Unhappy with Magical Express Timing

RSD Part Deux

Well-Known Member
Going to the resort was no problem. It was coming home that really bothered me.

We scheduled the latest night flight possible to maximize time on our last day. We had a 8:15pm flight scheduled out of MCO to Toronto. We got our ME letter on our door on our second last day. It told us our ME time was 4pm. It explained for international flights that they give us 3 hour lead time. I wasnt too happy with the 3 hours and even more mad at the 4 hour and 15 minute 4pm time. It also added that we must be at the bus stop 15 minutes prior to arrival. So that pretty much wiped out our plans to watch the MK parade and light lunch afterwards. I called ME and asked to be moved to the next bus. They said they wouldnt. She even went as far to say that she would not even tell me the time of the next airport run. She explained this was due to the time it takes to get the airport with possible traffic, possible large security lines yadda yadda yadda. I told her i dont mind taking the risk. Then she said that they had an agreement with the airport with these times. Sounds like a bunch of crock to me. On top of this is, she had a "who gives a damn" attitude with me. I asked if she was a Disney employee or a Mears employee. She said Disney I suspect the latter.

So we wait for the bus at the scheduled time. It shows up, we get to the airport in 25 mins, and thru security in 10 mins. No checked in luggage, and checked in boarding pass online.

All this has tought me to lie to ME about my flights. Thoughts?

The Mom

Premium Member
The time of the drive might have been a factor. Changing from 10AM to 11AM, for example is not the same as changing from 4PM to 5PM. One is exchanging one low traffic volume time for another, the other is early rush hour to height of rush hour - which could make for a longer commute. The same would be true if changing from, say, 7AM to 8AM.

They might also factor in number of flights within a time window - I suspect they have a daily list of all scheduled flights, so would know which time windows are busiest.

I know if I'm taking an 8AM flight, I have to give myself more time to get through security. I rarely take afternoon flights, unless I'm traveling transatlantic, but the same may be true later in the day, especially if there are a lot of European flights leaving MCO in the late afternoon/early evening.
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Well-Known Member

Honestly, it's amazing to me what people complain about regarding Disney.

I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing to complain about. I certainly would not complain to Disney but I would vent. I hate sitting in the airport time always stops for me. Plus I fly into Newark NJ and you have a 60/40 shot of having a delay.

And also (correct me if I'm wrong), I believe there's free wi-fi at MCO while you're sitting at the gate. So it's pretty easy to pass the time.
Yes at least at the COntinental Gates there is. BUt that still does not help to pass the time. I am on the net all day at work (either work related or not) and my day drags no matter what.
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Well-Known Member
While acknowledging that I would love to spend every last second at WDW before heading to the airport, I agree that Disney is doing thigns the best way. Our last trip had a good deal of angst as the security line at MCO took just over an hour. By the time that we were through and headed to our gate, we felt rushed to get to the gate (we also wanted to grab some food first). Plus, we were the first pick-up for the bus (stayed at Wilderness Lodge) and then it was off to the Contemporary and Grand Floridian. Knowing my normal luck, if I tried to squeeze in more time at the Magic Kingdom, I would run into a delay in getting back to my hotel (ex. Just missing the bus and having to wait for the next one) and then be sweating bullets at the thought of missing my flight.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing to complain about. I certainly would not complain to Disney but I would vent. I hate sitting in the airport time always stops for me. Plus I fly into Newark NJ and you have a 60/40 shot of having a delay.

The title of the thread is Unhappy with Magical Express Timing - It is not Disney's fault that airlines are requesting you arrive 4 hours before a flight.

And you know darn well who they would blame if they got on a later ME bus and then missed their flight.
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Well-Known Member
Hey there!
You can call and have your pick up time switched to 3 hours instead of 4 .Canada is technically international but there isn't a huge difference in the flight. One hour really doesn't matter that much either way. The real concern is traffic .
If you do change it and aren't able to catch your flight however , Disney is not responsible.

That may be possible but often may not be. ME is not a scheduled service it's more of on demand type service. The buses don't circle a route like city buses, they have an assigned passenger list for each departure time and pick up those passengers and usually only those passengers at their respective hotels.

That's why you get the letter the night before. DME looks at who is departing and flight times and fills the buses accordingly and tries to completely fill them for efficiency. It is quite possible that there will not be space on a later bus and that is very likely why the OP was refused the change. And that is more likely the later you leave a change request. So, you can try to request a change but it shouldn't be counted upon.

And still, the top priority departure day is to get home not going to a theme park.
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Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Used ME lots of times...never missed a flight....been severely delayed by security....been to lots of airports...NEVER had the hassle and poor management of security elsewhere. So given that constant unknown, I have no problem with the 3-4hr window....and yes I make flight at last possible time available....usually leave parks by 2:00 to get on bus at WL by 3:00 to catch 6:30 flight. But am content with 9-2 at MK doing it slow and eating lunch...getting a pretzel on way out....picking up some disney dollars and extra antenna bobbers....so bottom line is the security thing...the most UNmagical portion of trip!!!! Last trip they xrayed me and DH and put my sons backpack through several times....goodness for a hairbrush and a bitty old 9V weatheradio he has always taken with him that only picks up NOAA local broadcasts....the screener told my son "well this has everything that you need..." TO DO WHAT? Listen to the weather?!?!?:lookaroun:zipit: My son was really shooken up. I don't think a nicely dressed albeit tired family of 4 sporting Disney garb and packages heading through Orlando on roundtrip flight back to original destination screams....THREAT!!!!:shrug: Had I not gone through that horrible experience...I would have been directed to a line of about 70 peeps to the right....they had 8 lines funneling into one before security dude decided which line to put you in...LOL....one trip a security dude was yelling to us like you would cattle "YAH YAH YAH...." to get us moving along a 200 peep queue.....I read that year they flunked security reviews....goodness it only seems to get worse....:brick::lookaroun
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Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Sure would be wonderful if Disney bought their own airline for major routes....:king: Well I can dream can't I?!?!?!:animwink: A high speed rail would suffice as well....teletransport...fairy dust....:lol:
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Well-Known Member
The title of the thread is Unhappy with Magical Express Timing - It is not Disney's fault that airlines are requesting you arrive 4 hours before a flight.

And you know darn well who they would blame if they got on a later ME bus and then missed their flight.

Why can't you complain on the boards. ITs like getting a burger thats piping hot but you walk around looking for a place to eat. When you finally do its cold. And would you not complain. I'm just saying.
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Well-Known Member
While acknowledging that I would love to spend every last second at WDW before heading to the airport, I agree that Disney is doing thigns the best way. Our last trip had a good deal of angst as the security line at MCO took just over an hour. By the time that we were through and headed to our gate, we felt rushed to get to the gate (we also wanted to grab some food first).

On our first trip in January, 2008, we thought it was pretty crazy that we had to get going so early. But, it turned out great that we did. We had to check our bags at Southwest (before they were a preferred carrier), that was about an hour in line. Get to security--Hour and a half. No joking! One guy had complained at one point that they had been waiting in that line for over an hour, and were getting close to missing their flight to the Bahamas. Could they come through. Security guard just said tough, not her problem, and then we knew it was going to be a bad wait. We litterally were running down the concourse to catch our flight in time. So much for grabbing something to eat at the airport.

After that, we have been lucky, and security has gone much smoother, and we've been able to do check in at the resort. But I will never complain about how early we are leaving. But I will complain that we are leaving!:lol:
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Active Member
One of the things we do is plan to have lunch/dinner at the airport in the Macaroni Grill. This way we have a good solid meal before getting on the flight and if there is any problem with security, we're there early enough to know which we've been lucky enough that there never has been. I've noticed that the security lines are longer during the daytime and once you get around 6p they seem to lighten, but that is never a guarantee as anything could change that.
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Well-Known Member
We were staying @ AKL once and we were waiting for our DME bus. It was about 45 minutes late. Finally a Mears van pulls up to take us since apparently the bus broke down. With the extra window of time, we made our flight with about 20 minutes to spare.

When I rent a car then I can make my own decisions on time and I do cut it much closer. How close all depends on what time my departing flight is and if I checked my bags at the resort.

One thing that I do not like about the DME that I would like changed is that you cannot use the DME luggage tags to have you bags directly taken to the resort without using the bus service. If we are not renting a car, we like to use a towncar service to take us to the resort and stop at the grocery store. At can be tough with three people with our luggage and groceries to fit into the one car. Even for people to rent a car it would be nice if you left your home airport and tagged you bags to not see them until you got into your room and magically they are there. It is done for out going guests, why not do it for incoming?
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We had a 8:15pm flight scheduled out of MCO to Toronto.

I asked if she was a Disney employee or a Mears employee. She said Disney I suspect the latter.

So we wait for the bus at the scheduled time. It shows up, we get to the airport in 25 mins, and thru security in 10 mins. No checked in luggage, and checked in boarding pass online.

All this has tought me to lie to ME about my flights. Thoughts?

Don't get too upset. It is standard to get to the airport early. Call yourself lucky if you only waited at security for 10 minutes. It usually takes an hour to get through.
Before 9/11, domestic only needed to be at the airport 1 hour before. Now, they ask for 2 hours. Luckily, we get through security fast early in the morning in Newark Liberty, but it gives us time to get breakfast (we bring the cereal and buy the milk).
Coming home, we're like you and grab the latest flight we can. Don't usually have a problem with ME picking us up early as we usually have two stops after us (we get on at Contemporary and it goes to Poly and GF).

Please remember they say they pick you up at 4pm, but don't forget some other guests may have luggage that the bus driver will have to take care of. This all eats away at the time.

In your case, leaving at 4pm was really good. So you missed the 3pm parade. But there were so many other things that could have been accomplished up to your departure.

We were coming home from our WDW trip on December 3 staying at the Contemporary getting picked up at 3pm on ME. We planned on lunch at Capt. Cooks at the Poly plus some shopping. Well wouldn't you know it that Justin Beiber was filming at the MK that morning for the Christmas Parade and Disney stopped the entire monorail until Justin got back to the GF where he was staying. Both monorails stopped. There went Capt. Cooks, hello Contempo Cafe. You just have to go with the flow.
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Well-Known Member
I'm paraphrasing.....but like they say on the monorail, "If this concludes your visit to the World Disney World Resort we hope you have enjoyed your stay and will return home safely"

@Tinkwings.....reference to your statement of the radio having everything you need, with the exception of an explosive compound, all the components of an explosive device are there. I don't care what people look like, everyone is a suspect. I'm sure people would rather me pay more attention to the darker skinned person with a Keffiyeh on their head. That's called profiling and hence illegal. Thats also the reason people get x rayed as a plastic explosive will not set off a metal detector. That's just a fact. Fwiw, I am not a TSA screener, my K9 and I work for a law enforcement agency in a major metropolitan city looking for explosives to keep you safe. I know this post may come off harsh, it's not meant to. Just my two cents. Have a magical day!
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Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Yes yes yes I totally understand that....and get it...felt like the token family taken intentionally to NOT use stereotyping....no offense taken...just venting....:lookaroun
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Active Member
One thing that I do not like about the DME that I would like changed is that you cannot use the DME luggage tags to have you bags directly taken to the resort without using the bus service. If we are not renting a car, we like to use a towncar service to take us to the resort and stop at the grocery store. At can be tough with three people with our luggage and groceries to fit into the one car. Even for people to rent a car it would be nice if you left your home airport and tagged you bags to not see them until you got into your room and magically they are there. It is done for out going guests, why not do it for incoming?

I had no idea this was the case and was planning on using this service when landing in Orlando in May, just for our bags as we are renting a car! I have never used DME before because we have always stayed off-property first and then stayed on-site for the second part of our trip.

So we won't be able to just attach the tags to our luggage but drive our rental car to our resort?
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Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Going to the resort was no problem. It was coming home that really bothered me.

We scheduled the latest night flight possible to maximize time on our last day. We had a 8:15pm flight scheduled out of MCO to Toronto. We got our ME letter on our door on our second last day. It told us our ME time was 4pm. It explained for international flights that they give us 3 hour lead time. I wasnt too happy with the 3 hours and even more mad at the 4 hour and 15 minute 4pm time. It also added that we must be at the bus stop 15 minutes prior to arrival. So that pretty much wiped out our plans to watch the MK parade and light lunch afterwards. I called ME and asked to be moved to the next bus. They said they wouldnt. She even went as far to say that she would not even tell me the time of the next airport run. She explained this was due to the time it takes to get the airport with possible traffic, possible large security lines yadda yadda yadda. I told her i dont mind taking the risk. Then she said that they had an agreement with the airport with these times. Sounds like a bunch of crock to me. On top of this is, she had a "who gives a damn" attitude with me. I asked if she was a Disney employee or a Mears employee. She said Disney I suspect the latter.

So we wait for the bus at the scheduled time. It shows up, we get to the airport in 25 mins, and thru security in 10 mins. No checked in luggage, and checked in boarding pass online.

All this has tought me to lie to ME about my flights. Thoughts?

I have always been taught that lying to myself is bad. :lookaroun

But telling Disney that my return flight is one hour later than it actually is...it is possible that I may have done that before.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I have always been taught that lying to myself is bad. :lookaroun

But telling Disney that my return flight is one hour later than it actually is...it is possible that I may have done that before.
They do not even ask for the times now. They just go by flight number.
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New Member
Wow you guys are all way to passive. Back in the day I use to show up to Savannah airport for a domestic flight 15-20 minutes a head of time and in one case they literally said Mr. Poliquin right this way closing the door behind me and the plane took off. On international flights I did leave myself some extra time for customs but no where near 4 hours. Security and all this a head time is ridiculous but if the average person thinks it's fine it will never change. That's why private air plane ownership is at an all time high, fractional and out right ownership.

My 2 cents....

You all are going to end up sitting in these http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/21/business/21road.html, wearing hospital gowns with TSA guys pointing tazers at you and you'll think it's fine.

I fly out of Philly and I have more then once had a person in front of me not be 45 minutes to 1 hours early and get told they can not fly. I know it was at least 2 different airlines that I have seen people get bumped for not being early per the airlines rules. I also have seen it in Atlanta when I was flying on business. So it is interesting that in the last few years they have let people not be within that time window. I personally can't stand being in the airport and hearing someone get paged because they did not get to the flight during boarding. I am also an early bird so I like flying at 7 am and getting the airport by 5:30 am.
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