Unimpressed by Safari


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Ok, before I start, I absolutely LOVE the Kilamanjaro Safri Attraction!! But on my last visit, I had a rater bad trip on the ride. First of all, the FP line was FAR to backed up (we still waited 15 min with a FP!) and when we got to the station we had to wait another 10 min. for the vechile to approach, we were right there leaning on the Air gate. Once finally onboard, the driver/guide was really bad, the car would go fast when there were animals to look at, and really slow when there were no animals and the guide barely commented on anything! There were plenty of Animals out, but the ride is more than Animals!! To make things worse, my favorite part, the falling bridge, was not working!!! I had just been on the Safri less than a week ago and had the best experence, with tons of Animals and a great guide, and the bridge was working. The lions were sleeping on top of the hill and the guide did not even attempt to point them out!!! I was very dissappionted. I must say, I go to DAK enough, so it was not a huge deal to me, but i felt bad for my friends who were with me, who don't get to go to DAK as often as I. Some had not been sience it opened. We still had a great day, but I was rather MAD that we did not get an even 1/2 way good ride. I am not trying to offend anyone who may work on the ride, but i just want to know why my trip was so bad, after having the best i had ever been on less than a week earlier!!!!! :confused: I hope for a better experence next time.


Well-Known Member
Gee... the planets and stars weren't aligned for your Safaris excursion... :(

I hope for a better experence next time.
Indeed... It's usually a great ride, one of the premier attractions at DAK! :D


Well-Known Member
Well, if you go again, say hello to the CM named Erik. Better known to all of us as Irrawaddy Erik from here on the boards. He will be glad you said "hello" and tell him Scott sent ya! :wave:


Well-Known Member
My first safari adventure when the park first opened was phenomenal. Our guide had an amazing australian type accent that added to the adventure. But most impressive was his driving style--he was very jerky and hit every pot hole. It was GREAT!

Every trip since had been smooth rides, and I did not like it as much. My parents even mentioned it before I mentioned it, and I'm the Disney nut.


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Originally posted by raven
Well, if you go again, say hello to the CM named Erik. Better known to all of us as Irrawaddy Erik from here on the boards. He will be glad you said "hello" and tell him Scott sent ya! :wave:

I'm Sure i'll be back!!!!!!!:lol:

Pixie Duster

New Member
I am sorry that this experience was not what we are used to, hopefully that will be the only time you will experience the safari in that state.


Active Member
I had the same sort of experience my very first time on KS. I was very unimpressed. But fortunately, enough people raved about it that I knew I had to give it another chance and every ride has been excellent ever since. I guess bad rides just happen sometimes.


New Member
I used to be a Safari guide and I am sorry that you didn't have a great trip...99% of the guides are absolutely amazing and there are many reasons why your guide may not have been the greatest...I know when I did my first Safari by myself, I was so freaked out I hardly remembered my name let alone the animals...

As for the bridge, there are many reason that it was not working, but most likely if you rerode it the next time, it would be on...

I hope you don't let one bad experience ruin it for you...Every CMs have their days where they aren't 100%.


New Member
Originally posted by Chape19714
To make things worse, my favorite part, the falling bridge, was not working!!!

uhhh..the bridge is random. Sometimes it shakes...sometimes it doesn't. The bridge was working fine. Youjust happened to go on a ride where the effect wasn't present.

Of all my times on the Safari it has shaked less then half of the time.

It makes the ride a random experience.:)


Well-Known Member
This atrraction is only as good as your bus driver makes it.

A great Castmember or a bad castmember can make or break this ride.

On my first 2 experiances on this attraction, most of the drivers were actually FROM Africa which really made the experiance more realistic and enjoyable.

I have ridden this attraction about 7 times and have never had what I would consider a "Bad" experiance. Some trips are just better than others depending on the mood and personality of the driver, the heat and humidity, the crowds, and the animals presence of lack of it.

You had a not-so-good trip this last time. I'm sorry.

I'm sure your next trip will be much better.



Well-Known Member
For a ride that was close to 50 years in the making I think it is great, but like anything, one castmember's abilities can ruin the experience. (I am refering to the fact this is very close to the idea Walt had for the original JC)

Another Example is GMR. I do not prefer this new spiel that's all about "ME ME ME, YOUR TOUR GUIDE," I liked the old one. And the first time I rode the new speil'ed ride, I was very unimpressed, I had a CP who would make Keanu Reeves look like an Oscar winner for Best Leading Actor. The next time around i had a great CP who made the show enjoyable


Well-Known Member
The fact that you've been on this ride a number of times means that you've got lots to compare it to! It may be that the CM driving your vehicle was new, or not feeling well, and therefore, your experience this particular time was not up to the ride's usual high standards. Hey, stuff happens, even at Disney! Give it another shot.:)


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This one bad ride was the furthest thing from ruining the Safri for me! I still greatly enjoy the ride, but even my friend who was with me (who had been with me less than a week earlier and rode), only had done the safri once, as i said, less than a week before, and said that they were unimpressed the 2ed time. O well, i understand it is a great ride, but it's all in the CM or Driver, Much like the Great Movie Ride. I have been on the Safri over 10 times now, sience it opened, (actually, i lost count of the number of times!) but, i do know out of all these times the bridge has not been working only 2 times. I'll try it again, i understand it was just bad luck. I'm not blaming anyone or anything of the sort. I love DAK and hope to return back soon! All i'm asying is that i felt sorry for others in the vechile that don't get to come as often as I.

Jambo Everyone!!:sohappy:


Premium Member
The thing with the fastpass:

First of all, the FP line was FAR to backed up (we still waited 15 min with a FP!)

Fastpass doesn't guarantee you will get on the ride immediately. It is simply a means to get on an attraction faster. Sure some rides you can get on the ride in no time. There are also others where you have to wait some time to get on (ex: Splash Mountain). Waiting 15 minutes is a lot better than waiting in the most of the time longer stand-by line.

Sorry to hear about your ride experience though. Like others said, it's mostly about how the CM's make your experience a good or bad one.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by maxime29
The thing with the fastpass:

Fastpass doesn't guarantee you will get on the ride immediately. It is simply a means to get on an attraction faster. Sure some rides you can get on the ride in no time. There are also others where you have to wait some time to get on (ex: Splash Mountain). Waiting 15 minutes is a lot better than waiting in the most of the time longer stand-by line.

I understand this completely! FP is a great system and i love it! However, I am just stating that i have NEVER waited that long with a FP. I understand it was a busy time, though. I agree 15 min beat 55!


Premium Member
I am just stating that i have NEVER waited that long with a FP.

Yeah it is a pain. I still remember getting a FP for Splash Mountain and still waiting for a while. It did beat waiting in the 3 hour stand by queue.

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