyone raises but to make sure people are treated fairly. Can unions be misused sure they can, but so can managerial power. The unions add a type of check and balence to this system of capitalism. Rank and file employees should not and cannot be directly tied to how well the company does, if so they would all be stockholders and should be paid a lot more money. Rather what I see the union doing here is attempting to get the WDW starting salary in line with the market. If this is not done from time to time you get huge issues with disparity of pay. Would you like the min. wage to still be $1.15 no. Also, the more frequently this is done the less of an impact is felt. Might a raise in the starting pay effect some CM sure it would but most likely this would be because they were hired at less then they should have made in the first place.

As far as merit raises I belive in them and while I know that to some is union sacreligous I say this. Everyone should be entitled to some sort of base increase lets say X% then if you do a good job you get X%+1% on some sort of scale. I think this satisfies all concerns accross the board.

As far as a decline in the quality of CMs I see this as a classic issue of managers not managing. It is not the place for the unions to manage its members. If a CM is poor they should be delt with appriopiratly. After the correct course of action is followed eventually they should be terminated, plain and simple. This and this alone will allow you to increase the quality of CMs. The response of the union is simply and appriopriate one to bring thier members in line with the world and possibly attempt to offer a solution to the quality of CMs. Either way I support it whole heartitly.

Also, before you jump on me I have been on both sides of the fence as far as labor, my opinion doesnt change depending on which side of the table I am on. Rather I try to hope that everyone can work together to make a better working envirionment.

Support the increase it has to happen, now or later but either way it will happen.
mkt said:
Imagine how they'll feel if there's a labor dispute... guess who's gonna have to scab?

Unions cause many problems in corporations. They are only out to "get back" at the company. The unions are the ones making and taking money off of members.

Delta Airlines is a good example... NEARLY BANKRUPT
Jheyman said:
First of all let me qualify this post by saying I am a President of a local union in NJ comprised of white collar employees. That being said please hear me out. The purpose of unions are not to blanketly give everyone raises but to make sure people are treated fairly. Can unions be misused sure they can, but so can managerial power. The unions add a type of check and balence to this system of capitalism. Rank and file employees should not and cannot be directly tied to how well the company does, if so they would all be stockholders and should be paid a lot more money. Rather what I see the union doing here is attempting to get the WDW starting salary in line with the market. If this is not done from time to time you get huge issues with disparity of pay. Would you like the min. wage to still be $1.15 no. Also, the more frequently this is done the less of an impact is felt. Might a raise in the starting pay effect some CM sure it would but most likely this would be because they were hired at less then they should have made in the first place.

As far as merit raises I belive in them and while I know that to some is union sacreligous I say this. Everyone should be entitled to some sort of base increase lets say X% then if you do a good job you get X%+1% on some sort of scale. I think this satisfies all concerns accross the board.

As far as a decline in the quality of CMs I see this as a classic issue of managers not managing. It is not the place for the unions to manage its members. If a CM is poor they should be delt with appriopiratly. After the correct course of action is followed eventually they should be terminated, plain and simple. This and this alone will allow you to increase the quality of CMs. The response of the union is simply and appriopriate one to bring thier members in line with the world and possibly attempt to offer a solution to the quality of CMs. Either way I support it whole heartitly.

Also, before you jump on me I have been on both sides of the fence as far as labor, my opinion doesnt change depending on which side of the table I am on. Rather I try to hope that everyone can work together to make a better working envirionment.

Support the increase it has to happen, now or later but either way it will happen.

I stand by what I believe...UNIONS CAUSE PROBLEMS..

Just ask any executive of any company. Unions exist just to make more money for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Jheyman said:
First of all let me qualify this post by saying I am a President of a local union in NJ comprised of white collar employees. That being said please hear me out. The purpose of unions are not to blanketly give everyone raises but to make sure people are treated fairly. Can unions be misused sure they can, but so can managerial power. The unions add a type of check and balence to this system of capitalism. Rank and file employees should not and cannot be directly tied to how well the company does, if so they would all be stockholders and should be paid a lot more money. Rather what I see the union doing here is attempting to get the WDW starting salary in line with the market. If this is not done from time to time you get huge issues with disparity of pay. Would you like the min. wage to still be $1.15 no. Also, the more frequently this is done the less of an impact is felt. Might a raise in the starting pay effect some CM sure it would but most likely this would be because they were hired at less then they should have made in the first place.

As far as merit raises I belive in them and while I know that to some is union sacreligous I say this. Everyone should be entitled to some sort of base increase lets say X% then if you do a good job you get X%+1% on some sort of scale. I think this satisfies all concerns accross the board.

As far as a decline in the quality of CMs I see this as a classic issue of managers not managing. It is not the place for the unions to manage its members. If a CM is poor they should be delt with appriopiratly. After the correct course of action is followed eventually they should be terminated, plain and simple. This and this alone will allow you to increase the quality of CMs. The response of the union is simply and appriopriate one to bring thier members in line with the world and possibly attempt to offer a solution to the quality of CMs. Either way I support it whole heartitly.

Also, before you jump on me I have been on both sides of the fence as far as labor, my opinion doesnt change depending on which side of the table I am on. Rather I try to hope that everyone can work together to make a better working envirionment.

Interestingly enough, your post basically backed up what I was saying. Unions are not needed and cause more problems than they can attempt to help in TODAY'S job market. Who provides the check and balances fopr the unions? Why should everyone receive a blanket raise?

Also, why is it the job of the union to get "starting salary in line with the market"? That sounds like the union wants to run the company now. :eek: Did I really just say that? :rolleyes:

Let the market control the wages. If WDW should increase the wages and doesn't, the job market will cause it to react. That shouldn't be up to some union that just reset their contract last year. Why didn't they make this an issue then if it was such a big deal? :veryconfu

Jheyman said:
Support the increase it has to happen, now or later but either way it will happen.

Of course it will happen now or later. :rolleyes:

See, that's the kind of statement that Union leaders make to prove that they understand things. :rolleyes: Seems a lot like a Jim Hill statement. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aprilnjosh said:
I stand by what I believe...UNIONS CAUSE PROBLEMS..

Just ask any executive of any company. Unions exist just to make more money for themselves.

Couldn't agree more. If the CMs need a raise... then stop paying the union fees. I wonder what percentage they pay? :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
$8 a week is the fee.
Some pay $6.00 a week, others I think are $13.00 a week.
So, lets see I'd be giving myself a .02 per hour raise by leaving the union?

I'd rather take the .40cents per hour raise the union's trying to get.


Well-Known Member
Thelazer said:
$8 a week is the fee.
Some pay $6.00 a week, others I think are $13.00 a week.
So, lets see I'd be giving myself a .02 per hour raise by leaving the union?

I'd rather take the .40cents per hour raise the union's trying to get.
pssst... redo your math. ;)

$8 per week is the same as a $0.20 per hour. If the union fees are based on percentages, then I bet they would get some of the $0.40 raise.
Thelazer said:
$8 a week is the fee.
Some pay $6.00 a week, others I think are $13.00 a week.
So, lets see I'd be giving myself a .02 per hour raise by leaving the union?

I'd rather take the .40cents per hour raise the union's trying to get.

So, an average of $8 per week comes to around $34. counting an extra 4 weeks a year. $416.04 per year that you could put in your pocket. Hmmm....plus, unions don't always get what they ask for. Average pay rate increase will be probably .30/hour. $12.00 a week minus the $8 for the dues and you come out with a whole $4. per week. Wow! That's a lot of money! :lol:

Besides, once you get a raise with the union, you are most likely not to get a merit raise. Especially since you are a member of a union.
wannab@dis said:
pssst... redo your math. ;)

$8 per week is the same as a $0.20 per hour. If the union fees are based on percentages, then I bet they would get some of the $0.40 raise.

Yep. Like I said, Unions are established to make money. They are not charity organizations.
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